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War of the platforms

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So, I was talking to a friend about this the other day and were were pretty agreeable on it.

I have none of the newer game systems, but I've read about them and I've played on them.

I don't have a favorite really.


So, whats better? The Wii, Xbox 360, or the PS3?


Well, lets take a look at the details of each system.

Now, I'm not really wanting to include the Wii, because it kinda stands on its own. Its a completely different form of gaming that I believe is aimed at a completely different audience than the others.


Wii's Specs:

CPU: IBM Broadway @ 729 Mhz

Graphics: ATI Holywood @ 243 Mhz

Supported Resolution: Up to 480p

Connectivity: Wifi b/g, Bluetooth wireless

Memory: 512 MB Flash memory + SD card

Media: DVD dics

Source: http://www.wiisworld.com/wii-specs.html


PS3 specs:

CPU: PowerPC-based Core @ 3.2 GHz (7 cores + 1 VMX vector unit per core)

Graphics: RSX @ 550 Mhz

Supported Resolution: up to 1080p

Memory: 256 MB XDR RAM, 256MB GDDR3 on graphics card, Internal hard drive, SD/CF/Duo card slots

Connectivity: gigabit ethernet, b/g WiFi, Bluetooth

Media: DVD, CD and BD discs

Source: http://playstation.about.com/od/ps3/a/PS3SpecsDetails_3.htm


Xbox 360 Specs:

CPU: 3 cores @ 3.2 Ghz

Graphics: ATI Graphics with 10 MB embedded DRAM + 512 MB GDDR3

Supported Resolution: 720p or 1080i

Memory: Not listed?

Connectivity: Ethernet, WiFi a/b/g, proprietary wireless technology for controlers

Media: DVD discs

Source: http://hardware.teamxbox.com/articles/xbox/1144/The-Xbox-360-System-Specifications/p1


Ok, so, specs wise, the PS3 kinda dominates with the most memory, the fastest processor, the most cores, and the highest output resolution.


So, lets look at some of the less technical features.


This is kinda where I want to disqualify the Wii and put it in a race all its own.

The controler style is compleatly different from anything ever seen before (except maybe the EyeToy for the PS2 or the NES Power Glove). The games, in my experience have often been more group and family oriented.

I see this as more of a family-friendly system and marketed as such.

There's nothing wrong with that, just seems to be to be completely different form the others.

For what it is, I think the Wii is a great system with great games.

I have also heard reports of a lot of issues with it like games glitching and not running well. When I played a Wii, it ran just fine.

The Wii does require you to be active, and I think this is the main turnoff for a lot of folks that look at it, and what makes others want one. My step-dad actually wants one for physical therapy.


The PS3:

The games are stunning in graphics. The full 1080p resolution really brings a new realism to the gameplay. Online gameplay is totally free over the Playstation network and it even has the ability to run Linux. The device is more or less a computer that plugs into a TV. You can even get a bluetooth keyboard for it and browse the web like any computer.


The Xbox 360:

It plays Halo.


/me looks through his notes.

That's... really the only definitive feature I see that could set it above the rest.


The pricing:

I think this is really where deals are made and broken. The price of the system for the features it offers.

(All prices from Wal-Mart)

The Wii: $200 gets you the whole bundle. Games average between $20 and $40.

The PS3: $400 gets you the "customer's choice" bundle. Games average between $60 and $100 each.

The Xbox 360: $250 gets you a nice little bundle. Games don't seem to sway very far from the $60 range. (+ $8 a month for Xbox Live!)


My picks: So, what do I think is the best?

Well, that's complicated. I think there's a best fit for everyone.

Halo fans: The Xbox, of course.

People in a large family or likes to socialize: the Wii

For the hard core gamer (not-Halo): the PC.


Wait, what?

Yeah, the PC. Seriously, if you're gonna be dropping that kind of cash, get something that's going to be useful for more than just gaming. You can get a darn nice computer for $400 these days.


Now, of course I'm a bit biased towards a PC, because I'm more of a PC gamer.


Is the PS3 a bad buy? Absolutely not. I have a friend who picked one up for cheap on Craigslist and uses it mostly for streaming movies. Its a very capable and very powerful system in the right hands. I see it as more of a general system and more of a flashy thing (given the price tag).


Personally, for me, I have a PS2 and I don't have any real reason to upgrade beyond that. If I were to get something new, I would have to find a first gen PS3 (so I could play my PS2 games on it).


So, that's my review! Please offer your comments.

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I heard that the PS3 is just basically a computer on your TV. Can't you install OS on your PS3 and then play computer games on it?

My friend has a PS(something i don't know what number.2,3, 45.7542). And he uses it as his personal computer.


But i do agree that PC has a lot better choices for games.

It has all halos, A great number of RP games, Internet.

And you never have to worry about getting more controllers for your friends, or getting another TV and game system with the same game... just to link more then 2 people....

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Yeah, as I said the PS3 does use BD for its media. BlueRay discs hold 23 GB of data if I remember correctly, DVD's hold just under 9 (dual layer discs).


Especially if you have an HD TV, I do think the PS3 is the best bet. I mean, you can install Linux on it (I hear there's some driver issues and can't support the full 3D acceleration or something, probably been fixed) and its the only one that puts out full 1080p.

I will tell ya, at that resolution movies and games look sweet.


The only issue I see with the PS3 is the price. I mean, you're spending $400 just for the system then between $60 and $100 for each game.


I think the Wii has an advantage there at being much less expensive.


The thing I see with the Xbox is the only real advantage it has is it plays Halo. Its rather expensive for it too... And it seems like you can't really do anything more useful with it without shelling out $8 a month for the service.

I think Sony was smart here in making the PlayStation network free.

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Well, I just recently got a PS3 and I have to say flechmen, one of us is missing something I think. O.o


First of all the PS3 slim is at most, $350 for the system if you buy at target. The 120 GB system costs $300. The older PS3 was however a little more expensive with less memory but could run PS2 games. Also, I have never seen a PS3 game that cost over $70, and rarely is it over $60. I have seen several games (Less popular I'll admit) that cost as low as $20 new at stores such as Best Buy. Although I haven't considered our locations and I have forgotten where you live...in the united states though, prices of the PS3 slim and the games are good. And of course Sony is always awesome =P


Also a note on the Wii is that they have recently released controllers that are designed basically the same as a PS3 controller, giving a new spin on gaming for the Wii. Also, again I consider Nintendo a very reliable company.


As for the Xbox...if Halo was made for the PS3, xbox would be no more. :P Other then that I despise Microsoft because their products always feel cheaper to me (At least by comparison) and the Xbox graphics are far below that of a PS3.


And that's my 2 cents =P


@flechmen You might consider looking at Amazon.com for some good price comparisons.

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I was just looking on Wal-Mart's website. They have a good "average" price. Online is always going to be cheaper, some stores will be more expensive. My experience has been that Wal-Mart is about in the middle.

The $400 setup was a kit that included a game and some other accessories.


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Ah ok, the one I was looking at is just the system. I've never seen a $100 game though O_O


By the way just for kicks I almost flipped out a few weeks ago. The Wii was on sale for $150 at Target. Not sure why in the world it was $50 off but I definitely did not read the tag wrong.

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