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Christian Furs - Christian Furry Community


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Everything posted by Flechmen

  1. Win XP Service Pack 3 runs the current version of Google Chrome (& derivatives) and the current version of Firefox just fine. Last I checked, inbox.com is extremely Javascript heavy since they basically run a client that's entirely Javascript, and that actually takes a pretty long time to load. Yahoo mail might be an option, or AOL probably still has their email. You're going to get tracked no matter what, especially now that AOL is owned by Verizon. Otherwise, I dunno, get a Linux VPS so you can run your own email service with Squirrelmail as the frontend.
  2. inbox.com works fine. Really gmail works great if you're not using Internet Explorer 6... James... You need to use a modern web browser.
  3. Just to clarify http://www.downloadc3.com/ I found this one day when I was looking for alternatives to Skype.
  4. We had one set up once, no one used it and it was really buggy. Stick with Skype or C3 for voice, IRC for text.
  5. Use the "BBCode" option that Photobucket gives you, copy paste it into a thread/reply
  6. Upload it to a service like Photobucket, tinypic, imgur etc. and embed it here.
  7. THere seems to be an issue with it, I'll have to talk to the service provider
  8. Neither am I, but I've never even used those paste buttons. I've just gotten used to using keyboard shortcuts
  9. Can you do a ctrl+v into a post and paste that way?
  10. Now, what REALLY needs to happen is currently ISPs are allowed to make monopolies in areas, under a couple of FCC bills. That needs to go away, because that would allow for competition, so if one ISP was being evil, you could easily go to another (as you -kind of- can with cell phones...).
  11. Sweet! And yea, multi monitor is nice... I run two at work
  12. Pidgin is just a 3rd party client for various chat providers, it probably does not support voice and video even for services that do support it.
  13. IRC does all but the last two. Not sure otherwise.
  14. Is AIM even around still? Pretty sure Yahoo is even worse about the Spyware nonsense (just try installing their software without getting something unwanted along with it...). Steam's chat works fairly well and of course you have our IRC system. There are several other systems, but they're all going to have weaknesses. I found C3 by accident and it looks promising, and BitTorrent has their own service called Bleep. But there's several lists of alternatives.. its just a matter of what can you convince your friends to use.
  15. I've run them before. The server company CF uses has specials now and then where you can get a perfectly capable server to do it for $60 a year. If you want, I can let you know the next time one of these deals is around and we can work something out.
  16. Internet Relay Chat. Basically, CF has had a chatroom for a long time, but recently it's been rather empty, so we added an easier way to get to it.
  17. I used to use Andchat https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.andchat On iOS, you're probably looking at Colloquy and Limechat as the oldest and most developed clients (these are not free).
  18. Yeah, you're only going to find specs like that in a full on laptop.
  19. http://christianfurs.net/topic/4080-looking-for-xbox-live-furs/
  20. Yeah, there's those scams, there's ones that tell you that there's something wrong with your computer, or your credit card, etc. My favorite one was a voice call that was a recording saying I had a virus and to go to a website to clean it. If it smells fishy, it's probably a fish
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