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Christian Furs - Christian Furry Community


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mutterwulf last won the day on June 20 2013

mutterwulf had the most liked content!


About mutterwulf

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/10/1990

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  • Interests
    I love drawing!....also camping, reading, crocheting, sewing, occasional gaming and such.
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  1. I have a Second Life account and I can say from experience that it is very time consuming and extremely addictive once you understand how everything works. And yes, it is mostly adult-oriented. My friend got me into it and I regret ever playing. The only reason I don't play anymore was because I moved and now I don't have internet plus my laptop is fried. I do not recommend ever starting an account, but if you decide to, do not use a laptop because it will cause problems with it especially if you play for long periods of time. You would need to build a computer tower specifically for gaming purposes with plenty of memory back up and graphics cards. Also, SL lags horribly because of all the data. It's not worth it in my opinion.
  2. Welcome, Miss Ellie! Hope you enjoy your time here. ^__^
  3. Today, I'm super mom/wife.

  4. Sounds very busy lol. My church is having services Saturday and Sunday and then a family night to watch monsters Inc. I'm looking forward to this Easter service to see what my pastor has to say.
  5. Hai! Welcome to the CF community. ^__^ I think it's cool that you do those things for your church. I bet you guys have something awesome planned for Easter this weekend.
  6. I've never been much of a first person shooter kind of gal either but I really like borderlands, borderlands 2 and dead space. I have yet to play dead space 2-3. My mate used to play runescape when we had internet. I never liked it. I preferred Diablo 2 but now that Diablo 3 is out, D2 is out moded and can no longer be played on Internets.
  7. Thanks you guys for the warm welcome. <3
  8. Adair, My inbox is showing that it's empty. Can you send it again, please? I don't have a computer and I only us my phone for everything so it may not have came through the first time.
  9. And hello to you guys and gal as well. I'm so happy to find other Christian furs like myself. Makes me feel a lot less lonely and I hope to become good friends with y'all. ^__^
  10. I've recently been playing borderlands 2 with my mate and his friend. I'm already a lvl 50 siren and I'm super excited that they just released the new dlc character and a new level cap which means I'll get to do some more leveling up I've also been playing little big planet but I'm kind of stuck on a level right now. Slightly frustrating. :/
  11. *gasp* I has a private message!? I shall check my pm right away! Thanks. :3
  12. Real name: Holly Other names: Momma, RinnRinn About your fursona: a brown female wolf. Very loving and friendly yet shy at first. Open minded, open hearted and occasionally opinionated. Age: early 20's Gender: Female Location: northern indiana Email: IM: Web site(s): Artist/Writer: artist Style: visual (I use pen, marker, pencil and colored pencil) Been to any cons: never Fav. music: country, rock, Christian, alternative, classic, some pop Likes: honesty, kindness, children, drawing, Renaissance fairs, gaming, reading, football (Chicago bears)... Dislikes: rudeness, hatefulness, abortion Church Denomination: non-denominational Anything else:
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