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Everything posted by BJbear2001

  1. Yesterday, I followed some ads on Xbox live to a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video game. Has anyone played this game yet? Is it even out yet? So far, I've only been able to download preview material about Michaelangelo and Donatello. I have an Xbox Live-Free account. It could be a ploy to upgrade? It looks awesome so far though: lots of variable martial arts tailored to each Turtle!
  2. Not helping, Chakram. What's your gamer tag?
  3. Brav0Julesb34r Aka BJ Bear. I realize the possible conotations of my gamer tag and would just like to say that I didn't intend anything bad by it. I love the military and the codec for BJ is Bravo-July.. but I thought July really isn't a name, so I went with a phonetic alternative, Jules... The 'o' is a zero by the way. As of 7/25/2013@ 12pm CST, I an unable to send friend requests. Yahoo answers says there was an outage three months ago, so many had the same issue? I dunno. I'll have to add Christianfurs later. I am a First-Person-Shooter addict. Haha! If I get a better InternetServiceProvider, I would love to team up. I've beaten Halo1,2,3,Reach; CoD1,2,3; Perfect Dark: Zero, Xcom:EnemyUnknown; all normal difficulty or better... I'm used to those engines. Look me up some time.
  4. Http://sfw.furaffinity.net/user/madshy Kimi Artis is a professed Christian and awesome cute artist.... And I don't mean to sound mean, but I love her aside from her awesome work because she is of African American descent and Christiqn and there aren't that many around my state, let alone furry. You must get to know her, she is a darling. Http://sfw.furaffinity.net/user/rickgriffin Rick is my inspiration. He seems like he has gone through the problems I face now. Where Rick has overcome temptation to use his artistic talent for filthy things, I hold him in mind as a human example to myself. He is a great writer and associate.
  5. Did this idea take off or die? If the comic is going, where is it found?
  6. I'm on the same LJ group. If you're in doubt about getting the fur, let me give you a little encouragement. "GET IT!" Because faux fur of that quality at market value in East Asia is rare... more common than in the west, but still... Yours is a great find! You might also look at fabric.com if you ever need patches or just more of that fur...though that would be quite the find too.
  7. I have reasons and time to start my own fursuit head experiment/ practice for others; I wish I had the drive

  8. These are some fursuit makers here on Christianfurs: http://christianfurs.net/user/2585-kandifawx/ http://christianfurs.net/user/962-she-king/ http://christianfurs.net/user/306-xarzyth/ http://christianfurs.net/user/4522-amayahippogryph/ I'm sure that one of them could work it out with you... like a payment plan or 'hush-hush deal.'
  9. Is there any new developments on this concept, Flechmen?
  10. I just know that one day all fursuit makers are going to be retired hobbyists and soon afterward the world will be covered in furry fursuiters. I so wish I knew a retired seemstress!
  11. :blush: So There was this glitch thing, I gave up, a few years pass, and now I'm back. I blame NicoliLion and Pachua for this. My name is B.J. IRL. I'm a bear. Graduated in 2001(thus, my handle) and work as a nurse aide also going to school for an associates in Occupational Therapy. I love singing worship to God and doing good works anonymously so that's part of the reason I'm trying to get into fursuiting. Most important about me is that I love my savior, Jesus Christ....even though I faulter... a lot it seems. I'm a self-proclaimed Christian Conservative Conservationist and all that means is God's banner hangs over my USA flag, over a bonsai tree hehehe. 'Been in the fandom since Fall 2001. My hobbies are: drawing; social board or vid gaming; and fun, dangerous science experiments involving magnets! I hope to meet many members in person and maybe all go to a con together. And yes, I'm also still looking for God's perfect lady for me. :blush: Anywho...oh and I often say "Jah bless" because of P.O.D. and it's got personal meaning but if I offend you in that way, let me know and I won't address you like that. K. Ciao'!
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