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Harmonic Tremors

Good Christian band names?

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Hey guys/gals!

I am starting to put together a band, of which we will play both Chrsitian and secular music, how-ever most of it will be Christian...

How-ever I am facing a dilema...

I have no idea what to call ourselves....

I want something that is easy to remember, not too long, not silly and nothing to do with the cross or jesus fish etc.. as I do want something that even Athiests will say "hey that sounds cool!"


our influences ranges from:

Relient K, Pillar, P.O.D, Thousand Foot Krutch, Skillet, Kutless, Paramore, Live, Creed, Switchfoot, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Ozzy Osbourne/Black Sabbath, Dark Seed, Darkseed, Marillion, Queensryche, Rush, Petra, Stryper, Whitesnake, Goanna, Indigo Girls, Rednex, Redgum etc...

After a certain ammount of suggestions, I will make a poll/vote competition in which the winner will reciever our first recorded cd/album (when we get round to it, may take a while but none-the-less, they will get it!)

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While I was procrastinating, I found this thread, and registered. I don't intend to post here often, though.


I love rock/metal, and I figure I'd offer an atheist's perspective, since you mentioned it. I hope I'm not too harsh here. Don't try to please everyone, including those giving you advice. On with the advice:


Only you can decide what name's best for you. People can offer suggestions, but you know your band better than anyone here. I'll try to help you there.


First, I'll point to my name. bearetic. I went to Baylor, a Christian university. I lost my faith there. I am a heretic. Baylor's mascot is the bear. I am a furry. Put 1+1+1 together and I've got a name I often get compliments on, though sometimes people don't get it or pronounce it wrong. Also, it's unique! There were less than five Google results before I claimed this name. It's a keeper, even if I find faith again. If I had a band, I might name it bearetic.


Try not to steal a song name or anything like that. That's lame.


What do YOU want your band name to say?

If there were a word, sentence, paragraph, novel, event, building, ANYTHING that summed up "this is our band," take that and go from there.

Also, allow for room to grow. Musical directions change, opinions change, even faiths change. Everything changes, really. So because of and despite that, commit to something. If "Christian rock" is what you want to say, say it. Start general and get specific.


It doesn't matter how good your name and CD graphics are if the music is lame.


Lyrically, what bugs me is lack of effort, or unoriginal content. When cliches and stolen phrases make up the good portion of a song, it makes me facepalm. Relevant to religion is rehashed Bible verses. Get creative.


Personally, I dislike tired old end-of-the-world scenarios. Bla bla RFID chip, new world order, etc. But that's just me. I'm not the atheist pope or anything. Also, I'm not your primary audience! :P Write about anything you want, really.


If pop music and the radio has taught us anything, it's that good/catchy/etc music can save bad lyrics. An example of a song like this is Megadeth's "Washington is Next!" Good song, rehashed lyrical garbage (IMHO).


I'll say it again, don't try to please everyone. This is just my advice I'm giving because I wish I had a band. I'm jealous! I'm also a graphic designer if you need a logo... :P But that's not why I made this post. I made it because I should be looking for a job instead.


Good luck, work hard, and have fun!

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Well, I think I would have to go with what Wolvy has said in the last. “Raziel” is certainly a good word to call you especially because of the fact that it has a point or a good meaning to it and it can be definitely add good notice and importance to your songs!

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