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Windows 7

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I use what I need in terms of Operating Systems. A different OS for every purpose, I suppose. On my Monolith of a tower, I originally had Vista and had various frustrating problems with that. Eventually, I got fed up and installed Windows Server 2008R2, which I absolutely LOVE. Now though, I got 7 Professional and.... guess what, I'm beginning to have the same problems I had with Vista (though to a lesser degree).

Anyway, Server 2K8R2 is the way to go for a desktop, I think. It's got the benefits of Windows 7 (Aero and the like) coupled with the stability of a server (my average uptime was in weeks) and the tweakability of... Well, I can't say Linux, but you can still tweak it to do darn near anything. Not to mention things like Media streaming, web hosting, and Terminal Services + Virtualization... makes me a happy doggeh.

For my laptops, I'm running slimmed down versions of XP. I don't want prettiness, I want performance on the go dagnabbit. I'm dualbooting Linux on my Lenovo, but due to various driver fiascos I'm going to have to reinstall it and I really don't feel like doing that any time soon.


Other fun things to do: Put your home partition (in linux) or your Users folder (in windows) on a second drive. That way it survives your main drive getting borked. :D

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I'm running Windows 7, and it is so far the best OS I've used to date. Starts up in a couple seconds, runs without a hitch, very aesthetic, and totally stable. Of course, I built the machine I'm running it on with 7 in mind, so if you don't have a computer intended for 7, it might not be stable, but for me its a bit more stable than Linux.

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Guest Wolfin

but for me its a bit more stable than Linux.

How long and what distro of Linux did you run on the machine?


I haven't experienced added stability with 7, I've managed to get the retail home premium edition of Windows 7 on my laptop to crash hard twice since install.

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My laptop is much more stable with Windows 7 than it was with Vista, and Vista was much more stable than XP. Though my laptop does have the occasional blue screen, it always had, and I have determined it to be a hardware issue, and I blame HP for that. But it happens so rarely that it doesn't bother me. 7 still performs on my hardware much better than any other OS I've tried, though I still use them all (linux, xp, and vista) because they have different purposes for me, and it's fun for me too. :-P

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RE: compatability:


If I hear one more person complaining about how Windows/Linux/Other OS is incompatible with the software they need, or that to get that functionality, they need to pay money, I'll scream.


I really will.


This argument is patently false.


EVERY file type you could want to open is supported on EVERY major OS variant.

EVERY software type you could want to run is supported on EVERY major OS variant.


If you say otherwise, you're a fool. That, or you simply don't know what you're doing.


It's fine to have a favorite, and avoid using the ones you don't like as much whenever possible.

Just don't make up facetious reasons for the behavior. Don't pretend that there's any more reason than personal preference.


Because there isn't.


Your personal preference is reason enough. Don't make up other reasons just because you think others will find them more palatable.

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EVERY file type you could want to open is supported on EVERY major OS variant.

Well' date=' that's obvious.

EVERY software type you could want to run is supported on EVERY major OS variant.

Eh, but Windows programs don't run in Mac OS, and vice versa.

If you say otherwise, you're a fool. That, or you simply don't know what you're doing.

Or because you do know what you're doing. :dodgy:

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Personaly I go by the KISS philosophy. ;)


I have a Pentium4 HP tower with 80GB. I am running XP professional, it came with the computer when I got it a few years ago and runs great for what I do. All my files are on here and I do not want to transfer to a new OS. I have my computer the way I like it and the thing zips right along. A lot of you seem to do a lot more tech stuff then I do so I can understand why you need the newer stuff. I guess I am just a little nastalgic, or old school. I have considered trying Linux a few times, but did not want to mess my computer up. Windows 7 sounds cool but I am not sure my computer would like it very much. My computer is stable at the moment and I want to keep it that way. As a fox you might think I would run FireFox, but I actually run an old version of Internet Explorer. It works fine for me for now, although I always get bugged to upgrade my browser on sights such as Youtube. Maybe I'll upgrade my stuff at somepoint, but I dont feel like I am in any rush.


OK I've said what I wanted to say.

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I actually run an old version of Internet Explorer. It works fine for me for now, although I always get bugged to upgrade my browser on sights such as Youtube.


I've been debating installing a plugin here that would block access from IE. :P

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If you're running IE6... SWITCH!!! It's old, it's quirky, it's not standards compliant in any sense at all, and most of all, it's REALLY insecure. Get IE8, if you want to use IE. It's better with standards and actually is one of the safer browsers out there. Though you can still ditch IE for another browser too (except Opera... stay far far away from Opera :P).

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AdBlock Plus is a must for Firefox.

And, Opera isn't bad. People who complain about Opera have never used it.

/me uses it on his phone because its better than the stripped down version of IE. (Also uses it on his Mp3 player, but it doesn't allow for the use of anything else).

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Thanks Flech. Ill be sure to do that. By the way, it was IE 6 HuskyDog.

I am a musician not a computer guy, so I need all the help I can get. :blush:

My computer has 2 cup-holders...LOL

Update: Got Firefox, feels good to have the use of tabs again, OOOO!!! and customizable skins.

I was even able to make the desktop Icon a Black Fox version of the Fire Fox!


I have ZoneAlarm Anti Virus and Firewall Security. Does anybody know of something better?

I also have Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and C-Cleaner installed on my computer. I use C-Cleaner all the time.

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Well, I've built my new computer for myself, and I'm running 7 on it this moment. And I've gotta say...coming from a former Ubuntu/XP user, Windows 7 makes everything else, including OS X, look like trash. There's no way I'm downloading the unstable Google Chrome or the bloated and annoying Firefox again, or installing the way of space Linux is compared to what I have now. Absolutely no crashes, even pushed to the limits of its performance; completely stable and secure system with MSE installed.

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Thanks Flech. Ill be sure to do that. By the way, it was IE 6 HuskyDog.

I am a musician not a computer guy, so I need all the help I can get. :blush:

My computer has 2 cup-holders...LOL

Update: Got Firefox, feels good to have the use of tabs again, OOOO!!! and customizable skins.

I was even able to make the desktop Icon a Black Fox version of the Fire Fox!


I have ZoneAlarm Anti Virus and Firewall Security. Does anybody know of something better?

I also have Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and C-Cleaner installed on my computer. I use C-Cleaner all the time.


AVG Free works great.


Well, I've built my new computer for myself, and I'm running 7 on it this moment. And I've gotta say...coming from a former Ubuntu/XP user, Windows 7 makes everything else, including OS X, look like trash. There's no way I'm downloading the unstable Google Chrome or the bloated and annoying Firefox again, or installing the way of space Linux is compared to what I have now. Absolutely no crashes, even pushed to the limits of its performance; completely stable and secure system with MSE installed.


Well, thanks to Windows 7, my hard drive is now dying.

And, yes, Ubuntu isn't pretty, hence why I recomend Mint. And, using the system for 3 days doesn't qualify you as a Ubuntu user.


Looks like I'm going to have to put the origonal hard drive back in my computer, I'll reinstall the OEM copy of XP.

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Thanks Flech. Ill be sure to do that. By the way' date=' it was IE 6 HuskyDog.

I am a musician not a computer guy, so I need all the help I can get. :blush:

[i']My computer has 2 cup-holders...LOL


Update: Got Firefox, feels good to have the use of tabs again, OOOO!!! and customizable skins.

I was even able to make the desktop Icon a Black Fox version of the Fire Fox!


I have ZoneAlarm Anti Virus and Firewall Security. Does anybody know of something better?

I also have Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and C-Cleaner installed on my computer. I use C-Cleaner all the time.

AVG Free works great.


Well' date=' I've built my new computer for myself, and I'm running 7 on it this moment. And I've gotta say...coming from a former Ubuntu/XP user, Windows 7 makes everything else, including OS X, look like trash. There's no way I'm downloading the unstable Google Chrome or the bloated and annoying Firefox again, or installing the way of space Linux is compared to what I have now. Absolutely no crashes, even pushed to the limits of its performance; completely stable and secure system with MSE installed.



Well, thanks to Windows 7, my hard drive is now dying.

And, yes, Ubuntu isn't pretty, hence why I recomend Mint. And, using the system for 3 days doesn't qualify you as a Ubuntu user.

Three days? Eh?

Looks like I'm going to have to put the origonal hard drive back in my computer, I'll reinstall the OEM copy of XP.


Can you post a link to what your hard drive is? I'm doubting it's anything inherently wrong in 7 causing the problem.

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Three days? Eh?


Can you post a link to what your hard drive is? I'm doubting it's anything inherently wrong in 7 causing the problem.


The 250 GB version of this. Its actually a Seagate SATA drive inside that happens to be the same kind of drive used in most laptop computers.

And, yes, it would be having something to with 7 because that is the one and only system that has given me problems. Prior versions of Windows did fine, Linux did excellent (never a single crash). It wasn't until polluting my drive with 7 that I started having issues.


All 7 seems to be is an even more flashy interface on Vista. As far as the back-end (control panel, little utilities and such) goes, I couldn't see a difference between 7 and Server '08 (Vista with all the frills stripped out).


There's no point in arguing it, so I'm not going to. 7 is a failure in my book. You can praise it all you want but that doesn't:

1) Replace/fix my hard drive

2) Give me back my lost time

3) Change my experience.


Looks don't thrill me, performance does. I actually rather disliked the fact that 7 insisted on its taskbar taking up so much real estate on my screen. The visual effects can be duplicated if not improved upon by Compiz, which has been around for a few years now.

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Three days? Eh?


Can you post a link to what your hard drive is? I'm doubting it's anything inherently wrong in 7 causing the problem.


The 250 GB version of this. Its actually a Seagate SATA drive inside that happens to be the same kind of drive used in most laptop computers.

And' date=' yes, it would be having something to with 7 because that is the one and only system that has given me problems. Prior versions of Windows did fine, Linux did excellent (never a single crash). It wasn't until polluting my drive with 7 that I started having issues.[/quote']

Well, yes it must be connected to 7. The question is whether it's the fault of 7 or the fault of how your computer interacts with 7, because due to my experience and lots of performance tests, 7 is pretty much the most stable OS out there right now. It comes down to the fact that 7 is new and created for newer computers, so don't expect it to always run well on computers designed for and older OS.


All 7 seems to be is an even more flashy interface on Vista. As far as the back-end (control panel, little utilities and such) goes, I couldn't see a difference between 7 and Server '08 (Vista with all the frills stripped out).

Here's a performance test of 7 that found it higher performance and more stable than both Vista and XP. Even though a lot of random performance statistics on blogs aren't totally trustworthy, my experience confirms this. Windows XP was installed on this machine for a bit, and it ran significantly slower than 7, and less stable too.

There's no point in arguing it, so I'm not going to. 7 is a failure in my book. You can praise it all you want but that doesn't:

1) Replace/fix my hard drive

2) Give me back my lost time

3) Change my experience.

I would say the problem is that you're applying your experience to Windows 7 as if it worked the same on all machines. Even the beta version ran for months on a friend's computer with no crashes whatsoever, ever, and no glitches or bugs, ever. That's like saying if I have a bad experience with something once, it must make it all bad. That's flawed logic to the core.

Looks don't thrill me, performance does. I actually rather disliked the fact that 7 insisted on its taskbar taking up so much real estate on my screen. The visual effects can be duplicated if not improved upon by Compiz, which has been around for a few years now.

That depends on your screen resolution. The Windows 7 taskbar is less intrusive than the XP taskbar ever was, if only because I'm running a higher screen resolution than before - and remember that 7 is built for newer, higher resolution screens, and it would be irrational to think Microsoft isn't going to create software for the newer and more advanced technologies and trends.

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Drummer Boy, it's not worth my time to argue with you about it. Your arguments sound more like MS propaganda than valid points.

You made the same, if not worse, claims against Linux in the same fashion. You used it, you disliked it, you've been telling people it's garbage. Even further than my claims against 7.

I used 7, it killed my hard drive. I don't like it, but if it works for you than that's fine.

Now, I have a very new computer. For the last time, it's a high end Lenovo that isn't even a year old. The screen has a native resolution of 1280x800.

I don't know how you can look at a taskbar that's 20 pixels high and say it takes more room than a 100 pixel high task bar.


Now, please stop trying to argue with me. I'm getting tired of this. You can talk down to me about art (which I have minimal knowledge of) but I actually know something about computers and I find your attitude towards me to be quite insulting.

My hard drive is dead, I put the old hard drive back into my computer and had some fun with Lenovo's restore utility (not sarcastic). Found some cool features in that. It's running XP and I'm fine with that. I re-sold my copy of 7 and got my $30 back.


EDIT: Even better idea, thread closed. This is just going off into a flame war...

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