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Christian Furs - Christian Furry Community


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Everything posted by Faolan

  1. Faolan


    I love Flyleaf, Memento Mori didn't do it for me though, maybe I need to give it more listening.
  2. Book series or online? I could use some reading material :3
  3. when was the last time you took a can of air to it?
  4. Faolan


    awesome norz ^^
  5. Halo 1 was incredible, Halo 2 brought some really cool new stuff to the fps world but the story sagged a little, Halo 3 brought nothing incredbile and ended my interest in the series utterly. Being that Halo 4 isn't even being done by the same people, unless they do something truly revolutionary and amazing (slim to none chance of that) I won't be getting Halo 4.
  6. The HL2 engine is older than that and very flexible for lower end computers so something would be wrong if it didn't
  7. It's about amazing! just got past rocket launch. amazing rendition of the game, the nostalgia is beautiful, and much more challenging than i remember as well!
  8. Guild Wars 2 plays a little bit... differently, combat is very much fast paced and twitch much moreso than other mmos and is a much less forgiving game, i died a few times before getting to level 10 from the challenge and i LIKE that! but leveling and weapon balancing is a bit peculiar will take some more playing to get used to, and i'm on konaen (or something like that) for server
  9. I started playing Rift again a bit, can't do WoW anymore though sorry guys.
  10. Let Your Love Flow - Bellamy Brothers been stuck in my head like crazy, first and only country song I've ever enjoyed listening to immensely.
  11. I would love giving it a read, my e-mail adress should be viewable via profile
  12. Faolan


    Take the headphones off or just tough it out like I did very fun game ^^ bit whacked at the end though.
  13. Been on the EVE online free trial since yesterday, heck of a complicated game x.X
  14. welcome, looks like you're the sort to get into all sorts of mischief like that thar tyger ^^ good thing we need more of that
  15. Faolan


    wooot SNES ftw! If posts had a like button norz I would like it so hard right now. +1!
  16. good art, expensive art. all my money goes into my house and preparing for having a family xD
  17. I would love to one day finally see a fursuit with a head that isn't grossly disproportioned xD
  18. Faolan

    Emotional Song

    as both a pianist and an electronica fan, i can appreciate this song. +1 if you like this kind of sound you should look up mike foyle - shipwrecked chillout on youtube
  19. Heroes 3 of Might and Magic old but amazing game!
  20. this is an OCremix, but captured the song brilliantly, I also love playing it on the piano myself it sounds incredible ^^ lots of VGM is nice on piano. FFX: calm before the storm and to zanarkand sound lovely as well, but nothing quite compares to the piano rendition of that Chrono Trigger song there.
  21. dark things? I stab people for a living, top that *cackles* that said welcome to the forums
  22. Take a peek, live atm, if you like the game and want to watch some 3v3 have a peek! http://twitch.tv/chaiyns
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