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About NebulaFox

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  • Birthday 06/29/1989
  1. Yes, we can agree to disagree. -Nebula
  2. *Hugs back* Nice to meet you as well! -Nebula
  3. Sorry, I'm just having a really rough day. I'm bipolar, and I'm in a down swing today, it seems. -Nebula
  4. I don't take the Bible literally, in all honesty. That being said, it seems I'm not welcome here. I'll leave, if you like. -Nebula
  5. Sure. I believe that along with Jesus, there are nature spirits. These include spirits of trees, rocks so on. Yes, I'm an animist. As for Buddhism, I'm a strong believer in meditation (although I don't practice it nearly as much as I should), and the Buddhist concept of suffering intrigues me. It's almost a spiritual psychology of sorts. Of course, going to church always makes me feel relaxed, anyhow -Nebula
  6. I write stories, poetry, papers (both when I must, and when I want to). -NebulaFox
  7. Real name: Mallory Other names: Nebula About your fursona: My fursona is just me, a Blanford's fox. Age: 19 Gender: Female Location: Chicago area Email: [email protected] IM: blackfeathrangel (AIM), [email protected] (MSN), songbird4hera (YIM) Web site(s): N/A Artist/Writer: Writer Style: Various, usually hippy/vintage Been to any cons: Midwest Furfest Fav. music: 80's Likes: Animals, 80's music, Cher, Cyndi Lauper Dislikes: Anyone who hates and hate itself Church Denomination: Episcopal Anything else: N/A
  8. Thanks for the welcome! New introduction thread? Should I have put this elsewhere? -NebulaFox
  9. 'Ello! I'm NebulaFox, a Chicago area furry. I was born Jewish, and raised semi-Jewish, but am on my way to converting to Episcopalian. I've always felt close to Jesus, and used to pray to him when I was little, secretly. While Christianity doesn't entirely sum up my beliefs (there's Buddhist, and Shinto there too), I feel most at home with Christianity. I am happy worshipping Christ. I currently attend Church as many weekends as I can get up! As for fursona, I'm a fox (Oh, how common!), a Blanford's Fox to be precise. As for me, I'm female, almost 20 years old. I love 80's music, and I admit to idolizing Cher and Cyndi Lauper. Anyway, great to be here with fellow Christian furries! -NebulaFox
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