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Direlda Requests Bible Study Feedback

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Well, I like the idea behind posting the things on youtube. It gives a nice feed for pulling things from. The video portion could just be a logo or something... since all we really care about is the audio.

Yeah, that's not really what Youtube is designed for. We could go about setting up an iTunes podcast as well and stash things on servers around here or on Amazon. The way that works would also set up nice content delivery and reach a wide audience. But, it would require we host the content somewhere still, which is why I liked the idea of using youtube.


I do like the popcorn-reading format, I think that works best for getting people to pay attention.


And, I think it'd be great if you put a link to the study information in the forum threads you post. That way we have it well ahead of time. You can also warn people in those threads that the studies are recorded.

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So that what Mr.Direlda looks and sounds like ^_^ lol hehe x3


And I havnt been to any sessions yet ^^'

I'll let you know when I attend one. I just only got involved in them :3

I do look forward to them though :3

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YouTube is not really suitable for a Bible study such as this. It's geared more toward video, which you do not have, so it is in your best interests to use a method that is designed more for audio.


You already have server space offered to you (and which you have been using from the beginning) which you are quite welcome to use and I know the host sees no issue with its presence there. You may as well use that, since it already exists. I realize there are a number of people being petty and immature about this, but you already have a space to host the recordings. Don't expend effort looking for a solution to a non-problem.


Putting them on iTunes is a good idea though.


Limiting the Scripture reading to smaller portions is good. There are some passages that you could spend hours going over if you wanted, and you'll be forced to dilute discussion if you focus on too much at once. (The opposite problem also exists.) As another who has led a private Bible study for several years now, I also know it's preferred when people come having already read the passage for the week, so they are better able to contribute toward any discussion. This is somewhat unenforceable though, so it's just something you'll have to stress outside the study whenever possible.

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Youtube is a fantastic platform. ^_^


It's it's own search engine for video and audio media that people use commonly to find music. If tags are used properly there's a good chance of being linked to in related content, or being found in searches. It's also a good way to show up very high in a google SERP since they've started showing a handful of videos at the very top.


Often times artists will just post images that are somehow related if they don't have visuals, but you can always post the current scripture in whatever translation you are using in case people don't have a copy of it handy themselves.


Also, there's a good precedent for doing this. John MacArthur and Tommy Nelson both have a lot of their content there.

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Regarding hosting, I have never doubted that I am welcome to host on the WagzTail server. And I will continue to do so. But, I also want to have the recordings posted somewhere else so that I can potentially have them seen by more people and so that it does not come across that I am favoring one side of this rift that has occurred over the other (if at all possible, I would like to remain friends with people on both sides, so if that means expending a bit more effort, then so be it).


It seems like SoundCloud might be a good option, since there are sermons of comparable length posted there and at least one multi-person Bible study. But I don't know how well that would integrate with the forum here. And as for YouTube, I would have to have a picture or something similar to ensure there wouldn't be just a black screen. If I don't have a picture among the thousands I've taken that would work, I could always draw one myself or commission someone. Keep in mind I'm still looking into things--these are thoughts and not plans.


Of course, all of this talk of hosting become a rather moot point if I don't have someone volunteer to edit the audio for me. You wouldn't have to upload it online--I can take care of that and writing descriptions, tagging, etc--but you would have to listen to the whole thing to make sure it sounds good. Kail may have been writing intro music...? (I should find out if that was just a random thought or an actual plan) If that is the case, you may have to splice that on to the beginning. So this editing will be a big job without monetary compensation (unless that is what it takes to get someone to do this, then I suppose /I/ will pay for it if the price is reasonable). Basically, until I have someone helping me edit the audio I won't be posting any recordings anywhere. T.T


I do appreciate the feedback so far! Even if you haven't been to the Bible study I lead, if you have been to a Bible study, your thoughts on the reading of Scripture portion would be greatly appreciated!

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aw' date=' what happened to my post? It was a lot of stuff too... =(



The internet swallowed it?


Can you replicate it, or are those ideas lost forever? T.T

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aw' date=' what happened to my post? It was a lot of stuff too... =(



The internet swallowed it?


Can you replicate it, or are those ideas lost forever? T.T


Or something...


I don't really know... I'll try to get around to doing it again, I am only taking a quick breather from homework, so I can't right now, sorry... =(

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Youtube is a great platform for ease of access and putting your stuff out there to be found. I will also echo the idea of having a static image and possibly using the video to show the scripture as a bonus to the platform.


As for feedback, I listened to one session on Wagtailz a few months back, so this is really vague impression time. The sample may not have been a prime example, but it seemed like you spent an awful long time just reading verses, even with the popcorn approach. I'm use to more of a couple verses then dig in, cross-reference, expand, and make concrete approach, so there's a bit of bias here, but seemed to me that you took on too big a passage and didn't spend enough time unpacking and digesting what was going on in those verses. Really couldn't given the length of the passage you were working with. -That was actually a Wagtailz 2.0 podcast proper, so not sure how much it even applies to the Bible Studies.


A bit more helpfully - I have a background in live audio and bought some software that can do basic audio mastering at the least. Problem is I barely know my way around said software at this point, so can't really promise competence, but I'm willing to give 'make bible study sound decent' a shot.


On the other paw, I'm not sure exactly what kind of time investment this will end up being. I need to learn the software, so that part is helping me as much as anything, but have a small worry that I'm biting off more than I can chew commitment-wise. To be honest, this is me looking around and raising a helping paw where no one else can or will.

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Rythe, if you are willing to at least give this a try to see if it is something you are willing to commit to, I can send you a file to look at. Please PM or email me (both of which can be done via the links at the bottom of this post) so that I may arrange a way for you to receive the file.


Blessings and peace!


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