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Well, I hope this isn't going to be a total fail ...


Hey everyone! :D I'm starting a gaming group (group, not a clan). Reason I say group and not clan is...


  1. If you are already part of a gaming clan, that's fine we don't care.
  2. We don't demand you change your gaming account name for us (I always thought that was a little bit too much when clans ask that)
  3. Mainly our website will just be a place to hang out and talk about games with other furs.
  4. When we are in-game we are not playing for score. We don't care if you went 68-0 in Call of Duty or 0-68. We just want to have a good time.

At the moment I think we will be mainly on XBOX360 (and maybe computer games, since if you are reading this you have a computer, lol), but if we ever get enough members we might go to other gaming systems like PS3 and Wii.


All you guys are welcomed to join, and please if you have any ideas/hints/tips for helping me out with this just let me know! :) and if you wanna be apart of the team that runs the website, please talk to me! cuz I don't really know what I'm doing in the first place lol. ONE MORE THING :P lol, if anyone would like to draw me up another logo, I would be fine with that! I spent over 2 hours on this one and it still stinks (I know 2 hours for drawing letters ...) EDIT: Well now it looks like it's just going to be FFG not F4G since I see the weirdness about that now ... :blush: So if you would like to make a logo even more of reason now...


Here is the website so far: http://fursforgames.weebly.com/


Please leave your comments and thoughts below, :D thanks.

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1st: lol' date=' at first i thot the name was leet. u might wanna state that its not. 2nd: could u have a group on runescape?



leet? not sure what that is..


and yeah, we could be on runescape I have had account there for a few years now.

OH! wow :blush: i feel very weird now seeing that F4G could stand for if that 4 was ment to be something else ...... I might change this to FFG lol ..... wow :blush:

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actually' date=' changing numbers to letters is basic leet. thats what i was referring to.



:blush: lol yeah I saw that right after I posted the reply, I already fixed the website and everything :D thank you for pointing that out :D

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The Russian Mafia challenges you to a Clan War.


are u serious? or joking? if your serious, and our rs clan is succesfully made, and is militant, gladly. i am a former apprentice fo adrian erith, annd an enemy of the mafia.

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RM > all


hmmmm... why does everyone here belong to the russian mafia? thats an rs clan' date=' right?



D: hope so, cuz if like, the real russian mafia was after me, I would be like FREAKING OUT MAN!

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