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Thomas, Maltuin

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Everything posted by Thomas, Maltuin

  1. *made an edit to original post which is also reflected on my hello poetry page. Thank you bjbear for the comment. You helped me realize that the a is better on the next line down. I'd also like to note, since time has passed and no one here has mentioned it, the last line may also be read as "fallacy"
  2. Actually, that isn't how Intended the poem. The poem was actually meant to be a bit misleading however. Notice the odd spacing. The line before ends with a floating 'a'. If attached to the smallest below it can be interpreted as, "as undoing kindled friendships This poem may be broken. It was experimental for sure. I was hoping someone would notice that the first stanza could also be read as "sensation albeit warm" Your interpretation and parody are nice though
  3. if anyone wants to play, my user name is "ThomasMaltuin" imagine that
  4. Hi! *hugs* Here, looks like you could use a fresh T-shirt *throws you a t-shirt*
  5. Every word I speak further convicts me...

  6. would you clarify a bit? what is a teamspeak server and how would it be beneficial to us?
  7. Welcome! it's nice to have you, I hope you enjoy your time here. :3
  8. Sensation al be it warm, turn s lightly frigid as The moon, in visible spectrum by reflection, a s un doing kindled friend ships lost to Frigid Forgotten Fall a sea
  9. http://hellopoetry.com/poem/1188226/forgotten-thereafter/ I'm open to renaming this poem if anyfur haz an ideaburger. Digress Suggestions?
  10. @Josiah: it would be sweet to have a new face which is why I commissioned one. @blackpowderfox: http://christianfurs.net/index.php?/topic/8099-Words-and-their-origin Words and their origin
  11. What do you get when you hammer a steak into the ground? Hamburger
  12. Some people are just in denial, they have no idea how much fun it can be. *hums* "Everybody wants to be a cat"
  13. / Edit: why did I post a "/" by itself?
  14. Actually no I didn't. Silly that would have been incorrect grammar. Go read a book bro. (totally kidding, I loves my Tiger brother. But seriously read a book...)
  15. the beloved paradox. A most direct Fallacy. Dear blackpowderfox, True or false: This statement is false.
  16. Imgur is nice. Easy and has a nice phone app.
  17. Um... Guys, this is a thread from two years ago. Oren hasn't posted since I've been here...
  18. If I were at home I'd help now, however I'm at work. Be patient though someone will get you started soon. The Inc isn't too busy usually, but you hopping on could change that. I always say "be the change" :3
  19. Well hello there! I'm Thomas, do I smell the scents of the sweet southern States on you by chance? IM stands for instant messenger... Skype, etc. Lots of us use Skype for voice chatting and sharing our hobbies in real time. Welcome!
  20. Welcome! Nice to meet you! Another about your age just finished signing up this morning
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