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Christian Furs - Christian Furry Community
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I'm listing about as I go through a few life changes, and found this community during that.


So the history. Fell into the furry world via an interest in roleplaying as storytelling and escapism. I was a dragon fanatic and avid fantasy reader when I was young, and discovered roleplaying through searches involving both that eventually led to a very interesting log site for a MUCK with 'taurs and furs then Sinai MUCK. Never had the chance to join either, but they were the spark and I still have fond memories of reading those logs.


The roleplaying circles I eventually found myself in were basically full of furs, and even as I've lost my links to all of them at this point, I still lurk around FurAffinity and things for the art, and by extension, ideas. I've grown fond of the identity for a lot of its little creative facets and flexibility. There's a style to it that hard sci-fi or fantasy often lacks, a whimsy and adventurous feel of the sort that made Chrono Trigger a dearly loved game for me.


I'm a creative soul of many talents and potential, but lack the drive and determination to see it through. Doubt is there too. I try, after a manner, but feel like I'm ten years behind on life.


So that's me.


Not sure what's going to come of this, but in the meantime - have a dragon.



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Welcome. That dragon reminds me a big of one of my character drawings that I commissioned. You'rs seems to have a bit of gryphon to it. I like it, it's unique.

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Thanks for the welcomes!


The style of that dragon is an extension of my second RP - The Furry Dragons Roleplay. Long defunct, but it doesn't really feel that unique to me knowing where it came from and that it's just my version and further development of what's gone before. :P


Glad people are liking it, tho'.

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Since a few were curious as to what I was - here's the last iteration of the avatar. There were always problems with it, and in some ways, not as good as the previous official iteration.


Just hit the point where the problems are making me want to redo it again, very badly, so we'll see how long it takes for me to 'fix'.



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