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Twiz Raymaker

Le Introduction

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Real name: Ask me :3


Other names: Twiz Raymaker


About your fursona: Twin tailed cabbit


Age: 32


Gender: Male/shemale


Location: North Carolina


Email: Ask me :3


IM: Skype preferred


Web site(s): I have one on inkbunny, FA, sofurry, my fur network, e621, and vcl


Artist/Writer: Little of both but not great at either one.


Style: Art conisuer


Been to any cons: Unfortunately no...


Fav. music: Techno pop, classic rock, contemporary


Likes: A lot of things.


Dislikes: people


Church Denomination: 7th day penticostal


Anything else: ask me :3

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Welcome from one of the few Therianthropes around here. And one the few Pentecostal/Apostolic people here too.


Just a warning, don't go looking up stuff on e621 without being careful if you don't want to be tempted.


They did try to make a clean version once though. e9-something-something.

Oh, btw they're named after flavorings. e621=MSG e9??(e921 I think)=Aspartame


Anyways, just be careful on there. Its just not exactly a site I'd recommend visiting.


Anyways, PM me if you want to know more about Therianthropy. Always willing to teach about it.

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e621=MSG e9??(e921 I think)=Aspartame


e621 = MSG = Monosodium Glutamate, an additive some Chinese restaurants used to add to their food to make you feel full faster so you'd pay full price for their buffet food without eating a lot, so the restaurant wouldn't have to spend as much money on inventory while still making a profit.


Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used in diet drinks and candy, similar to sucrilose (Splenda).


Both are bad for you.


Oh, and welcome to our community Twiz :P

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