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Real name: Kyle Metzger


Other names: Niir Ein Domis, Soren/Soarn, Tawny_Screech


About your fursona: I honestly don't know what to tell you. Niir came out my obsession with birds, and my obsession with all things wise and knowing. Niir is smart, quiet, unobtrusive, calculating, and bookish. He is a Librarian by trade in any setting. He has a soft spot for cubs/kits/pups/fledglings, and is willing to put himself in harms way to protect them. As boisterous as soap, and as lively as dead wood he tends to be a stick in the mud and a worry wort. (Niir and myself share very few common traits in truth; I tend to think of him as a bit of a foil to my more 'God will Provide' care-free attitude. He thinks more than I do, and is much less 'street-wise' and worldly. He loves kids while I honestly want to bury my head in the ground around my 'nephews'. Niir is quiet and cloistered while I'm loud and cloistered. :P)


Age: 17


Gender: Male


Location: USA, Florida


Email: [email protected] (Personal) [email protected] (Business)


IM: ~


Web site(s): ~


Artist/Writer: I write, a lot. I've ignored basic personal needs to follow a muse...


Style: Eh... Depends on the mood I'm in I suppose.


Been to any cons: Not yet. Soon...


Fav. music: ...Uh, whatever I've got on my iPod at the time.


Likes: Role-Playing Games, Fixing Computers, Reading, Writing, Daydreaming, Watching the News, and Arguing with Friends, Guns, Loud Explosive Things. (Sure me. :P)


Dislikes: Paranoia, Doubt, People who refuse to speak their mind, Political Maneuvering when others know I'm doing it, Judgmental People. (At least hear what people have to say, then tell them how long they are. /Partial Sarcasm)


Church Denomination: None. Though my favorite teacher is now one of my most respected pastoral friends. ^^


Anything else: I'm smart, or at least I'm told so. People watching has become a hobby for me. I'm very (internally) paranoid and spook at the drop of a hat. Though if you can stand my sarcasm and my talking you'll find I'm a stalwart friend. I don't go to churches anymore, and I can't even begin to give a reasonable explanation honestly. I love my friends with all my heart and would lay down my life for them simply because I can. I have a lot of things I wish I had done as a child, from learning how to play music, to refining my artistic talents.


My brother is high-functioning autistic and my best friend, as well as a cellular biologist. My father belongs in the loony bin and everyone knows it.* My mother is just trying to do her best to keep it all together.


My writing tends to be picturesque scenes with sadly self-centered characters, to caught up in themselves to realize anything beyond their own plans and desires. Almost always set in some Science-Fiction setting.


I'm in the process of figuring out how to make an Owl-Fursuit**, my conscience absolutely refusing to let me pass up a chance to exercise my artistic talents. I wanted to buy one, but he won the argument. ***


*: This is not a joke, though it is sadly funny. If you wanna here this story send me a PM and bring a set of tissues.


**: You got ideas, thoughts, comments, sagely advice, strokes of brilliance, moments of clarity, or the gift of awesome. Send me a PM, please!


***: Yes I do argue with my conscience, he usually wins to.


God Bless, Tawny_Screech

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Welcome to our corner of the internet! ^^


/me bows in greeting before bounding off to play with the squirrels in the common lawn


And if you're interested, I lead a Bible study on Saturdays through skype at around noon PST.

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Hey there, Tawny! Welcome to CF!!


/me gives Tawny_Screech a BIG hug!


I've never made a fursuit before, but when I was my school's mascot (a hawk), I had to fix the head when it broke, so I have a pretty good idea of how the head was made. I can try to PM you the details, if you'd like. :)

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