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Pokemon X & Y

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So who's got the current best handheld game on the market right now? :P

My friend code's 0962-9851-1649 :D


Err, how do you add somebody to your friends list on Pokemon X/Y? I have several 3DS friends who've been playing the game (sometimes even at the same time I was) but my friends list on there is still empty...:s

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So who's got the current best handheld game on the market right now? :P

My friend code's 0962-9851-1649 :D


Err, how do you add somebody to your friends list on Pokemon X/Y? I have several 3DS friends who've been playing the game (sometimes even at the same time I was) but my friends list on there is still empty...:s

it needs to have you both connected to the internet at the same time, nnid and global link account may be required.

Also, you need the current update for X or Y on the eShop.

Pokemon Z should be announced sometime in November through February 2015-2016.

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I bought myself a blue 2DS and a copy of Pokemon X and my girlfriend a red 2DS and copy of Pokemon Y last year for our Christmas presents. Pokemon is her favorite videogame series and I hadn't played a single entry since Silver (there was much to learn).


We both picked Fennekin as our starters and named them after each other (I reset and started the intro to get a female Fennekin; odds were already 7-1 in her favor to get the right sex on hers anyway). She stayed up several nights clearing the game, whereas I haven't even made it to the second gym yet I play so casually and infrequently. The first time we fought, I beat her through a combination of luck and good decision-making for my moves. Second time, she trounced me handily with higher stats and a better-rounded setup of types on her team.


I mostly just turn it on, Pokemon-amie my Braixen for a few minutes, then save and turn it back off.

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