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Everything posted by JuliaWolf

  1. Hiya Kouga! I hope you enjoy it here with us! *hugs*
  2. Hallo,Shelly! It's nice to have you here with us.
  3. Amen. :heart: And no worries,my friend..I'll always be praying for you <=)
  4. *hugs tight* You're so full of emotion,and such a wonderful poet. <3
  5. It's no problem,I just sent it to your Yahoo email. =) Let me know if you gets it,okay? XD EDIT: Oh yay! You got it!
  6. Heya,Falux! It's so awesome to have you here with us! Have fun and feel free to talk to me whenever you like. /me hugs you in greeting :heart:
  7. Father, I just wanted to thank You for another year of dreams,visions,and most of all,another year to spend becoming even closer to You. I ask that You please bless those through this whole fresh new year,Father,and that You help pick up those who fall,so that they may walk once again along the path that you've chosen for them. Nothing is ever impossible with you,God,and I pray that You help reassure those who sometimes feel weary that Your Will is always good,and always just,because You Yourself are True Love..You are a True Love that only can be found through You. Pure and Genuine...Full of Holy Power that is unmatched and invincible..You are Holy,and all of us here thank You for being Who you Are. We thank You for another day at living,another chance at redeeming ourselves,and another time to focus our eyes onto You. We thank you SO much,Father,and in Jesus's name we pray, Amen.
  8. Father, I come to You asking that You will bless those who are trying so very hard in their lives,and I pray that You please help continue to sooth and reassure them that victory will be theirs,as well as Yours. My Lord,You are the key to our salvation,and our eternal freedom. I am forever honored and thankful to be here because of You. I ask that You encourage the faint-hearted,and build them up in strength and determination,for You are a couple steps nearer when we walk to You. I thank You for shedding Your brilliant light upon those who need it,and I thank You for guiding the ones that can't see in the midst of this world. I love You and thank You,in Jesus's name we pray, Amen.
  9. I like em' both Which makes it hard for me to choose. XD If I had to pick a favorite,it would be the 2nd one.
  10. I still think it's good. XD An artist comes in many forms.
  11. Aww,I like it! She's pretty. *huggles*
  12. *giggles and huggles* D'aww,thank you! Oh,btw,I sent you a YIM message with the link to the avvie,Kain. Let me know if you get it. But if you don't get it that way then I can PM it to you,just enable it so I can send ya a message. X3
  13. I drew you one. I hope you like it! (Forgive me if it isn't the best *chuckles nervously*) Just save it and it's all yours. /me hugs you and smiles
  14. Amen! :heart: And I'd be more than happy to fast with you on the begginning of the New Year!
  15. *giggles and hugs you back* ^___^
  16. I'm SO happy! Eeee,thank you! /me 's tail wags excitedly ^.^
  17. Father, I pray that you reach and wrap your arms around those with suffering hearts. I ask that you help guide them and help reassure them that there is hope,and that there is salvation..That you are and always will be their way Home. You are their home Father,and I praise You for blessing all of us here with the knowlage that You will be coming for us very soon. And the knowlage knowing that with you,any single thing is possible through You. You are loved heavilly by us,Lord...Loved and respected for Who You are and for how much mercy You give us. We all thank you and ask you to guide our wounded spirits down the road of humbleness and compassion,and to keep swimming through this ocean of life. I pray that You help keep those up who are down,and provide onto them what their spirits crave and need to survive. We love you,and thank you with our whole hearts.. In Jesus's name we pray, Amen.
  18. Yay! I'mma girl too! XD *pounces and hugs lots* Hallo there,Cassie friend! I'm happy you joined us and make yourself at home. Feel free to talk to me whenever you like,I loves making new friends and I think you have awesome likes! X3
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