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Christian Furs - Christian Furry Community


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About score_under

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  1. I'd like to point out that Google spiders your member list, and this is an attempt to get a little reputation from having other sites link to it.
  2. Is it any good? I see that people either love it or hate it with a passion. The game I last played was Star Fox 64. I was testing out a 3D driver that I just downloaded. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/518733/sfox3D1.PNG - There it is in cross-eyed mode http://dl.dropbox.com/u/518733/3dzelda.PNG - and there's LoZ:OOT in 3D-glasses mode(yellow/blue for those who live in the UK and have those promotional channel-4 3D glasses).
  3. That question must have been put in there as a social experiment to see what people would make of it.
  4. Though the hair needs an extra shade or two, this was amazing. In the words of Wolfin, "Must. Try.". (Also: Sorry for replying so late, I have been coming here rather infrequently recently.)
  5. VB = bad. JPEG in a game = very' date=' very bad. I would rather a bitmap than a JPG, but if it allows it then you should use PNG. I would recommend either Game Maker or some breed of C (+opengl?) for this. I am willing to bet that though AdventureGameStudio compiles to an EXE, it doesn't in reality - I bet it just pastes your game data onto the end of a virtual machine program, making it no better than ScummVM from a technical standpoint. (Game Maker does this too, but it is extremely flexible, capable of 2D and 3D games, etc). I can program too, but I can't write stories (or other moderately creative writing) to save my life.
  6. Level up! What experience would you need anyway?
  7. Typo where byte-for-byte accuracy is most needed! I don't see a typo... :dodgy: Ah, you sneaky fox...
  8. Typo where byte-for-byte accuracy is most needed!
  9. What's the error? And uhh... are you on the right server?
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