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Nathan of the Little Paws

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    Nathan of the Little Paws got a reaction from r2packey rat in Stuff of Me and Katie that isn't Fantasy Adventure Related   
    Trying out different face markings and scars.
    Cross-shaped scars on both cheeks for "turn the other cheek"? Seems a bit cheeky and forced to me; also the balance looks off. If I do keep cheek scarring it's going to be left-cheek only.
    Cross-shaped scar across the chest? Maybe, but I like having a thick ruff there so it'd usually be covered up.
    Eye scars? Probably not.
    The various possible face markings have different meanings, if anyone wants to hazard a guess at any of them.
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    Nathan of the Little Paws got a reaction from Almondjoi in *Churr* Hello!   
    Welcome, Angel! The quoted block are things we have in common.
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    Nathan of the Little Paws got a reaction from r2packey rat in Some passages concerning marriage.   
    It's my girlfriend's birthday today!   We had some very appropriate scripture at Mass this morning:    
    18 And God said: "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him." 19 So the Lord God formed out of the ground various wild animals and various birds of the air, and he brought them to the man to see what he would call them; whatever the man called each of them would be its name. 20 The man gave names to all the cattle, all the birds of the air, and all the wild animals; but none proved to be a suitable partner for the man. 21 So the Lord God cast a deep sleep on the man, and while he was asleep, he took out one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22 The Lord God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man. When he brought her to the man, 23 the man said "This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This one shall be called 'woman,' for out of 'her man' this one has been taken." 24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body.
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    Nathan of the Little Paws got a reaction from Ember in RP Rules   
    The hamburger was cooked medium-well, served on a sesame seed bun. It was topped with ketchup, mustard, dill pickle slices, a leaf of lettuce, a slice of Cheddar cheese, two strips of bacon, one fried egg, French fries, a sausage patty, and Ranch salad dressing. It decidedly did not have any onions, tomato slices, sweet pickle relish, mushrooms, mayonnaise, or olives on it and its L.A.S.E.R. turret would blast any of these brought within a cubit of its outermost edge.
    I'm presuming you meant to say "Entries" and accidentally typed the wrong word, but I couldn't resist the obvious joke.
  5. Like
    Nathan of the Little Paws got a reaction from Rygeku Of Bayamon in christian Jpop   
    It doesn't matter how well you know the Japanese language, your pop song is not J-pop unless you actually make it in Japan. Just like an animated series produced outside of Japan will never be a Japanimation.
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    Nathan of the Little Paws got a reaction from Ember in Sharing Art of all kinds   
    I like. :3
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    Nathan of the Little Paws got a reaction from Ember in Sharing Art of all kinds   
    I love that dragon.
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    Nathan of the Little Paws got a reaction from Blackstone in Art of My Fursona by Other Artists   
    Thank you very much, Blackstone.
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    Nathan of the Little Paws got a reaction from Blackstone in New to all of this   
    Welcome to Christianfurs!
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    Nathan of the Little Paws got a reaction from James SilverWolf in straight pride parade   
    I think anyone who uses the term "homophobia" unironically needs to rethink his vocabulary.
    Telling people you think their actions are some combination of morally unsound and medically unwise is not fear of them.
    And even when someone is actually being hateful towards homosexuals, which is not nearly as common as claimed, hate need not in any way be the result of fear or misunderstanding.
    Homosexuality advocates coined the term "homophobia" to belittle those that disagree with them, to say that their opinion doesn't matter because "they're just afraid of what they don't understand" which is a load of grade-F bull hockey.
  11. Like
    Nathan of the Little Paws got a reaction from JosiahtheTiger in Adventure, Ho!   
    Art posted in chronological order of events, not order drawn or sorted by medium.

    My character's mom, Mousezilla. She is the protector of Mouseburg (and yes, this makes me a Mouseburger).

    Mousezilla with her mate Sir Gary Flamestache and a litter of their pinkies. As he is a Fairy type and she is a Dragon type, they need to purchase a fairly expensive potion any time they want to conceive. It should be clear visually which of their children grows up to become an Adventurer Player Character.

    Sir Nathan encounters a wolfcat named Princess Katie. After he gets over the initial fear, he starts approaching and talking to her. They rapidly fall in love. I drew this picture of myself and Katie when I was in the hospital being treated for my appendicitis. It is the first picture I drew of us.

    Sir Nathan sets up residence in the walls of the castle belonging to Princess Katie's parents. They play together in her bedroom or the kitchen from time to time, but his nature as a dormouse requires much sleep so play is sporadic.

    On some days the princess finds herself mysteriously shrunken to the mouse's size. He protects her using his talent for physical violence.
    The Spirit of the Moon blesses the couple (represented by crescent marks on the fur of their foreheads, or in some older drawings a white drop on his). This in spite of protestations from some of the other forest animals that a cat and a mouse are not suitable mates. Katie is elevated to a status of Volcano Spirit and must spend four years asleep in the lava to keep it from erupting and destroying the surrounding area. Sir Nathan takes up adventuring to pass those years.
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