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Thomas, Maltuin

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Everything posted by Thomas, Maltuin

  1. Nice to meet you. I'm the local cat gone haywire. Question, what's better, white raisin, brown raisin?
  2. Iv'e made many a friend here and for that I am quite grateful. I have found much needed cameraderie here and it feels right.

    1. Ember


      I am grateful for the same thing, (that includes you Thomas) :)

  3. I would reccomend trying to go beyond the lyrics, perhaps try listening to some instrumental music and write down what the song makes you think about. Also try looking at pictures and breaking down what is going on in the picture, what does it make you feel. Picture by Zengel @ deviantart.com (I don't know much about the artist so explore at your own risk) This picture for instance, beautifully drawn sure, but also, it makes me feel sad, just the look on the girl's face. many will probably get that much, but we must also look at the figure in the background walking away from her to get the whole picture. The same emotion could be drawn out in several ways but when we see what is in the background, the story or meaning is clarified. The figute here is walking away, if the person had been in a car, we might think they have to go far away but the fact that they are actively walking away in the rain says a bit more. It's much colder now. The same is true in music, which is why some pieces are better without music. An acapella piece might indicate emphasis on the lyrics, or it might better demonstrate vocal capability, but it can also represent desolation among other emotions. Sad or angry music that is written in an exclusivelly major key could sound possibly sound sarcastic or satirical. That may also depend on the tone of the voice in the song. Just as every word in a poem is important to the overall meaning, so is every vibration within a song. "The numbers represent the percentages of importance of varying communication channels have with the belief that 55% of communication is body language, 38% is the tone of voice, and 7% is the actual words spoken." (Mehrabian, A. (1972). Nonverbal Communication. New Brunswick: Aldine Transaction.) https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/beyond-words/201109/is-nonverbal-communication-numbers-game How we communicate ideas is much less about the words and much more about how we present them. I can say "I love you" and imply downright hatred if done a certain way. Truthfully, I agree that lyrics should be poetic, however what one finds appealing in that sense may be disgusting to another. As far as the mainstream music today is concerned, money has become the dominant factor, which is why some of us may prefer more obscure genres and artists. My reccomendation is, as always, be the change. If you would like there to be more poetic music in the world, make some. If you want others to change how they think about and approach music, inspire them and by all means, keep speaking your mind about this as you have done here. ^~^
  4. Do you know of any music or artists whose pieces say much more than the words do, perhaps without lyrical help?
  5. First off, I DO agree with you, but I feel you lean a bit much to one side. There is nothing wrong with trying to make something sound good, but it is true our motives should be analyzed. Poetry and music are not always the same but often go hand in hand. The truth is this very argument applies to all art forms Even drawing. If a piece of art can say nothing more than the author could have said with a few words, it isn't doing much good. Art in all forms can be aesthetic, decorative and fun but the most beautiful pieces of music and poetry, painting, etcetera, are those that draw out a sort of emotional understanding that you can not get with pure conversation. Another thing to think about in this particular case, is how much emotional interpretation is lost in music because the music is good, the lyrics are good, but the vocals are wrought in vain runs and trills(meaning, runs for showing off, not because they felt right)?
  6. -Pocket irc added to first post with link -Josiah said that back in November, you hadn't added the kiwi irc yet. (sorry for the thread necro, thought it was better than duping.) :3
  7. Bumped because old thread now relevant. Refer to original post for update. Have a nice day.
  8. Not rooting for dragons anymore? You're usually so excited ^^
  9. *appears out of your own shadow* salutations! I'm the local Eccentricat. I hope you like it here, and welcome!
  10. Leisurely *scoffs* art is life personified! (Thomas now stares cross-eyed and appears to be buzzing Slightly)
  11. Hi Joey, glad you found the thread ;3 by artist/writer it means "do you draw or like to write? do you play instruments, compose music, knit?" Are you an artist?
  12. Actually, there are a lot of political discussions, but peace is maintained or the thread is closed, however, creating diverse conversations one is comfortable with always starts with that individual.
  13. Hullo! I "decoded" your post to mean you "decided to give Christian furs a try" I hope you like it here, I sure do. I'm the local eccentric, the rest will be around to greet you soon. If you like, the sticky thread in the new members sub-forum should have a questionnaire to provide some ideas for telling us more about yourself. Nice to meet you!
  14. Salutations Basilica, and welcome to Christianfurs.net . I am Thomas. I like to crotchet, but I haven't done it in a while X3 I should get on that but there is just so much to do. What do you like about being a furry? Do you like music? What do you like to sew? Have you any idea how a raven is like a writing desk? I hope you enjoy your time here and make lots of friends :3
  15. *hugs* welcome to Christian furs. I hope you like it here. My name is Thomas and I am a Tiger who really enjoys running his mouth.
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