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Cheaper headphones now or expensive ones later?

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My headphones just stopped playing in one side. I know why (a few wires are broken) and the other side still works.

However I just don't really like how I'm only getting half the experience, so I'll be buying a new set.


Here's the top two from the ones I saw in a local Walmart: a Turtle Beach XLa and a Afterglow AGU-1S.


Should I get the turtle beach now, or should I wait a month to get the AGU? Tell me what you think.

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If the wires get regularly hit and or you happen to forget they're there and become a clutz like I do, you make want to look into Sim wireless headphones. Get creative though. Look through the TV sections, the Walgreens elderly assistive device sections, and even cell phone accessories. I had an awesome headphones set, then I destroyed them when i tried to leave the compie to answer the front door. Be careful!

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Examine the headset specifications.  You're not getting any extra sound quality by spending the extra $30 - $40 or so.  What you are in fact getting is wireless.  If you desire wireless, than they're a good start.  Considering they're for Xbox though, I'd consider blue tooth wireless first before those.  They don't run on the same 2.4 Ghz frequency that those do, which given your router runs on that frequency and many other devices, the channel won't be as crowded and you won't experience trouble from that end.


Just my $.02.  I'd go with the wired ones or blue tooth wireless ones.

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Well, what are your requirements? What do they need to work with?

The Turtle Beach headphones are specifically for Xbox use, the Afterglow ones are general ones that will not work with the Xbox chat functions. So you've got two completely different use cases for each unit.


If you're looking for general headphones to use with your computer/MP3 player/etc, I would highly recommend something along the lines of a pair of Sony MDR-V6 studio monitors.

These are my every day headphones that I keep on my desk. These do not have a microphone on them.

If you need the microphone, you can't go wrong with a Plantronics Gamecom headset.

People have told me that the mic on this headset is the best they've ever heard through skype. They are very high quality.


If you need the Xbox functionality, you can't really go wrong with the Turtle Beach, since there really isn't very many products that can do that...

With Afterglow, you're paying alot for a name and pretty lights.


*audiophile fox

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Turtle Beach are junk. Reviews from professionals are bad. Plus most of the costumer reviews. I had a px21 headset, lasted no more than 2-3 months before they broke. Very disapointed in the cheapness of the product.

I now have a Steelseries Frost Blue V2 headset. I paid $119 out the door for them. They were defiantly worth the price.

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