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"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."

Proverbs chapter 17, verse 17.


Your true friend will never judge you, will never mock you (maybe playfully,) and will never put you down.

The definition of adversity is misfortune, and he will stay with you regardless of a situation.

If your mate cheats on and leaves you, if you lose your job and even your home, if you move around with the military (I hope he's not gonna move too, but he'll try to keep in contact,) &c, he'll stick with you and make it known that he's all for you, albeit not necessarily what you stand for. 

He cares, and he cares for you by showing it. He will not always defend you, for sometimes you are in the wrong. Instead, he'll take the side of right and, even though it totally pisses you off, he'll point out right from wrong, condemning your actions or intent, but not condemning you.

He won't use you,  abuse you, take from you and not give back. He will respect you.



"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." 

Proverbs chapter 18, verse 24.


What's so bad about having a goodly number of friends?

Well, can you really give them all the time some of them need?

The ones who you'll grow a deep connection with need the most time. Those will last. *Has a lizard walking down my chest right now*

You can try to give each the time he needs, but you may experience burn-out from trying to do too much for too many in too little time.

And if you don't take care of those friendships, they'll die and suck the life out of you as well.

Really, do you like losing friends? Don't you try (well, why am I asking that when I question if people even try much anymore) to salvage friendships and relationships instead of letting them sink? *Has lizard on paw now.*

Doesn't it seem like a lot of work? And where is the room for growth if you keep too many to give any real amount of one-on-one time to? You grow more one-on-one rather than in groups. You begin to truly see who is your friend. 


As for the brother part, any brother worth half of his salt will keep you in line, rebuke you, educate you. That is your true friend-- not the one who condemns you or never lets you know you've done wrong, but the one who gently tells you wrong from right in your actions and intents, the one who will not judge you by comparison but will be almost like a parent. He's someone to look up to, respect, learn from, and lean on. He's trustworthy.

He's your friend. 


Are your friends like this, or are you in want as such as this? 

Love is patient, love is kind, love does not boast, nor does it take revenge. Do your friends love?

Edited by Spirit Bear

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A good like-minded friend (who has solid beliefs in the Truth) is always a good thing for any Christian. I'm a rather introverted person so I naturally am only drawn to very few close companions. I'd say I have two that I'd call "close" but one I have to use good judgement around as they aren't Christian so don't always understand my reasoning for certain actions I might do. (For example I really liked a guy I used to work with, but he wasn't a Christian and being unequally yoked and working for a relationship like that could be dangerous for the both of us so I never really pursued it.) Something like that might not make sense to someone who doesn't half the same beliefs and thinks that if "said boy" was a good person he would be mindful of my beliefs. But that wouldn't have been fair to either of us. Likewise, my "other" close friend (whom I refer to as my sister as I have been "adopted" per say by her family) is a firm believe in the Truth and has helped me to grow and understand it. She helped keep me on a steady path in the right direction, fully understanding my trouble as it (unfortunately) seems to be common issue for young singles to be tempted by unbelievers whom they are attracted to. She encouraged me and kept me from making poor decisions that could have seriously messed me up (though she had experience with that particular issue as she had been dealt a bad hand with it). 


Anywho, a good relationship with another Christian to help keep you accountable for your actions is very helpful. :) 

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If we do not reach out to non-Christians, there will be no Christians. We're born innocent and pure, lose that, and have to make the decision on Christ. But most people will never choose God if no one chose to lead them. 

Christians friends are great. That's why we're here, for they're supposed to encourage us and grow us together. But I'm the type who befriends those far from God and hopes that they, by getting to know me, may see something of God too-- and want to know more. 

I find who is more open to the idea of God, and who I shouldn't yet even mention God to.

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My attempts to make non-Christian or luke-warm Christian friends were catastrophic. Full of "fine" people, emotional parasites, tempters, stressers, etc.. I just cannot. I am not meant to be or ready to be a direct preacher. I've got this horrible depression and barely got out and ohhh no way am I going to get back into what I was before. I'll take a break and be with my Christian friends. Speaking of non-Christians, I sometimes pray for them that God leads them. That's the only thing I can do. I have to focus on working with my talents that God gave me.

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Not everyone is meant to preach. Just like not everyone is meant to be an artist, to be good with computers, or to be good with plants. 

Everyone has something he can do, although when that is revealed.... is up to God. It even seems that gifts change. 


As for praying, that's great. But neglect sees it fall apart. Pray continuously. Just like a baby needs continuous care, so do the fragile emotions of others. But how will God, who is in Heaven and directs the Spirit to direct us, lead if there is no one to go on His behalf?

Of course, most of us are not born to lead. And, often, those who are do not want to go. 


As for depression:


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How will God lead if there's no one to go on His behalf? Not for me to answer. I'm not here to preach. I just know that He finds the one who should do it and then that one should do it. And just because someone doesn't want to go, why should I go? I've been and I couldn't succeed! By the way, God gave me presents for Christmas: a friend is very Christian, some friends in the choir, positive girls in the choir, a development board, a friend who's a furry and a girl and likes paws, peace to get away from this depression, web development books, a game development book for platformer games in C++ using SDL2, a professional composer in music school admires my talent and my efforts in what I've done so far regarding composing music and helps me. I suppose I'm meant to build some friendships, maintain my peace, use God's talents, study what He has given to me to study.

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