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I'm published in the Rainfurrest convention anthology!  Yay!  The anthology is called Furtual Horizons and contains 11 short stories plus some accompanying artwork.


But there were complications... First, Nova's artwork got lost somewhere in the process after I sent it to the anthology submission staff. ã… .ã…   I'm really bummed about that because I was both excited to have her art accompany my story and to have an artist friend get published.  Nova, of course, is also rather bummed.


Second, there was a bit of a formatting glitch at the end of my story, which resulted in the story that follows mine getting reproduced, without any gap, at the end of my story and labeled as mine in the header (that story is also properly attributed, titled, and presented following the end of "my" story).  So the second to last line on page 112 of the anthology is where my story ends (last word of the line is "restaurant").  This sort of error happens from time to time and it will be fixed if they ever get enough demand to do a reprint.


The cost of the anthology is $10, plus tax.  I was mistaken about the charity--this year's charity is the Cougar Mountain Zoo, so proceeds from the sale of anthologies will be going to them.


I haven't had time to read through the anthology in its entirety, so I can't tell you about what they all are about or the age-appropriateness of all of them.  There are at least a few that are definitely PG-13, possibly bordering on R (for language, violence, brief mention of genitals in dialogue, and/or allusions to sex).  But there are also some that are PG.  Also, the publisher the convention went with to publish the anthology, FurPlanet, does publish adult books in addition to books suited for the general public, which might be an issue for some of you.


If you want a copy you can either PM me tomorrow and I can try to pick one up on Sunday (and then we can arrange repayment) or you can order one off the FurPlanet website.

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So FurPlanet sold out of copies of the anthology at the con sometime between when I saw they had them last night and when I went in to buy some today.  Which means you'll have to buy through them if you want a copy.  The bright side of this is that it might make them have to do a second print run (depending on how much of their stock they took with them to the con).

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An anthology is a collection of works published together.  This anthology is a collection of short stories by different authors.  However, it is possible to have an anthology of works all by the same author.  Also, anthologies are not limited to short stories--there are also song, poetry, and essay anthologies, to name a few.

Thank you everyone for your congratulations. \^o^/

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