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Friday, June 3, 2011

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Lord, I know this prayer is simple, but I just pray that we will never forget what you've done for us, how much you've blessed us, and how much you LOVE US.


Let us always be reminded of your great love and sacrifice, how you saved us from sin, and how you're constantly renewing us and molding us in your image day-by-day.


We LOVE you, and we pray that you forgive us of our sins and shortcomings... someday we will be perfect Lord, just as you intended, but for now please forgive us of our imperfection and narrow-minded ways.


May we always walk in accordance to your will, and find comfort and mercy in your embrace when we are in pain. I pray that you heal those who are sick, comfort the weary, and speak to those who earnestly want to hear Your Voice.


I pray that everyone in this community will be shaken and see things through your eyes. I am so thankful for that night when you made me see that the world is going to Hell and I cried for humanity. If only we could see through those eyes everyday...


For those who are lost I pray that you guide them towards You, and that Christ's blood will redeem them and set them free.


Aid those who are struggling with addiction and sin and give them the strength they need to persevere.


We love you Lord, and we pray these things in Jesus' name,



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