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Cody Lucario

Beware of a Skype Scam

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I know Skype is used pretty heavily by this community, so I wanted to share a scam I came across.


Recently I found someone on Skype requesting to be added as a contact using the username wet.amber. I assumed she was someone from CF and accepted. Almost immediately I was met with a message. She said thank you for chatting and would like to exchange pictures. I was a little uneasy about it, but said why not. She then posted a link saying to use that website, it was more secure and ensured she wouldn't be showing her *cough cough bad word* to minors. I assumed it was a joke and clicked on the link. It brought me to a website called cammeetup.com. When I saw the profile picture I knew something was up. I typed a few messages back in Skype asking her what was going on, to which I received no reply. I suspected a scam and Googled it to confirm, which with the first link it was. The same profile on cammeetup was using different usernames on Skype but using the same exact messages to try and get people to go to the website.


If you get anything like this on Skype, don't go there! She starts off with a Spanish phrase, if you reply, she responds with "Yay someone to talk to!! :) how are you?" if you reply again she'll type "I'm great thanks for chattin with me I found your name in the skype members search :) whatcha up to?" If you continue to reply she'll use the same messages she uses for everyone else and will try to get you to go the the link.


Spread the word! 


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Yeah, there's those scams, there's ones that tell you that there's something wrong with your computer, or your credit card, etc. My favorite one was a voice call that was a recording saying I had a virus and to go to a website to clean it.


If it smells fishy, it's probably a fish ;)

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Personally as a general rule, I don't even accept friend requests on Skype unless I know from a previous encounter (say, here on CF) that they are going to send a friend request.  I also don't accept any messages from anybody not on my friends list.


Anti-social, I know, but this is why. =P

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My Skype rule- If I don't know you, I will decline the request. If It's a different name, you ought to tell me beforehand. *Hopes he hasn't accidentally declined a request from anyone here*

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I get these contact requests all the time. They often have tells in their usernames being references to female sexual anatomy in some way, combined with a common feminine name. They often lie dormant in my contact list for a few weeks before giving me the exact same canned speech regardless of my responses.


Whoever is writing their AI has been learning to have them respond to what I say, but not to pick up on the context. They flatly ignore such lines as "I have a girlfriend" and "I do not have a credit card" and continue with their canned speech regardless. I usually sigh, block them, and hit the "report abuse" checkbox when erasing them from my contacts.


They're annoying, but nowhere near as bad as real people asking to join my Skype contacts and then ignoring my relationship status (and orientation) while pushing for cybersex. Which happened to me twice in one week.

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