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Everything posted by DeltaK9

  1. Huzzah! Hai new person! :3 Yay new people!!
  3. http://steamcommunity.com/id/DeltaK9/
  4. O.o How much is this game going to be? XD Because it looks awesome.
  5. You quit steam?! Noooooo! And I've never tried minecraft. :3 I quit because I lived for steam, I worshiped it. It was my life. I had stopped going to church, I did not care about anybody but a few people on steam that I considered 'my family'. It took a huge slap in the face for me to realize what I was doing... Anyways, onto the positive side of things... Minecraft is like garrysmod on crack. Ah, I see. And is Minecraft like Gmod on crack in the building aspect? Or the incredibly complicated aspect? How about graphics? Or physics?
  6. You quit steam?! Noooooo! And I've never tried minecraft. :3
  7. Hey! A CoD WaW player I assume? I have CoD Waw, don't play it anymore though. Anyway, WELCOME! :D' EDIT: I also used to play airsoft, have a ton of AEG's I no longer use. >_> And you should link your Steam ID here.
  8. I personally think camping is incredibly cheap, but it does have it's uses. And I'll admit to it being cheap, because I use it sometimes. XD Camping also isn't exactly next to a spawn point, in MW2, it's pretty much anywhere on the map. As long as you're sitting somewhere, and getting kills while doing it, you're camping. BTW Lone, do you play MW2 for PC or console?
  9. Solsberry Indiana? Hey that's like... maybe 2 hours away from where I live. :3
  10. DeltaK9

    New drawing!

    Hey, that's actually pretty good. XD
  11. WOOOOT! New person. Hai! :3
  12. I found the worlds coolest violinist!
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