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Thomas, Maltuin

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Everything posted by Thomas, Maltuin

  1. I think Google docs could work but just to remind, the forums have a section dedicated to rp and some I think have been finished and turned into a book. Also we already know that everyone can access it. And this would allow for more flexibility in scheduling. We might consider a mass edit at the end of a chapter or installment. We also need to have a set moderator to ensure organization and peaceful resolution of disagreement. Also how much are we going to role play, and how much will be strict construction. Personally I feel it would be best if Salem were to moderate. Oh yeah almost forgot. I get on as I can but the best times for me are Monday through Wednesday night. From 11:30pm to 8:30 am. I will do my best to work around you all. But outside that time I have to be on my phone usually. If we decide to go forums or irc, if you have a smart phone YOU NEED to get tapatalk for the forums it's free and works great also there are free irc clients for cell phone #soexcited [emoji12]
  2. For reasons of Time management, I'd like to see it done via free form rp in the forums, or maybe at least documented somewhere where all who participate can see it freely. However I'm open to whatever. For me I'm available on Skype or irc, mon, tue, & Wed nights, from 11:30pm to 8:30am My hope would be to do it here that way participants can add bits in as they have time. Personally I favor ancient/medieval fantasy themes. But I can explore new territory as needed. A far as the number of participants is concerned I dunno we probably want no less than three. If we don't use the forums I'd say anything above seven people is pushing it, although having that many online at the same time and interested seems unlikely.
  3. YES PLEASE! i've been wanting to get our free form rp area back up! Once I get that itch... I got a feeevuh, and the only prescription, is collaborative fiction, bebe. XD I've never actually gotten to participate but I think it could be fun, it seems easy enough and I've already written a plot and history for a story since joining.
  4. Some of us are filled with excited anticipation. And it's starting to look like you'll have some Furs listening now. [emoji4]
  5. Yup those are classic. The thing I like about the gorilla one is that it catches you off guard more than any I've seen. A horse walks into a bar. Many get up and leave because they see the potential danger in this situation.
  6. Its an anti joke. Title says not funny [emoji28] However if it's offensive I'll take it down. Three men are walking down the sidewalk. The first two walk into a bar. The third man seeing there ignorance ducks under it.
  7. I decided to try doing Turag/Foxcat. Not as simple as fox/cat but it's personalized. I'll try to do cody/lucario after I get further progressed and practiced. Here is 1st run for Zvoc47http://imgur.com/ICVuWrZ
  8. Air goes in Burning, and stinging Lay in bed
  9. Original: What did the boa constrictor say to the bunny? Nothing, he simply ate the the bunny. One of my favourites: A gorilla walks into a bar and orders a banana martini. The bartender thinks this is a little peculiar and then becomes aware he is actually dreaming. He wakes up from his dream and begins to tell his wife about the ridiculous dream he had. His wife just ignores him, the man rolls over and begins to sob because he realizes his marriage is in shambles.
  10. Post your original or favorite anti joke here Antijoke: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Anti-Joke Examples: What do you call a blonde physician? A doctor What language do Greek hogs speak? Hogs don't speak any known language
  11. I'd like to encourage those who pop in occasionally to keep doing so. And whole your there. Check who's logged in, and type in their name to get their attention.
  12. That's cute! Keep it up
  13. Josiah I like it. I would however like more contrast so the body of the song doesn't sound like an arpeggio exercise. @3:20the presentation changes significantly in a good way but perhaps you could try a similar shift through the body while maintaining the same chord structure. Keep it up buddy
  14. Second is more along the lines of what I need. This is all new ground to me though so learning to add facial expression to the semi realistic is probably going to take some toying around. At least it will be fun along the way
  15. Oh I already know that I'm just looking for "major visible errors" trial and error is key but sometimes others can see errors you can't. So I'll take it that I'm on the right track with this one. This past one is practice towards a character in a story I'm putting together and I need to draw it with the jaw open on my next draft, any advice on how to accomplish that?
  16. Locally owned and operated! Fresh! Hip! And how!
  17. Please critique my sketch so I can improve. http://imgur.com/PMFXzKB
  18. OK large scale draft of cody is done. I will probably take a small break from that and start on Fox cat for zvoc47. I will be finishing cody soon but I need to examine it a bit before doing the last couple of sketches. Maybe eventually I won't have to do so many practice runs
  19. Okay so tonight didn't work out but if anyone decides they want to play, lemme know. In the mean time I will be researching how to run a game and putting together a decent story
  20. *UPDATE* Please refer to original post ^^^ at top^^^
  21. Hey I got to thinking is there anyway to filter out visitors from editing the map
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