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Spirit Bear

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Everything posted by Spirit Bear

  1. Thanks, Cobalt-Lukather. I'm told that a lot of people who hit retirement feel like they have nothing left to live for. A small job or serious set of hobbies helps.
  2. People pray in groups, too. We share prayer requests-- supposedly for getting more prayers for people/things. My pastor once said some Christians gossip by saying, "Let's pray for __ __, because __ __ __ __." Other prayers are meant to be national/community.
  3. It's great that you pray deep prayers, but you don't need to post the intimate stuff here. You can share what you want, but I think everyone needs more prayer. Pray for the World, for others, for you. Pray for my mom, whose depression I'm trying to help battle but cannot with my own. She also cannot taste or smell, works long hours, currently has scabies and mounting debt once more from her surgery this year as well as things going wrong. Yet she keeps a non-defeatist attitude and smiles.
  4. Prayer is a very important part of spiritual growth. Why is this subforum, all on prayer, dead? What could that say about us, our prayer lives, our Spirits? ------------- Here is a piece on prayer that I wrote for Furs For Christ: As a Christian, I've prayed for years. And over the years, I've begun to realise certain things. And from others, I've learned even more. I was shocked when I had been in Sunday School one day and the pastor asked, "Do you all pray at least once a week?" to which the answer, for many, was "No." I pray every morning and night my "proper prayer" as well as many throughout the day. But later I began to think back to what I had learned in my life. What is a "proper" way to pray? Do we have to have "standard" prayers that are the same every time we pray, or go through a cycle? No, for that lets the Spirit die. The Spirit dies because it falls into a cycle or falls into just a repetition. The Spirit will perish because there is no aliveness in the prayer. The meaningfulness is lost. It becomes nothing but words that we don't even have to think about. Do we have to pray in a specific way? No, for the intent and intensity of the prayer is what counts. It does not matter if we're on our hands and knees, facing a Cross or another man-made symbol relating to God. It does not matter if you clasp your hands or put them together. Your eyes do not have to be closed, nor do you have to say it aloud or in silence. You do not have to do it in a dark place, under a shroud, or even in private-- those are preferences, or things taught to us. Do we have to pray regularly, often? I'd say "yes." Why? Well, prayer is a form of worship. For me, prayer gives me rest that sleep never does. Prayer for other people revitalizes them, gives them energy or life or happiness. Praying regularly keeps your Spiritual flame burning. If the flame goes out, Jesus will spit you out. Most Christians are "luke-warm." Jesus loves us all, understands the cold, and admires the hot-- but what of us who have a decaying Spiritual life? He will spit us out. I'm in danger of that regularly. Not only does prayer keep you connected to God, but it is a way to tell God your fears, your desires. Any relationship you get into needs you to talk to your partner-- if we are the bride of Christ, how can we expect a fulfilling, successful life with Him if we never speak to Him? Or if we rarely speak to Him? Why should He speak to us if we don't speak to Him? Does the amount of time we devote to praying really matter? My belief is that it is your intensity, your willingness, your intent and meaningfulness that matter. The most Spiritually alive people I know pray for, in some cases, hours every day. In my hay-day of a Spiritual fire, before I began to slip away yet again, I'd give an hour on my knees to God every day-- one half in the morning, one half in the night, and much "non-proper" prayer through the day. Even now do I not give as much as I feel called to give, but in our modern culture we think we have better things to do-- but what is better than to invest ourselves in the One who has fully invested Himself in us? And so, what do I say about praying? I say just let it all flood out-- this is God you're speaking to! And what is God? God is our father, our friend. He wants you to talk to Him. So speak-- speak whatever you want, whenever you want, but do it regularly to keep yourself close. He loves you! He'll gladly listen, regardless of how petty you think an issue or thought or feeling is-- if it is on your mind or heart or soul, it is important. So talk to Him. Ask Him. Praise Him-- oh, please praise Him. If you're reading this, praise Him. If you're happy, praise Him. If you hurt, praise Him. Whatever goes right or wrong, praise Him-- it's all an investment in you, one He wishes to see thrive because of what He promises you in Jeremiah 29:11: The hope, prosperity, future! Pray-- pray regularly. Pray with intensity-- a passion full of love, full of emotion, full of life. Do not let your Spirit wither and die, for it will without something to keep it active. Your Spiritual life, like all life, must grow and develop-- and prayer will see that happen if you hold onto Him and pour it all out. And oh how God will smile. His heart beats for you. He just wants to be with you, so pray however you feel you must-- just don't let it become a "standard" prayer you can recite easily. All good things thrive with work. Now go and pray that your Spirit may thrive and not just survive; for without a good health, when the tests of fire come, will it survive?
  5. In 3 years of looking for Michigan people online, I've found only 4 from West Michigan-- 3 in the G.R.-Muskegon area. Everyone else is over in the East side. As for your pics, the first didn't work on my laptop but does here on my desktop. Very interesting. Also for your pics, GREAT JOB!
  6. Another wonderful-sounding addition to this Community. I'm also in Michigan, not far from Rikku. You may note several Michiganders. Welcome.
  7. Is this place really right for me?

    1. thetundrawolf
    2. Spirit Bear

      Spirit Bear

      I'm not yet going to tell this entire place that I've had problems here, for I am not going to make it known to all unless I do leave this site like I currently want, but I've already established myself at the other Christian furry site because of several things that went wrong here and set me off.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving. If you don't know what to be thankful for, you're able to read this. There's your start. Keep going.

  9. "Come, thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace; streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet, sung by flaming tongues above. Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it, mount of thy redeeming love."

  10. Spirit Bear

    Im an Artist!

    Trust me, he's pretty good at piano. I heard it myself.
  11. Todd messages me on his trip home-- a message sent from 30,000 feet up. LOL.

  12. I'm not sure what you mean, but what if it damages the reputation of someone in the mind of everyone when most people haven't gotten to know the person...? You automatically give them a negative view in everyone else's mind. You gotta be careful with what you do and say, and you cannot be like them. You gotta be like Jesus. Romans 12:17: "Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is is honorable in the sight of all." Titus 2:7: "In everything set an example for them by doing what is good..." And to give one last piece of Scripture, Proverbs 22:1: "A good name is more desirable than great wealth. Respect is better than silver or gold."
  13. Harassment and violations Please report any harassment or violations here This section is for reporting violations and harrasments. #Duh. But, Is it really acceptable to point out to the entire forum that someone may or may not have done 'wrong?' A victim-perpetrator relationship is rarely so cut-and-dry as it may seem, so why would we want to make it known to the entire forum/community that someone may have been not nice, and in doing that ruin reputation for what could just even be a big misunderstanding? "If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over." ^ Mathew 18:15. ^ There is what we need to do first: Private Message the person and talk about it. What we need to do if that doesn't work is Private Message the Admin. It is not really acceptable to put up for the World one single person's sin (we're all strong sinners in the end, and let any one of you who would argue against that stone me.) Put up the problem to proper authorities, and not a permanent link on this forum. Also, you have a Report button beneath every box of text someone speaks. It's right next to MultiQuote at the lower right. ^ All I gotta say to anyone who may be thinking on reporting someone. ^ I'm only doing this to cause less stress and less taking of sides/negative views.
  14. Welcome, Tommy. Although I am in an Evangelical Church, I like to identify as Covenant Non-denominational: Covenant meaning of the Bible, the sole truth. Denominations are just seperations when we're all supposed to be one body. Your musical tastes are very interesting. I'm also mostly a closet furry, although several people in my town know. And as for your fursona, what animal do you identify with? What animal reflects your personality? I feel like mine picked me. The bear is am misunderstood creature that tries to act tough and will be when the situation calls, but in all actuality the bear's emotions are easily bounced around and leave him often hurting. He's stubborn as all get out and is relatively cunning. He seems kind of clumsy but is rather deft. That sums me up, but what sums you up? I only know all this from the fact that I used to know 3 bears at where I volunteer. Much reading and years later, I become one of them. I hope you enjoy the Community.
  15. Sounds like a good Spiritual fire raging within. Welcome, fellow Michigander.
  16. Howdy do? I'm also somewhat new here, and I think that you'll like it here. Your friend does very good work. *Extends paw to shake.*
  17. Howdy, and welcome to Christian Furs. Excellent choice of coming here, some of those vehicles too. I agree with Joshua in that the pics are excellent.
  18. http://christianfurs.net/topic/8505-making-freinds/ Read the post above, and you'll find that Patricia is a male. Due to his current circumstances, he may not have been on for a while because he may not have internet.
  19. I like the beat to that piece. The vocalist's words pour out clearly and do not get trapped in the musical mesh that supports them. It's not my cup of tea, but I'd not be displeased to hear him. Another thing is that the lyrics have real substance to them and were well-written. Here is one of my favorite worship-songs-- I warn you that it may be more than you expect unless you know this band for more than the song posted earlier from them. Read the lyrics and see nothing but praise to God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5ZlDC5qETE
  20. "You split the sea so I could walk right through it. All my fears were drowned in perfect love. You rescued me so I could stand and sing, 'I am child of God.'"- No Longer Slaves.

  21. Spirit Bear

    Im an Artist!

    It looks like you have the ability to do positive/negative shapes that both form an image, although you haven't seemed to get into that. Might be neat for you to do when not doing fursons. Stuff like this.
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