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Found 5 results

  1. Hello! I'm Joshua Reynard, one of the many crazy foxes in the furry fandom. I've been "following" this fandom for years, but I've only recently decided to become more involved in it. Real name: Joshua. Other names: Josh, I guess? About your fursona: Joshua Reynard is a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) who is essentially a vulpine version of myself. He is a Civilized Animal on TV Tropes' Sliding Scale of Anthropomorphism, meaning that he is (usually) bipedal, often wears clothing, and can talk, but could also pass for a feral fox if he wanted to. Age: 20. Gender: Male. Location: Northeastern United States. IM: N/A. Web site(s): Currently, none. Artist/Writer: I can draw a little, I guess. I also like to make music - I'm a keyboardist. Style: For drawing, generic furry style, I guess. For music, I'm pretty flexible but have a background in ragtime and early jazz. Been to any cons: No. Fav. music: I'm one of those people who listens to everything except modern country and rap/hip-hop. However, my favorite genres are early jazz and synthpop. I'm also partial to some kinds of experimental/ambient electronic music. Likes (in alphabetical order, not necessarily order of liking): Animals (duh), being a follower of Jesus, computers, electronics, foxes, Linux, microcontrollers, music, playing the piano, programming, the Raspberry Pi, SimCity, synthesizers. Dislikes (in alphabetical order, not necessarily order of disliking): Apple (the "computer" company), Auto-Tune (with ), elitism, porn (furry or otherwise), sin, the stereotype that all foxes are gay/promiscuous (I'm straight and monogamous, as are most real-life foxes), trolls. Church Denomination: I grew up in a Christian and Missionary Alliance church, and I still have ties to it. However, I do not formally identify with any particular denomination. Anything else: I'm currently an electrical engineering student hoping to get a job working with embedded computers. I'm also involved in the "maker" movement, which is a subculture of people who like to build cool things. So I'm always happy to talk tech with anyone who will listen. I'm very glad that a forum like this exists - the furry fandom needs salt and light, just like the rest of the world. I hope to use my time here to honor God and fellowship with other believers.
  2. Real name: LJ but I'll reveal my full first name in a week to anyone who asks. Other names: Sunnyside, Sunny, NFinity, Tattletale1, About your fursona: I made a few characters to resemble parts of my personality: Slick Bandicoot, a Bandicoot Rat, super genius created by Nina Cortex; Aden Traker, a Xenith Super, and human/werewolf; Bravis, a Pokemorph shapeshifter of sorts; and Fang Wolfgang a character based on the corrupt and depressing aspects of my life's past, lonelyness, greed, and misplaced affection. Age: I'm 24 Gender: male Location: Northwestern USA Email: [email protected] IM: Web site(s): Artist/Writer: Superhero Artist, and former flipnote maker. Style: I have developed a cartoonish style that I plan on using in my upcoming comic series, and have a "modern steampunk" style clothing and gear for my superheroes. more realistic 2x4 technology if you may insist for some characters, and alien tech for others, yet giving them a retro "no capes" hero look. I also created superhero style clothing for a few heroes. Been to any cons: Never, wish I had. Fav. music: Orchestra, Christian music that's easy to memorize and has a steady beat. Likes: Helping others, Comics, Pokemon, RPs cooking, electronics, 2k, Garfield, savestatecomic, classic Veggietales. Dislikes: ironically even though I love electronics, I hate electronics because they take too much of my time. I don't like haters, but I don't hate most people. Church Denomination: I consider myself a part of Hebrew and Christian faiths, even though my current Church is Assembly of God. Anything else: I'll edit this if anything comes to mind. note to admin: tell me to edit 2k out of my likes if it's inappropriate.
  3. Hello! My name is Micah Brady, but for furry purposes I'm known as either Maika or Rikku. I'm a nineteen year old male living in Michigan. I've just started trying to draw in earnest, so I don't have a certain style to call my own yet. some of my interests are: Tabletop/video games, Dr. Who, and social activities. some of the things I dislike are: language classes, those who wont accept criticism, and asparagus. I'm part of a non-denominational, family integrated church. I haven't been to any cons. in fact I haven't been to any meets either! my most often used sona' is Rikku. Rikku is a small Fur-Dragon with a red and whiter color scheme.
  4. Hi, everyone. My name is Fnaire Otter. I'm on otter by marriage but an anteater by species. I am the number two alter in this multiple personality system. Normally, I'd have my own account, but the admins have asked us to share one, and it seems like a reasonable request. I am Oren's wife and mother of four: Our oldest son is Firoz, a half tiger from my previous marriage. Then there's the twins, Jason and Amanda. And finally, little Jackie Jo. I am in my second marriage, being sort-of divorced and sort-of widowed from my first. It's a long story. I think I am very fortunate in that even though my husband insisted we break apart, we remained friends until he died. I loved him very much. Now I have Oren, and I think I'm the luckiest alter ever, because he's been wonderful to me. It's because of him that our family finally understood that I'm a person with feelings, not just a medical phenomenon. I am a cartoonist. I draw and star in Room For One More. I also help to draw other comics. I'm a late-night DJ on OtterTunes radio, and soon to be the hostess of a new sci-fi themed block called the nerd hour. I'm an amateur fashion designer, and I like to think I'm pretty good. I've still got a box of Barbie clothes from which I take inspiration. I like football, though our body is too messed up to play anymore. I also like to dance when I'm feeling good enough. I've been studying hip-hop style, but I'd like to learn more complex forms such as ballroom, Irish step and ballet. Shucks, I just want to learn them all. I also love eating bugs. Unfortunately, it's hard to get many food-grade bugs here in the US. I usually settle for shrimp and crab. Like many alters, I do have memories of a past which technically didn't happen, but it is real to me. I was born in Choyhaqui, Chile. My parents are missionaries and when I was about five, we moved to South Africa and lived on a wildlife preserve near Sun City. I came to America to go to college here. I really did go to college, by the way. I attended the Art Institute of Pittburgh where Oren and I took classes together, sometimes to the confusion of our classmates. Sadly, tuition ran out in our Sophomore year, and we didn't graduate. So that's me. I hope to become great friends with all of you.
  5. Real Name: Angelo Other Names: Aaron, Angel About Your Fursona: Name- Aaron Provence Species- Provence Donkey Appearance- Light gray fur with a black cross across the back and shoulders, black strips on the legs, ear tips, and nose, gray-blue eyes, black donkey mane with white tips Age: 16 Gender: Male Location: Middle of nowhere, Canada E-mail: [email protected] Websites: Furry 4 Life (F4L)- Aaron Provence Artist/Writer: Bit of a writer Been to Any Cons: None Fav. Music: Worship, Country Likes: Green (colour), friends and family, reading, dancing... Dislikes: Bullies, cities, rock music Church Denomination: I go to St. Andrews United Church but as for denomination.... Anything Else: I'm pretty open to most things, so I won't get offensive if someone has a different opinion then mine
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