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riddle kat

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Everything posted by riddle kat

  1. is it good? what other classics should i read?
  2. >_> kinda i had a awsome idea since im gonna try working at a fed bank i'll be wealthy and i thought it would make a decent joker card of my fursona who was a filthy rich greedy person who didnt know they were dead so their seeing angels that look like demons and the setting turns nightmare/hellish he gets attacked by demons often but escapes and is on his way up jacob's ladder though he gets super pissed on his way up because of the angels. So that's what made me think of it. It's not all about violence. edit: the drawing is my personality sometimes and the people i see in my dreams =_______=... no comment. D: just to clear things up' date=' this had nothing to do with the picture... the story behind the idea just sounds a LOT like Constantine or something... [/quote'] ??
  3. >_> kinda i had a awsome idea since im gonna try working at a fed bank i'll be wealthy and i thought it would make a decent joker card of my fursona who was a filthy rich greedy person who didnt know they were dead so their seeing angels that look like demons and the setting turns nightmare/hellish he gets attacked by demons often but escapes and is on his way up jacob's ladder though he gets super pissed on his way up because of the angels. So that's what made me think of it. It's not all about violence. edit: the drawing is my personality sometimes and the people i see in my dreams =_______=... no comment. D:
  4. >_> kinda i had a awsome idea since im gonna try working at a fed bank i'll be wealthy and i thought it would make a decent joker card of my fursona who was a filthy rich greedy person who didnt know they were dead so their seeing angels that look like demons and the setting turns nightmare/hellish he gets attacked by demons often but escapes and is on his way up jacob's ladder though he gets super pissed on his way up because of the angels. So that's what made me think of it. It's not all about violence. edit: the drawing is my personality sometimes and the people i see in my dreams
  5. I was gonna say sumthing about the money but i decided that would be way over the edge
  6. I drew this at school and i want u to decide what i did wrong on and what i should get upgrades in etc. and what you think it means etc. http://oi54.tinypic.com/ta6mvr.jpg
  7. woah u look epic! and also subbed
  8. well you sound like a decent guy, glad to see another feline here. nice to meet you and i hope you have a good time here. Feel free to contact me anytime!
  9. welcome! hope you enjoy it here you can contact me whenver u need me
  10. 10/10 epic!!! looks like you know how to use the filters well too!
  11. i think there could be a 4th one where you could ask someone else you'd like to draw it and it doesn't always have to cost money
  12. too many stories going out right now so I don't wanna make it slower and I want more room for others
  13. yeah i kind of got confused but i still like it overall!
  14. i wish i could write as well as u D: love the story, it's amazing!
  15. Welcome! I hope you have a good time here. I have steam: It's name is: riddle katz What you've written sounds quite interesting! so you're an artist and a writter? epic! I'm more into physicological horror and when it comes to art I like it more wickiedish
  16. Welcome to CF hope you have a good time here! If you ever need to contact me go ahead if you got a steam go ahead and add me my name is Riddle katz
  17. Can someone teach me how to draw straight lines and other things?
  18. Sup! dude! you're personality sounds a bit like mine! I got a steam and hope to be friends with you on there. I really hope you enjoy it here too!
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