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Christian Furs - Christian Furry Community


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Everything posted by Ember

  1. Well hello fellow homeschooler! Btw advanced doodlers are cool I am an artist and I admire both beginner to expert art. *big hug*
  2. Thanks as for Muise, I don't think he will join, he has never had an interest in this sort of thing. However, he supports me and prays for all my furry friends.
  3. I was experimenting with lighting of sun rays more or less... but i also wanted to introduce my fiancé Moose (his last name is Muise closely pronounced moose, and his nickname is moose.) P.S. he is not a furry but allowed me to depict him as one
  4. sorry about the pictures going missing... i revamped my photobucket because of a school media project and i didn't want my furry and regular art to be in the same folder.
  5. Greetings fellow furry! I am an artist, i deal with mainly oils and acrylic mediums, and digital art but i do Sketch. I love skyrim/elderscrolls... too bad my brother is keeping the Xbox 360 once i move out in a couple weeks
  6. Yea.... My head is in for a spin with this poem... It doesn't help that it is crunch time here at school... *overwhelmed*
  7. This one of my art that is created on Photoshop Touch. (I edited this picture since last time i posted it so it is a different from before)
  8. It's so deep I cannot comprehend it! lol To me it seems that one is a sloth and the other persons view of the sloth is distorted... They live in a false reality... And they are getting married
  9. Thank you I originally started with oils but i found acrylics easier to clean up after. especially where as i am not in my own home. but once i get settled down i am going to start back up with oils and will continue working with acrylics.
  10. Thank you and your welcome. I will hopefully be doing more art soon.
  11. Well if you need somthing just let me know. for now I have to focus on my college homework.
  12. I need to know if you want or need my art, if not that's ok, if yes I will make more.
  13. It is easer for me to do the digital rather then pixel but if you decline i will not be offended.
  14. I do art all the time and I don't know what type of art you are looking for.
  15. Do you need a second artist? I use photoshop touch or the regular digital paint.
  16. I had a horrible time trying to figure it out so after bugging one of the leaders for a day we, together, finally figured it out. I created a photobucket account and saved my pictures there and then in the "more reply options" there is an icon that if you hover your mouse over it, it says "image". In the pop up that pops up you paste the link from photobucket that says direct. And volia your picture appears I hope this helps
  17. These are the same painting but one is unfinished. I made it a couple days ago and was wondering which one you liked better.
  18. Ember


    Hello Jude, I am new here but Welcome back to CF. I started up a prayer forum for those who need and want prayer if you are interested.
  19. If you want, I have a forum open for prayer if you need or want prayer.

  20. this is one of my digital art that I created recently. but I mostly specialize in Acrylics which i currently have no photos of.
  21. The school is in Maine. The mission is in the Philippines. (Seatoseaministries) that is the mission my parents have there.
  22. I am a self professed artist(I have however taken art courses) I do oil and acrylic art and I do digital art as you can see by my profile picture. I am new to digital art though, so I am honing my skills. I am into creating a furry costume and I am planning on starting doing baking clay models. I love to discuss art and such and I am always willing to learn a few more techniques.
  23. Thank you And I am always willing to learn more about the things you have mentioned
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