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Real name:

Other names: ISFoxMkloud

About your fursona: I have about 7 forms currently. Arctic fox (feral and anthro), Corsac fox (feral and anthro), Wolf-fox (or Wolfox, again, feral and anthro), Dragon (size will depend upon my mood, feral only, anthro dragons are not exactly my taste.)

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Location: Ohio, the United States of America. Might change, if things don't go well.

Email: PM me if you want my email for some reason.

IM: Skype (Again, PM me, if you are interested)

Web site(s): http://www.furaffinity.net/user/isfoxmkloud/ https://inkbunny.net/ISFoxMkloud

Artist/Writer: Artist, Writer in my head.

Style: Generic. I do sport cap or some sort of hat all the time. Hoodie if I can't get a hat. Oh and in case this is different, I like realism in everything.

Been to any cons: Never been one, I doubt I ever will.

Fav. music: Christian Metal would be my go to genre any day.

Likes: Foxes, wolves, games, music, really well done art, honesty, military history stuffs, order and structure.

Dislikes: The theory of evolution, badly done art, badly done music, badly made games and DLCs, dishonesty.

Church Denomination: Baptist by origin, but I advocate that the Bible should be the only guide we should follow, do not add to it or subtract to it for the sake of convenience.

Additional Information: Been told I am socially awkward, so be aware of that. I am introverted and I am very shy, or so I've been told. I will try my best to follow God's words and stuff. If you need me for anything for any reason, poke me, I will try my best and step out of the stalking mode. Oh, and I could be insensitive at times, also be aware of that. What else... my favorite colors are: black, purple, yellow and white. And... what else...

 Games I play frequently are:

  • Battlefield 4
  • ArmA 3
  • Banished
  • Left 4 Dead 2 (Not the favorite game, but I do have to play this as part of a team or just to do something with friends)

 There can be more, but at the moment, those are the only games I play quite frequently. If you want to play any of those with me, you are welcome to join.

This is all I can think of at this moment. More will come as we get to know each other. Thanks, and peace be with you.

Edited by KoryaLycopex

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Name: Ralvz'jeshka Shakaraph

Gender: Male

Birth Date: Unknown

Occupation: Ambassador for the GAI Universal United Government and earth.

Background: Ralvz'jeshka comes from the planet of Gobia II, in which the land he was born in was the all the least flattering, Desert of Iskirad. At one point, he was apart of an organization called the Hemlock Brothers Agency. Top priority was to slay vampires back then (and I will often take strolls to do so if I notice something is off). More to follow. :P


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Hello there^^ 


I see we both have an interest for languages and such. 

Maybe share some ideas for a conlang some day? 


Bah, never mind. I like your hair in your pic.. :D

Edited by Ralvz

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Hello there^^


I see we both have an interest for languages and such.

Maybe share some ideas for a conlang some day?


Bah, never mind. I like your hair in your pic.. :D

Making a conlang could be cool. I recently considered a future edit on Spanish to make a fictional language for a possible story. Tu comprende este?


Qual idiomas tu sabes o quieres aprender

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I tend to dally in different languages to get an idea of grammar or make up my own grammar rules. (I'll have to tell you about my Accusative Tense Agreement case) The only language I officially took lessons on, was Russian for two years.


Maybe we could revise each others' conlangs. Currently, I'm working on a Indo-Iranian/Slavic conlang, in which Ralvz speaks as a native.   





Marry Christmas and may there be plenty of ham! ^^

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Ello Ello! I am sorry I am late to the party but I am here to dance with you, and all I can say is that I can't wait to get to know you more. God bless you for everything and anything you have done, and I pray you shall do well throughout all the days. :D

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I see all of your guy's fursonas. I like the originality.^^ 


Nice to meet you too Hyenaguin, I've seen you and Thomas quite a bit around here. :D



Welcome to Christianfurs.net!

I'm Thomas Maltuin, the Maltese Tiger with a big mouth, nice to meet you!



Hello there^^ 


I see we both have an interest for languages and such. 

Maybe share some ideas for a conlang some day? 


Bah, never mind. I like your hair in your pic.. :D



Ello Ello! I am sorry I am late to the party but I am here to dance with you, and all I can say is that I can't wait to get to know you more. God bless you for everything and anything you have done, and I pray you shall do well throughout all the days. :D

Thank you sirs and ma'ams. I appreciate it, even though I was/will be out frequently. Pleasure to meet you.

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