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The story of Raieth

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Hey guys!!!


Uh...I couldn't find a section where to post this so I decided to put it here. I hope its okay with you all.


If its not, I would appreciate somebeast telling me...(sorry, I'm a newb when it comes to forums)

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Somebeast.... lolwordplay. :P


I think this would be the right place to put a story or something. Show us what you're workin' with! :P

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To a lone, dark-furred wolf, the sky seemed grey and oppressive. The clouds were heavy and groans of thunder rumbled behind the distant mountains. He looked to the sky, his one eye blinked as the drizzel began. The creature opened his mouth, catching some drops in his mouth. His tar-black hair floped infront of his face and was soon drenched with water. The drizzel would start to turn into a torrent. Slowly drooping his head, Raieth turned around and started to trudge through the thick mud...


Water dripped off of the cyborc implants attached to his jaw line. It streamed down the carbon plastic and dripped off his chin, onto a kevlar breast-plate he wore. Raieth took out a pistol from a holster around his thigh. Out of a heavy coat he wore, the wolf drew up a suppresser. Screwing it onto the muzzel, he silently pulled back the slide, turned the saftey off and pulled up the flaps of the coat. As he began to materialize out of the forrest, his good eye gleamed and narrowed and made a stealthy way toward the outposts.


More coming!

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A guard heard nothing as a shadow rushed up behind him. Without a sound, he was struck out with a flying kick. Raieth slowly opened his eye and dragged the sentry out of the edge of the path. A couple hundred paces away was a handfull of wooden cabins that were bombed out. Wisps of greyish smoke hung around the area, like clouds around a mountain top. Raieth swiftly sprinted across the path, his mechanical foot-paws making no noise. His long, wornout coat flapped loudly as he sumersaulted and dis[patched another guard. The half robot-half wolf grabed the weapon out of the stunned beast's paws. With just a flick of his wrists, the assualt rifle was dissabled; the bolt handle patroding out of the broken carrier group. Water streamed from the black strands off hair onto his snout as he inspected the fallen enemy. Then, like a shadow, he slipped out of view.


"Please don't shoot! Please!"

An aged male husky, kneeling bound and beaten, pleaded to the soldier, who countinued to point his rifle at a young cub. Again and agian the soldier pulled his trigger, but the weapon was having problems. He lashed out his fustration on the elder.

"Keep quiet!!!!Just be silent!!!!!"

The elderly husky had his paws clasped together.

"I beg of you! Please don't kill my grandson!!!Please!"

The soldier threw his firearm down. He drew out a pistol and struck the cub over the head. The old one cried like baby, sputtering his pleas.

"Please don't...P-Please...I beg....of you!....Please..."

The elder dog whimpered and lowered his head. "Please, oh Lord! Spare my son! Take me instead but I ask that you spare my son!!" Whimpering the elder sniffed and sighed."Amen" He looked up. A tall, dark wolf, with strange features on the majority of his body and a ragged longcoat was standing over him. The old husky looked for his son, who was shaken but safe, a couple of inches behind the figure. The dark form extended a gloved paw. The elder took it and got up. As he did, the hood the creature was wearing almost fell off. With a swift paw, he pulled it back over his head. The husky looked intently at him. "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" Was the reply.

"Saccum. M-My grandson is Chetu."

The mysterious wolf bowed his head. He looked around and slithered away behind the shadow the smoke. Saccum called out.

"Thank you! Thank you whoever you are! Thank you!!"

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Raieth shook the water from his eyes. Running along the edge of a hut, he peeked out. Through the storm, he could make out four forms kneeling in the middle of the area, covered in mud and bound together. Standing around were six other guards, chuckling or coughing, prodding the figures with their rifles and occasionally hooting mockingly.

Raieth looked around and observed. Those bundles turned out to be other villagers, rounded up. The guards would rotate every once in a while. Two would stand to watch the hostages while the remainder would check out the abandoned huts. Mock laughter echoed out of the doors and the sharp sounds of shattering pottery, splintering wood and bursting glass reached the wolf's ears. Some of the huddeled villagers began to flich and shake; the rain pouring down on their covered heads. As the soldiers came out of the hut, they started to flick at their snouts and kick their rear ends, making faces and whispering insults. Raieth kept observing, keeping his attention on the two particular combatants, who took their turn to watch. As the soldiers grew bored, they began to saunter away, going back to the huts and destroying items. Raieth saw a chance. Perhaps a chance only one, with a particular talent, might see. The black figured-wolf stepped out from the corner of the hut. The rain was heavy and thick, and and one guard grumbled. He turned his back on the captives and looked out in the rain. A humping, grey figure approched. Alerted, the soldier tapped his comrades shoulder with a paw. They both pointed their automatic rifles at the shadow.

"Hey!" The soldier cocked the bolt on his weapon.

"Hey you beast!"

The figure kept moving. The soldier looked at his partner. As it came closer, the figure became more revealed.

"Paws up!" The soldier motioned with his rifle.

"Paws up!"

The darkened figure finally stopped within three paces of the two. The second soldier cocked his rifle and took a challenging step forward.

"Stand still and paws up!" he shreiked. The creature nodded and raised his paws. The first soldier grabbed the edge of his coat and tried to tug it off. His paw felt along the figure's middle and came upon a holster. With excitment, he yanked up, pulling out a slick, black pistol.

"Well,...what do we have here?" He stood and looked at it then waved in the face of the beast.

"What ya doin with this, eh?"

The soldier snickered and felt the other hip. His paw came upon something long and stiff. He tilted his snout.

"What's this?"

He was about to pull on it when the figure grabbed his paw. It's grip was tightening and painfully powerful. The guard yelped and growled, pointing his gun up.


The second soldier went behind and tugged at the hood's collar. He pulled with his all his might.

"Got you DOG!!"

The coat shredded. The soldier fell in the mud and looked up. The creature's good eye turned to the first soldier. He barely whispered out.

"W-What are you?"

Raieth looked up, the rain streamed down the strands of his hair.

"I am no dog..."

The soldier reached for his firearm. Raieth elbowed him swiftly and twisted his paw upward. In a blur, he snatched up the gun, kicked the guard off his foot-paws and killed him with a swift blow to the neck. The second soldier had got up and was about to fire. Raieth threw something and the second soldier fell to the ground. With lighting speed, he rolled, struck him, grabbed an assult rifle and aimed it at the nose of the soldier. Only a whimper could escape his lips.

"W-what a-are you?" Raieth pulled out the thumb knife he had thrown out of the guard's shoulder. He concealed it under a band around his forearm.

With a swift crack of the paw, the soldier was out. He got up and went straight to the hostages. With a implement out of his paw, he cut through their bounds and took off their hoods.


A soldier came walking out of a hut. The hostages weren't there. In alarm, he turned back in to get his weapon and radio. He bumped into Raieth and crashed onto the floor. The cyborg wolf already had another rifle in his paws. The soldier got up to run while Raieth dispatched him with a heavy kick to his shins and an elbow to the back of his ears. The wolf tucked the radio onto his belt. His figure seemed cutting as he made his way through the weather to the edge of another hut. Inside, three soldiers laughed as they destroyed the furniture and loaded up on booty. Raieth entered, as if without a care in the world. The soldiers were just about to see who he was. With a whirling kick, lighting-fast strickes and a few wrist-breaking disarms, those soldiers just became more bodies on the ground. Without an emotion, Raieth disabled weapons, crushed radios and cleaned his blades. He moved silently to the next couple of huts, and without much commotion, cleared it and moved on.








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Might i suggest www.fictionpress.com

This will allow you to post the story, have people review it, and you can edit it at anytime.

I have a story going there as well.

Check Signiture.




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