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Drummer Boy

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Everything posted by Drummer Boy

  1. Having a gallery seems like a nice tool, though. Are you wishing for critique on your art then?
  2. Is no one interested in giving me critique or advice? D: http://christianfurs.net/gallery/v/Drummer+Boy/byrd.jpg.html
  3. I put another thing in my gallery: http://christianfurs.net/gallery/v/Drummer+Boy/lightning.jpg.html
  4. Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I just bought a new tablet, this is one of my first sketches with it: It only took an hour and a half to make, while drawing something like that with a mouse would have taken over twice as long...so now art can go faster, and I can add more detail and stuff without it taking incredibly long. Yes...let me go write up a journal on deviantart with commission details' date=' I haven't updated them in a while[hr'] I wrote up a journal with commission information: http://aaromus.deviantart.com/journal/0/ On a side note, does anyone have feedback/critique for me at all?
  5. I still play Battlefront II, heh. Played that last and it's still as awesome as I remember it
  6. Well, thanks again. I'm pretty much a total unknown except in one or two circles on deviantart. I'm not good enough to get watchers...
  7. Well that's kind of flattering. O.o thanks.
  8. http://christianfurs.net/gallery/v/Drummer+Boy/?g2_page=1 Feedback much appreciated! I pretty much just copied some of my better works from my dA gallery and uploaded them here.
  9. Thanks! I've been away from drawing for a while, but here's something I doodled today:
  10. The 250 GB version of this. Its actually a Seagate SATA drive inside that happens to be the same kind of drive used in most laptop computers. And' date=' yes, it would be having something to with 7 because that is the one and only system that has given me problems. Prior versions of Windows did fine, Linux did excellent (never a single crash). It wasn't until polluting my drive with 7 that I started having issues.[/quote'] Well, yes it must be connected to 7. The question is whether it's the fault of 7 or the fault of how your computer interacts with 7, because due to my experience and lots of performance tests, 7 is pretty much the most stable OS out there right now. It comes down to the fact that 7 is new and created for newer computers, so don't expect it to always run well on computers designed for and older OS. Here's a performance test of 7 that found it higher performance and more stable than both Vista and XP. Even though a lot of random performance statistics on blogs aren't totally trustworthy, my experience confirms this. Windows XP was installed on this machine for a bit, and it ran significantly slower than 7, and less stable too. I would say the problem is that you're applying your experience to Windows 7 as if it worked the same on all machines. Even the beta version ran for months on a friend's computer with no crashes whatsoever, ever, and no glitches or bugs, ever. That's like saying if I have a bad experience with something once, it must make it all bad. That's flawed logic to the core. That depends on your screen resolution. The Windows 7 taskbar is less intrusive than the XP taskbar ever was, if only because I'm running a higher screen resolution than before - and remember that 7 is built for newer, higher resolution screens, and it would be irrational to think Microsoft isn't going to create software for the newer and more advanced technologies and trends.
  11. AVG Free works great. Three days? Eh? Can you post a link to what your hard drive is? I'm doubting it's anything inherently wrong in 7 causing the problem.
  12. Well, I've built my new computer for myself, and I'm running 7 on it this moment. And I've gotta say...coming from a former Ubuntu/XP user, Windows 7 makes everything else, including OS X, look like trash. There's no way I'm downloading the unstable Google Chrome or the bloated and annoying Firefox again, or installing the way of space Linux is compared to what I have now. Absolutely no crashes, even pushed to the limits of its performance; completely stable and secure system with MSE installed.
  13. Cool. ^Link appears to not go to the right place.
  14. Well' date=' that's obvious. Eh, but Windows programs don't run in Mac OS, and vice versa. Or because you do know what you're doing. :dodgy:
  15. I'm running Windows 7, and it is so far the best OS I've used to date. Starts up in a couple seconds, runs without a hitch, very aesthetic, and totally stable. Of course, I built the machine I'm running it on with 7 in mind, so if you don't have a computer intended for 7, it might not be stable, but for me its a bit more stable than Linux.
  16. I love Demon Hunter, they're awesome.
  17. When nothing else has a bluescreen, your computer probably wasn't intended for 7. I can guarantee that 7 doesn't randomly have bluescreens on its own all the time, after being around it a while.
  18. Bluescreen is usually a hardware problem, not a software problem.
  19. Linux? Linux is the worst out there. It has major compatibility problems, and it's not as stable as Windows 7 at all. Totally overrated. I'm glad I switched back from Linux to Windows recently. The difference is like night and day between freeware and commercial software. I've used Windows 7, and it's great. I know someone who's been running the beta 7 for months, never had a single problem or crash, no bugs ever, and this was the beta version. Microsoft tends to do it right, and so does Google. Chrome is the fastest browser out there, and it doesn't have random unnecessary stuff on it. Office deserves to be business class, especially compared to the other options out there. Open Office is a mess, just like Firefox. Both are slow and bloated. Oddly enough, Firefox stopped working on my computer entirely too. I could still run it in Linux, albeit slow and with lots of failures here and there, but in Windows it would crash every time. Sounds like a bottleneck or something like that. I'm guessing your machine isn't built in a way that makes it work well with 7 or Vista. Perhaps it's because Linux is less advanced that Windows 7.
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