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Norzman showed me in

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My name is Justin. Around the webs I am known as KingFriday


Norzman showed me in. I was having a bit of a hard time with FFC. Felt a bit disconnected and uncomfortable with some of the going on's with the people there. Got a bit to graphic for me at times. I have forged some great frendships that I will never lose though.


These days I'm trying to live my life by my faith. I joined the fandom recently. I was exposed to it initially by pornography. I have always been a bit if a furry but thought it was weird or unclean. I just decided to go for it. It has been a incredible uplifting experience for me. I finnaly felt like I belong and not so lonely. But I soon found myself trying to get away from the toxicity of FA and FAF. FFC defiantly has some great people there. But being straight, some of the discussion that goes on between the others made me feel uncomfortable at times. But I did meet Norzman there. Glad I did.


I am a welder/sheet metal mechanic by trade. I am a gamer, 3d animator & modeler, musician, and scalie by night. I hope this community will be my final stop. I have been trying to get away from all the negative and unclean things surrounding me. I am a very spiritual person, and those things effect my spirituality deeply.


Do not be afraid to come chat with me - I don't bite, I give hugs.


Thanks Norzman



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I have no idea how that double posted but it did...

Anyway good to see lots of people here. I am quite the social creature, I love to chat and play games with people. Don't be scared to send me a pm! I use skype and steam quite a bit.

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Welcome! you are not alone, and we discuss real things with each other. Sexuality is a big tough topic, and I have learned a lot from here. Take a look at some discussions from LoneWolf, TychoAussie, Kail and Lu-Man. Contact all of our moderators here if you can, I have no skills to make your ideas work. The irc has introduced me to some good freinds, but more would be good. HAve you checked out Wagztail?

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Hey!  Welcome to the club!  Have a T-shirt!


Are my ears burning?  I could have sworn someone mentioned my name?  Or is that just smoke I smell?  Hmm....I guess that would explain why it got hot in here....

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