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Christian Furs - Christian Furry Community

A young fur new to the forum!

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I go by a couple things. Olivia. Jade. Amay. And occasionaly Midna.


I am young, and a new furry. Found this,website,when I was doing some interweb searching out,of the curiosity if there were furs with the same fath as me... Well... Almost. I was raised chtistian, and still concider my self christian but,honestly... I,have doubts. I try so so so hard to not doubt the Lord, but I can't help iy. But, I came here,because,it seemed like almost,every furry was athiest. I was,overjoyed yo find so many sites like this. I liked,this one the most.


I am a female with two,fursonas. Mainly,because, depending on who I am with, I have two different personalities( I'll get into,that later) Jade the,wolf/dragon and Amaya yhee Hippogryph. I like to dye my hair red( well,, not dye. Normally just highlights) And I can't wait to get to know you guys!


Bye! :D

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Welcome to the forums! ^^


/me bows in greeting


I'm the crazy red fox who tries to lead an online Bible study.


May you grow and be blessed by your time here.

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