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Computer Forced Shutdown VS Crash

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I'm working on something at school, I believe a teacher forced my computer to shut down when I wasn't around.


What evidence would there be to show whether the shutdown was by holding the power button as opposed to simply crashing?


I saw the error screen at startup saying that the machine didn't shut down properly, asking me what to do.

I didn't see anything else on startup.

Just wanted to get a second opinion to back up my theory.

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9.02 - The Multimedia Class Scheduler service entered the running state.

9.08 - The operating system started at system time ‎2012‎-‎04‎-‎27T13:07:59.375199800Z.

9.08 - File System Filter 'FileInfo' (6.1, ‎2009‎-‎07‎-‎13T19:21:51.000000000Z) has successfully loaded and registered with Filter Manager.

9.08 - The previous system shutdown at 9:02:58 AM on ‎27/‎04/‎2012 was unexpected.


9.08 - The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.

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Guest Wolfin

There should have been a crash log or memory dump line if the computer failed with a blue screen; a lower power event if it was due to a dead battery; however there would be no event for a true lock-up (although it shouldn't restart itself) or a hardware failure that was too sudden for the log to note it (or a hardware failure involving disk I/O operations).



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School administration isn't helping at all, as normal. I'm making sure to record the conversations we have tho, so that might help later.


It was off when I got to it, and the last entry was maybe 8 minutes prior.

The unit was plugged in and battery fully charged when I got to it.

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