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TPP and what it means for CF

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I thin your are being way to  alarmist.  I do not see why destroy  this forum because of your paranoia.  Still about  copyright and  property right I have a few to words to say:



no 8. 

  1. You shall not steal.


1 cor 6: 9-11

  Or do you not know that the unrighteous[b] will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,[c] 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified,you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.



Yeah, but think about this.


TPP will not just effect copyright. It will also provide less access to medicines, trample on the working class, hurt Christian ministries, damage the environment and give huge corporate powers like Google and Microsoft even more power.


The American government are going to try and hurt God's Church. The gay marriage legalizations are bad enough. 

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Today I ran across this: http://www.citizen.org/pressroom/pressroomredirect.cfm?ID=5724  (Also copied here: http://www.globalresearch.ca/secret-tpp-text-unveiled-its-worse-than-we-thought/5487015 ) relating to this subject.  Needless to say this thing sounds rather bad.

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Well, there IS law that isn't of God which is called "law" so it doesn't count. It's like someone rewriting Revelations book and saying how whoever changes their changes will be punished. Also, if a government loses its authority and goes off God's path, it STILL can be disobeyed WITHOUT sin. It's like disobeying to kill someone when you're forced to do it unrighteously. Nobody but God can edit sin definitions! This Bible's security hole in sin definitions doesn't create a security hole in God. God is constant and cannot be changed. Listening to what God says DIRECTLY through Christian meditation is the best method to know! If God says what to do, DO IT! When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. Don't worry, it's NOT rebellion. I mean, it technically is, but rebellion FROM SIN; just like every time we repent; which is the POLAR OPPOSITE of rebellion from God! So fear not to step away from what's wrong. If you do what's right and someone's twisting the Bible verses to prevent you from doing that; no matter if it's your friend, Christian from a different denomination, or even me;, it's SATAN who's controlling them! SLAP THE DEVIL IN THE FACE USING THE SWORD OF THE RIGHTEOUSNESS THAT GOD GAVE YOU! Command him and all his demons to go away! But do not hurt your friend if you don't have to. If they won't stop judging them, slap them in self-defense for the sake of the sanity of your brain to execute God's commands and for the sake of God's will! Don't use your ego! It will do the opposite! Whatever you two do, keep repenting and apologizing and being sorry and forgiving between each other. God knows exactly what your intentions are. And if someone says that the path to hell is paved with good intentions, THAT'S THE MOST SATANIC AND DISCOURAGING EXPRESSION that kills people's good intentions where they then DO become satanic. So go out and battle! Rebel the sin! Be like Moses and feel like it's the Exodus times!


Also, listen to this.


P.S. Catholics DO NOT edit sin definitions. They're inspired by the Holy Spirit. Do not blaspheme that. You might say there are minorities like in medieval times, but applying that to everyone is like saying "All teachers are rapists and they must be slaughtered in slow and painful death." which isn't godly at all. So please be nice

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