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Christian Furs - Christian Furry Community


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Everything posted by SpaceFox

  1. Happy Father's Day- Grace like rain... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pC1gnDHeeA
  2. Welcome to CF Colton. Glad you found us!
  3. That's pretty good actually. Was the split in the end of the tail supposed to be a "wagging" effect? By the way, really like your signature quote!
  4. Welcome to CF, glad to have you aboard! Space
  5. Welcome to CF- glad to see you here!
  6. Welcome to CF Ryu, glad you found us!! Space
  7. Welcome to CF Seven- glad you found us!
  8. Are you a blessing? To someone or for someone?
  9. After writing some more on CAYA, I nearly forgot that I even posted anything here! ...wow! Come as you are2.docx enjoy! Oh, and did I mention a marathon writing exercise for Chapter 3? yup, its done too! Come as you are3.docx Was completed this morning at 1:15! Woot!
  10. Wow, that's looking good! Is the head tight or loose? Looks like some toony eyes would be better to see through but some follow-me eyes would scary! Are you going for scary? The eyes are what makes the character, make sure its what you want others to see you as Keep up the good work- Space
  11. Welcome to CF! Come join us in the chat sometime!
  12. Welcome to CF! Always glad to see a new face around the board... so to speak.
  13. Catchy and yet... haunting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL6tB_0ZJtw
  14. 'ello Plusle! Welcome to the forum side!
  15. While not really a song- its still beautiful. There is no substitute for Love...
  16. Welcome to CF- writer here too, see ya 'round the forum! Space
  17. Probably late on this one but heard it and thought there was a decent beat there! A rather worldly message in the song but... yeah.
  18. Pretty sweet suit- had to add you to the watch list, great pics in the gallery! You gotta post up some of the con photos!
  19. I know where Rap comes from now! Brilliant! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRrlQqes1Xo
  20. Welcome to CF, Timber! What do you like in Science? I'm a bit of a theoretical physics buff myself ,Kipp Thorne, Michio Kaku, Edward Teller, few others too. Hit me up sometime in PM if you wanna chat. Doc
  21. Welcome to CF Pewter! From Memphis TN here. Although I'm abroad now...
  22. That is brilliant!! "Give me paw... Oooooooo"
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