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G-Root Liska

My story about becoming G-Root

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Chapter 1 The start of something new


It was sure wasn't your typical Saturday morning for sure. I just got to my computer shop to finish working on a big order for a computer repair. If I wouldn't have gotten this done by Sunday, I would be losing a big deal here. What happened is earlier in the week we had a big electrical storm come through and a hotel got struck by lightning and they've been closed for the last 5 days do to the power outage and the fact the lightening took out their whole computer system. It really wasn’t all that bad just a couple of motherboards and all the computers were on warranty, HP went ahead and sent the replacement parts. Sure did save me some money let alone the hotel.


Well around 1 pm in the afternoon I finally got the last computer setup and hooked everything up for a test run for the network aspect to see if everything would work just fine. Well all I can say is major success. I immediately start packing things up to head to the hotel. I had gotten the call that power was restored and they were ready to get the hotel back and opened up.

On my way to the hotel I noticed that there was a ton of army vehicles all over the place. Let along one little secret services car was following me even to the hotel. I thought well that is what the rush was, the secret services are staying at this hotel. Anyways I get to the hotel and pull up to the front door. The General Manager was there and helped me unload all the computers and immediately I got to work.


Well around 5pm the last computer was hooked up. This left the server to be hooked up. I got it hooked up and turned it on. It seemed that it was working just fine. The General Manager and I both started turning on all the workstations and every last one worked with no issues. Reservations that were on the server were restored and reservations made from other website services started piling in. Talk about a major success.


Well the General Manager gave me my check and I was on my way out the door. When I walked out the door I noticed that the secret service guys were still sitting in their car. I honestly felt that was a bit strange. I made it my way to bank to deposit the check and was going to go out to dinner. I get to the restaurant and the secret service guys stopped me.


Mr. Mike we are with the secret service and we need your help immediately this is a direct order from the president. I looked at the gentleman and said this must be some mistake you got the wrong guy. They shared the last name on the papers and it in fact was me. I told them whatever the president needs I will be of service. I told them let me go close up my shop send my employees home for the night and I will graciously do what you need. I left my car at the shop and took off with them to the local airport. There was no waiting whatsoever, it was like the plane had been alerted of our coming.


We finally get to Washington and it was already Early Monday Morning. I said to them "should we just got to bed and get back at this is in the morning I'm sure the president is asleep". They said "no the president isn't asleep and he wouldn't be because how serious this is". I followed them to the oval office and the President stood there with a look of shock on his face.


I said good morning Mr. President how can I be of service. He explained to me that there was a big situation that happened with a big computer frame. Everything about a special agency that if in the wrong hands could destroy the world. I was in shock! I told the president "what is this big situation?" The president tells me that it was a massive security breach and that the secret agency that is involved he isn't at liability to say. I told him "as a computer guy not telling me this agency makes it really rough for me to fix the problem." Well needless to say I still didn't know what the agency was.


I still didn't understand why I got brought into this. I'm just an owner of a mom and pop computer store what can I do. Well the President told me he had faith in me to fix the problem. Don't get me wrong I had faith in myself but most importantly faith in God that he would guide me to protect my country and fix this so called big situation/ breach. It is what it is.


Well Monday afternoon I got started with the computer main frame. What I didn’t understand was the location of the servers. The servers were stored in a room with canisters that had a green goo in them. I tried to keep my distance from these canisters. The fact it was filled with a green goo gave me the creeps.


I was checking some security software and noticed it was really outdated. Upon updating it not even an email could go through without some high checking and scans. I wrote up my own small harmless virus code to send through the server from my laptop. It was a successfully blocked. Well I got a little ballzee and pushed a bigger virus code and it worked. Blocked completely.



I had noticed that a few things were loose on the shelving and server racks that this stuff was in. I grabbed my power drill and started screwing somethings down. Well not realizing I had my drill turned up to high impact mode my drill slipped and went flying across the room. Well if you guessed it you are right. Some of that green ugly goo got splattered and landed right in my mouth. I was expecting some alarm to go off but nothing. I did call the agent at the desk down the hall. He called a hazmat crew and they asked if any got on me. Not wanting to lose this job with the Government I told them no.


I left for the day and went back to my hotel. I had a few cokes before bed and some popcorn and watched a movie. Believe it or not the movie was a bit boring so I changed it to some classic cartoons like thundercats and some other stuff. I had my bible study with the lord that night since I missed church and went off to bed.






Edited by Groot Liska

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Chapter 2: Life begins to change


The following morning, I woke up and got out of bed. I reached over to put my glasses on and noticed that my vision was blurred with them on. I took them off and got out of bed. When I stood up my pants fell completely to the ground. I honestly was rather startled. I thought to myself this is weird I'm a 250lb guy how is it that my pajama bottoms just fall off. I stepped on the scale in the hotel bathroom and I lost 100lbs. I about panicked, I took a look in the mirror and have to admit I was rater impressed. I was in the best shape I was ever in. Something else managed to catch my eyes. My hair looked like it had a light blue tint to it. I still pushed it off like it was just a dream.

Well it was a good thing that I got up a bit early before heading back to the White house to do a bit of more work for the President. I needed to get some clothes that actually fit me. Well if you ever been to Washington D.C you would know that they see seem to have some good stores there. I decided that well I wanted some dark blue skinny jeans. I've never been able to wear them so why not. While I was at the store I seen a Superman vest. Being my geeky self I bought it.


Well I ended up getting to the White house. I went over somethings from the day before to make sure security was still top notch. Turned out it was pretty good. I went to the President and first thing he said to me was “what on Earth happened to you last night.†I told him “I honestly don't know, I was a 250lb guy when I went to bed and now I'm 150lbs. I can't explain it but I feel the best I've ever felt.†President says “well people change every day maybe this is a work of God for you buddy.†I told him thank you. I also told him that everything is all set, I can't imagine another security breach happening again. President then throws me an offer, “Mike if you ever need anything just let me know, here is my personal number text or call anytime.†I thought this was awesome the President trusting me like this.


It was about 12pm when I returned to the hotel, my flight back to Michigan wasn't till 3pm that afternoon. I talked to the front desk manager and she gave me a late checkout till 2pm. I went up to the hotel room and took a small nap. At 2pm the front desk calls, I got down to the desk and turned in my keys. The agent at the desk asked me if everything was okay, I said of course never better, feel the healthiest I ever felt. I got in my rental car and drove to the airport. When I got into the airport I was getting some weird looks so I went to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and my hair was a dark blue-green color. I was beginning to wonder what I was on. I then remember the day before pretty much drinking that green goo at the White House by accident. What was happening. I took some ibuprofen and got on my plane.


The flight was a pretty decent flight. I got home to my house about 7pm and to be honest I felt really sick to my stomach. I just simply went to bed. I woke up again and looked at the time. I was actually scared because I slept for 2 days straight. Even my employees blew up my phone trying to get a hold of me. I get up take a shower and after getting out of the shower I went to the sink brushed my teeth and looked up and about had a heart attack. My arm and leg hair had even changed color. They were a mixture of white on the under parts and a light blue everywhere else. I mean everywhere which I was like in total shock. I prayed to God that whatever it was that I drank from that accident I hope it don't kill me. I called my employees and told them I would be working from home.


I made some important billing phone calls and paid suppliers and other necessities. The whole time I'm doing this I can't help but question why my hair was changing color. I called my doctor and made an emergency appointment with him that day. I get to the doctors and he looked at me with shock. We went through some typical procedures. My doctor comes in and says “Mike I don't understand you seem healthy as a horse.†I told him “how is this healthy my hair has changed color and I've lost weight in one night.†He then tells me “I will draw some blood and take it to the lab but other than that the weight lost I would count it as a gift.†In my thoughts how could I look at this as a gift. I knew it had to do with something about the green ugly goo but I couldn't tell him. I didn't need the Secret Service after me. I just was okay; I guess I couldn't complain at all I knew I was healthy so why bother.


It was getting late so I went home. I made some steak for dinner and to be honest I shocked myself. I made the steak rare. I've never been a rare steak eater. It was the best steak I've ever had. I watched an episode of Damages and went to bed not knowing what will bestow me tomorrow. I guess we will find out.






Edited by Groot Liska

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Chapter 3 A very creepy Thursday.

I woke up in the middle of the night to some weird pain going on. It was coming from my rear end and on my face. I'm being honest this is pain I've never felt before. I got up and went to the bathroom to get some ibuprofen. I went to the medicine cabinet and looked in the mirror. What I saw scared me half to death. My face had completely changed and then I felt my rear end and now I had a shiny blue tail. I passed out at that very moment.


It was about 9am Thursday morning and I heard my cell phone ringing. I ignored it and got up and remembered what had happened in the middle of the night. I thought to myself wow what a weird dream, I looked into the mirror and my worse thoughts came to play. It wasn't a dream at all. I now looked like a dog. My hair was no longer just hair it was all fur and even my man hood was covered in white fur. I thought to myself what on earth. I didn't know what to think.


I just stood there staring at my reflection with the most astonishment. How could this happen to me. I then remembered Sunday and Monday what had happened at the White House. Could this have been from the ugly green goo and that I had accidentally drank. Just as thoughts were piling in my head my cell phone rang again. I went to the bedroom to grabbed it and noticed it was my best friend Noell. I answered the call and immediately she started chewing me out.


“Hey Ginger Root (I hate her nickname for me) where have you been, everyone has been so worried about you. Even your employees at the shop are flipping a lid out, what is going on.†I told her that its a bit complicated and I don't understand what is going on with myself. She then asks if I'm okay or am I really sick or something. I told her I've been to the doctor about this and he told me I was healthy and not sick at all. She then says “I'm coming over, this isn't like you to stay home and just not talk to anyone.†I told her “Don't you dare come over, I don't know if this is contagious or not.†She says “Shut up and stop I'm coming over.†I then responded “Bark Growl Bark you aren't coming over.†Her response was “Did you just Bark and Growl at me, how dare you you’re not a flipping dog.†I then “let out a long whimper, I'm so sorry I don't know what happened that was really weird.†She then says “screw that I'm coming over.â€


I thought to myself well this is great. My best friend is going to see what I am or better yet what I've become. I went into my closet and found some old pair of jeans before this massive weight loss. I managed to get my tail hidden and I found a very baggy hoodie to cover my face. I proceeded to hide in a corner to cower and whimper like a scared dog. Thing is that is exactly what I was. I was a human dog.


I heard knocking on the door and I started barking and yelled come in. My friend Noell came in and was astonished how dark my house was. She says “Where are you and why is it so dark in here.†She reaches over for a light switch. I growled and said “don't turn on that light I don't want to scare you.†She says “what is scarier is its dark in here and your hiding in a corner like an abused dog.†I said “well that is exactly how I feel and what I've become.†She says “what you've become, oh the heck with it I'm turning on the lights.†She turns on the lights and I hide my face into the corner.


“Oh my God, what has happened to you Mike, your all blue like really light blue and your all furry.†I let out a long whimper and responded, “I know and it’s hard because I don't know what happened to me, I'm not the Mike I used to be, I don't know what I am.†She says “well I got an answer for you, you’re not the Mike you used to be so why not change it.†I said “change it, it has already been done and changed, I can't even keep that name anymore.†She says “well change that too, what about Ginger Root.†I let out a mean growl. “I actually hate you calling me Ginger Root.†She says “what about G-Root. I know it’s close to Ginger Root but it sounds really cool.†I perked my ears up and whimpered. I actually liked how that sounded. It was catchy and it just fit.


She sat next to me for a moment petting my head. Honestly this is the best I've ever felt in the last two days. Someone who cared unlike the doctor who told me everything was okay when it fact it wasn't. I ended up getting up to get something to drink. I went for a glass of water. Having it go down my throat was amazing. Honestly though now having paws and a muzzle for a nose made it a bit difficult to drink.


Then the last thing I wanted to hear Noell just manages to ask. “So what happened, last Friday you weren't like this at all.†I said “I can't really tell you but I did take a trip to the White House and after that this happens.†She got mad at me “Oh shut it and tell me now.†I ended up telling her about the ugly green goo, visiting the President, also the President giving me his personal phone number.


She asks “why would President Jacob Richards give you his phone number.†Well there is a reason and guess now is the point. I told her “President Richards is actually my half-brother; I haven't told anyone this well because the family isn't really happy with him.†She asks “well not my point to get into family problems but he is your brother and he gave you his number, I would be calling him.†She did have a point in the matter, blood is thicker than water.


I decided to call him. The phone rang and no answer so I leave a voice-mail. I told him it was me and that I really needed some help and was in a real big pickle that has changed somethings. About 10 minutes later my cell phone rings. It was the President or should I say my brother. I answered with a whimpered “helloâ€. My brother replies back “about time you call me, you know we are brothers and when you were here helping with that breach I knew something was wrong, are you calling me to tell me.†I didn't know what to say it seemed like he knew.


I said to my brother, “well it seems like you already know and please don't say mike anymore, that isn't my name now, I don't know Mike anymore he doesn't exist. My name is G-Root now.†My Brother was in shock, “well okay works for me and yes I do know, I've known since the accident you had but you are my brother and I couldn't tell anyone.†I said “well heck aren't phones tapped, wont the military here this.†He assured me that wasn't the case. Apparently being family of the President pays off. His next remark threw me off. “I'm coming to get you.†I growled at him “Don't you dare we don't need you assassinated or something.†All I got told was nonsense he can be there in a few hours.


I sat in my house with my best friend in tears. I shared with her that my brother has never been like this to me and now I may just become his pet. She even yelled at me for that thought and that I knew it wasn't even possibly true. She continued petting my head and I drifted off to sleep again.


 A few hours later I woke up and my brother was already there. Surprisingly no secret service agents. He seen me in the corner and looked at me with pity and at the same time with happiness. I growled “what do you have to be so happy for this isn't really the best family reunion, I'm a flipping dog.†G-Root relax Noell says to me. My brother says “I'm glad that your still my brother and that you aren't dead, what happened to you could have killed you and yet it didn't. I'm happy to have my brother still even though you are a dog. Also Noell here tells me you are afraid that you will be my pet, I ought to smack you, you are my brother dog or not.†I let out a small whiny thank you.


My brother explained to me what happened. Apparently what I managed to drink was known as Furtacious. He explained that it was an experiment potion that was supposed to cure animal sicknesses so families could keep their pets longer. Other words make families pets never die pretty much, eternal life for pets. However, it didn't work out that way and it was stored in that room because Monday evening it was going to be disposed. It was never tested on humans at all. I even asked him if tests would be done on me and I was assured that there would be but nothing that would be bad or horrible. Just to find out what it has done to me. He said unfortunately there is no cure. I was actually glad. The whole trip back to D.C I began to like the new me. I was glad, I was G-Root. G-Root Liska was the new name.


Knowing my brother, it was a bit hard to trust him. I explained that I had some guidelines. I wanted my business to stay flourishing and my employees to have a job. So my brother was nice to put the business under protection by the Government. It gave me some relief. I however wasn't able to run the business. I let my brother take over that aspect for me. My best friend Noell became the GM and I can trust her with it.





Edited by Groot Liska

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Chapter 4 Let the tests begin


So I had woken up that Friday morning. I tell you I was in a rough ride in my life. I had already changed my name; I was now G-Root. Mike no longer existed anymore, that life was over. My name was legally changed by the order of my brother. At that time, he asked me why I picked Liska as my last name. I told him he knows me on how I have so many lists for many different things and I put it together and it just sounded cool to me. Oh well that part of the journey was done. The papers now said I was officially G-Root Liska.


The rest of the morning continued uneventful. Thing is I knew the tests were coming right around the corner. My brother came into the room, “hey G-Root, just letting you know at noon we will be starting the tests we talked about, we will be going to a facility out of town.†I asked “please tell me this isn't like area 51.†My brother replied “not exactly like area 51, this facility was actually designed for the animal experiments from the furtacious potion. You will have your own lab.†I looked at him and started laughing, “My lab for what, your testing me so how is it my lab. This is a joke.†My brother says “For now yes we are testing you since the equipment we need is still in there.†I whimpered “go figure told you I would become an experiment to be pocked at.†My brother yelled at me “You know this isn't true, I wouldn't let it happen.â€


Finally, noon came around and my brother came to get me. We got into a unmarked car. Also two secret service vehicles were on route. One in front and one behind. The drive was a decent amount of time. It was about a two-hour trip and it was nonstop. Go figure right. We turn down a very secluded road leading into the woods. To my astonishment we come up to a small clearing and it looked like at one time it was a big Observatory. We get inside and man was it ever the coolest. It was bit to open for me however I'm sure I could make it work.

Well some doctors were around. I let out a mean growl. I'm not a fan of doctors after what happened a few days ago. “G-Root stop it you nut†my brother yells. “These people are more intelligent than your medical doctor so give them a chance.†The first doctor Dr. Jason Hartz approached me. He had a look of amazement. “Oh my G-Root you are really flipping cool dude, your colors your stance, your paws, I mean everything about you is amazing. May I actually touch you. I said “I suppose I'm not going to bite you dude.†He reached out his hands and grabbed my arm. I immediately took a major liking to him. This guy was amazing.


Now the other doctor just stood like she seen a ghost. I walked up to her and reached out my paw for a handshake. “I'm G-Root it’s a pleasure to meet you mam what is your name.†Oh her response was priceless, “Uh Uh Uh it it is is nice to meet you to. I'm Dr. Cynthia Sharp. This can't be happening I mean what are you. There is no possible way that you are human.†I snapped at her “Wow really are you high on something. I'm standing here holding my hand out to shake yours and you’re going to question if I'm human. For crying out loud I was human a few days ago and the only thing that has changed is my appearance.†She replied “well this isn't possible.†I growled “listen here toots I don't know you and I'm telling you anything is possible so shut it.â€


Dr. Jason came to me. “Well I have to do the first test; I want to do a CT scan to see everything about your brain.†I said “okay fine by me I can handle this test.†I went to a room and got undressed and but on some hospital clothes. It felt weird though because there was a full body mirror in this room. I got to see my legs and I was just wow I couldn't help but stare at my appearance. Dr. Jason was right I was one cool looking dude. The colors were just beautiful.


Dr. Jason started the CT scan and Dr. Jason looked at the monitors, I could tell he had a look of confusion. He came out “well you did have some big changes to your bone structure and your organs too. You still have all your human organs but your heart is a bit bigger than normal, your lungs are over capacity, your brain is just wow. I have one more test I want to do. This is a sense test. I'm going to see how long you can run on a treadmill and see your oxygen intake. Oh and your bones I'm not going to say you couldn't break but it would take a lot of pressure to do that.


Well here comes the treadmill run oh boy. I got on it and next thing you know I'm running at top speed. I actually felt it was too slow for me. My brother was in shock. “Man G-Root when we were kids I could out race you, now you could run a 50-mile dash and still be able to do more.†I smiled and yelped “want to push this to the limits brother.†His eyes got big “ummm no I will pass.†I stood mighty and high “Who is faster now.†My brother just rolls his eyes. Dr Jason checked my oxygen and couldn't believe that I wasn't out of breath. I wanted to do more. Dr. Jason said “enough of that, we now know you can run pretty fast. Your top speed was 20 MPH and yet you didn't run out of breath.†I just smiled I was so happy.


“Here comes the unbeliever again.†I snapped. Dr. Cynthia started coming towards me. She just grinned and said “shut it, I wasn't acting like that on purpose, it was just a lot to grasp and I'm willing to be your friend.†She stretches out her hand and I gladly shook it. “Now G-Root I want to test your since of smell, I would assume that your sense of smell has increased so let’s give this a shot.†She brings me two pitchers one with a blue colored liquid the other a clear color liquid. “Okay G-Root one pitcher is a drink that humans drink all the time and is a very common brand, the other is also a very common brand and not many humans can smell it. I want you tell me which each on is.†I went ahead and smelt the blue drink. I told her “that is blue Kool aide and boy does it stink, this thing smells like it has exactly six cups of sugar in it, How much sugar does one need its almost diabetes waiting to happen.†She groans, “if you must now that is my drink I can't believe you know that I put six cups of sugar in it and that is rather embarrassing.†I was shocked, I went ahead and apologized. Cynthia then demands me to smell the last pitcher. I went ahead and smelled it and about gagged. I said “What on Earth is that, you mean to tell me people drank that, that is good awful and I can't even understand how it’s clear. I'm telling you if this is something humans can't really smell then it has got to be Vodka. That is gross.†“That indeed is correct G-Root.†Cynthia responded.


Now both Jason and Cynthia were talking about my eyesight. They both asked me about it. I told them both before the transformation I wore glasses and on Monday when things started to change I put them on and couldn't see. Jason then pipes in, “well we have this test, in a way its like hide and seek, Cynthia will cover your eyes, once she is done with that I will cut out the lights.†Well about 2 minutes later I heard the switch click, I counted for a moment and told them I'm taking off the blind fold. I was expecting to not be able to see at all but in fact I could. Everything had a somewhat greenish hue or something but I could make out the tables and everything. Talk about weird for sure. I yelled “well Cynthia I see you hiding behind the computers might as well come out, and Jason really dude under a table this isn't 5th grade.â€


Jason came up to me, “well G-Root we know that you can run pretty good yeah some Olympic people can run faster but for 20 mph and not lose a single breath that is good. We know you can smell really well which is also decent, and last thing you can see at night. We have to put somethings together and we will get back with you tomorrow. Also remember this lab is yours you can whatever you want, however the door on the right and left towards the end don't go into either of them.†I responded can I paint the walls, this white is ugly.†Cynthia said “No you can't paint walls sorry.â€


 Well I got dressed and just roamed around for a bit. I still can't get through my head to why I couldn't go through those doors at all. Thing is I'm always curious. I decided to go to the right door. I opened it and in front of me was a pure glass window. Inside this room was a bunch of empty compartments up and down the walls. Each compartment had a ton of medical equipment next to them. I can tell you right now this was a bit strange and sent chills down my spine and the fur on the back of my neck was standing straight up. I knew this wasn’t something that would be classified as normal.


I had noticed that it was getting really late. I decided that I must try to get to bed. I walked over to my bed and sat down. I thought somethings over. I felt alone and a bit scared. I looked over to the left door wondering what I would fine there. I laid down on the bed and put on my earbuds, I listened to music and slowly fell asleep.





Edited by Groot Liska

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Chapter 5 The Secret Agency


Well Saturday morning came around. Almost a week before all my changes. Sure it was a bit depressing but I couldn't let myself think like this. I feel my life is so much better and I'm glad. What kind of gift is this? I remember the doctor back in Michigan saying I should count this as a gift. Really a gift.


I managed to get decent sleep so I got up out of bed. I remembered I didn’t visit the left door, I just had to check it out. Questions came pulling through my head, what was I going to find? What is going on in there? I went ahead and opened the door. The door opened with a loud creak, I was expecting someone to hear it. I glanced around the corner and couldn’t believe what I was looking at. This wasn’t no room like the other room I had looked at last night. This was actually a huge garage. I could count at least twenty different types of armored vehicles. I had no clue what any of these were. On the very far right side was a glass wall well more like a closet. Inside were a ton of different types of weapons.


I knew instantly I had to talk to my brother. He knew something and wasn't sharing with me any of this and to be honest it was a bit troublesome to my mind. I went for my cellphone and called my brother. I snarled and growled at him “What are you hiding from me? I want answers now?†My brother in utter shock simply says “you might want to find a comfortable spot to sit down.â€

I sat down and he started talking, “you didn’t open the doors did you?†I replied “well of course I did, did you really think my curiosity wouldn't get the best out of me? Well it did and I'm a bit scared now.†My brother simply assured me everything was okay. Thing is I still found it hard to believe.


“G-Root?†my brother asked. “Those two rooms are for a secret agency. I wasn't going to tell you about it just yet because I didn't think you were ready for it. I supposed I have to tell you now.†I answered “Yeah I think you do; I deserve some explanation here.†My brother then tells me “the agency is known as AnTHRROS†I asked him “what is AnTHRROS.†My brother responded, “it stands for Animalistic Trained Human Rescue and Reserve Operational Soldiers.†I barked and growled at him “you told me I wouldn't have to be a soldier.†My brother explained “you don't have to be if you don't want too, however I would give it a shot, with your computer knowledge AnTHRROS could probably really use you, your skilled in gadgets and what not, in combat and on special missions you could be a great asset. I also gave you that lab to work on things like this, I also feel you would benefit from this.â€


I still had a whole Saturday to keep my thoughts but they kept pouring out of my head. Was my brother right? Would this benefit me? I mean what use am I anyways? I can't go out in public like this, I would scare the world. I decided what do I have got to loose. It could actually be pretty cool. Thing is I’m wimp, a skinny mutt I would say lol. Hopefully I can do this.


I curled up into my bed for an afternoon nap. My mind had so much going on I needed to nap to shut it down, Thing is I'm sure more answers would come about. My mind went blank and I finally drifted off to a calming sleep.






Edited by Groot Liska

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Chapter 6 A Decision is a Decision


I woke up that Saturday evening starving. I realized I was so mad at my brother and all the information given to me that I never got a chance to eat any breakfast. If you haven't guessed me and my brother don't get along so hot. Yeah we did as kids but once we grew up and became adults we distanced ourselves. I wouldn't be lying if I told you I didn't even vote for him to be President. I don't think its jealousy because I didn't have any reason to be my life was great. Now that I think about it my life is better now. Sure at the start of all of this it seemed like it was going to be a great relationship again, but I can assure you it was only because of what I went through.


Anyways I did have a decision to make. I knew it was going to be something different for me. I didn't really want to be a soldier but what other option did I have. I decided to call up my brother. “what do you want†man I could' have smacked him with that type of greeting. “wow didn't realize I couldn't call my brother for just a moment of his time. I wanted to call you and let you know that I've made a decision about AnTHHROS.†My brother responded “Well what is it.†I growled at him “wow Mr. pushy but I've decided that I would join. I have to do it and I'm okay with it.†He told me that he would have me meet someone.


For the remainder of the day I just dug around the lab and rearranged somethings. While doing this I found a box labeled past subject toys and nick knacks. I couldn't believe it; these were toys that belonged to the pets that families graciously gave up for the experiment. Why would the government not give these back? I have to admit at this point I was a bit immature. I found a giant rat toy, the darn thing squeaked and it was like someone turned on a distinct instinct in me. I was throwing it around and just having a ball of a time.


Next thing you know my door is being knocked on. I open the door and who would've guessed, dear brother of mine. “Hey Groot just wanted to... Hey what on Earth are you doing with that rat toy what are you a one-year-old puppy.†I let out a mean old snarl, “well what would you expect me to do being stuck in here with nothing else to do. It would be nice to have a computer or some type of entertainment system here.†My brother tells me “I have someone that you need to meet.â€


I growled “Great just something else I want to do, meet another person." My brother tells me to go sit down at the table. He puts a file on the desk and clearly I knew it was my file. I asked, “is this an interview or something.†My brother responded, “well yeah in all technicalities it is, I can't just let you join this without the proper guy coming in to ask a few questions.â€


I hear a knock on the door, I let out a snarl and a growl. My brother answered the door and a man dressed in military uniform came in. He turned around the corner and stopped dead in his tracks. He had a bit of shock on his face, like he couldn’t believe that he was looking at me. He introduced himself as Jack.


Jack came and sat down and opened up my file, “well G-Root I can see here that you already have great skills, you can see at night very well, your hearing is extraordinary, your speed is adequate, oh and can't forget your since of smell. Wow you were able to tell that Cynthia used six cups of sugar in her Kool-Aide.†I chuckled “Yeah and, like, I told her it smelt like diabetes waiting to happen.†Jack Continued, “You were also able to smell vodka, not that amazing but still not many humans can smell it.†I chuckled again “Obviously I'm gifted.†Jack asked, “Before this you couldn't though?†I sighed. “No I couldn't.â€


Jack continues reading my file. “I see here that your pretty skilled with computers and that you fixed a breach in government security.†I said, “Yes sir I sure did. The problem with that security infrastructure was the binary code behind it was a little cheap. It was as if whoever designed it did it deliberately but I can't be for certain in the matter.†Jack says “Great and thank you G-Root, we really appreciate that. I have to say I think you will fit in with AnTHRROS and you know what with your smart remarks I know exactly who you would get along with. Also do clear up the attitude just a bit.â€


I asked, “Well then if that is the case, then what is my job?†Jack looks up, “Oh sorry, we are bringing you on as our TS.†I responded “TS? what does that stand for?†Jack responded “Technology Specialist, I also want to warn you though, this job at times will require you to be out in the field.†I responded, “I'm okay with it and appreciate it as well.†Jack got up, “Oh, by the way, the President has something for you.†I looked over to my brother and he tosses a set of keys onto the table. I recognized them at once. These keys were the keys to my car. I was wondering about that car. My brother then leaves me and Jack alone.


I looked to Jack, “Where is my car?†Jack responded, “See that second remote, push the button.†I pushed it and the left door that I was told not to go into opened up. I walked into the room and got a better picture of it compared to yesterday. Sure enough my 2009 Chevy Malibu was sitting there, surrounded by armored vehicles. I looked to Jack “Thank you, but what is the rest of this stuff?†Jack smiled, “Don't worry that will all come out in due time. As of right now you need to worry about your car. You are the TS for AnTHRROS. You need to turn that car into a mobile headquarters in a way. When you’re out in about we can contact you. However, I want to make it clear you can't just go freely wherever you please. As you know that world isn't ready for you. There is also a room over there to the left that has a tone of computers and junk you have full access to. Use anything you need.â€


I was so excited; I mean who wouldn't be? I could do whatever I wanted with this stuff. I opened the door he was talking about. I swear this was like a buffet for a geek. It was getting late though. I didn't want to dig into this though. I got into my car and started it up. First thing I noticed was the engine was a bit louder, I revved the motor and it shook the whole room. Put it this way it didn’t sound like a four banger anymore, it sounded like a hot rodded V6. Jack laughed “I should’ve told you that a special friend did some upgrades, your car has a complete new drivetrain that’s more powerful and reliable. The car has also been made bulletproof and crash-resistant.â€


I drove around the base for a little while. I found a nice big hill and decided some fresh air would be nice. I parked the car at the bottom of the hill. I opened the trunk and found my sleeping bag inside. I grabbed it and walked up the hill. I laid out the sleeping bag to lay down and look at the sky, it was so beautiful. In Michigan in the city you couldn't see this much openness at all. I was in heaven. I slowly started to dose off ending an eventful Saturday.







Edited by Groot Liska

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Ok just so everyone is aware. That has been some changes. I did edit the posts and if you want to read again be my guess. Hope you enjoy.

Edited by Groot Liska

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I just wanted everyone to know that I'm changing sometimes in the story. I hope to have the changes done tonight. Once I get one chapter done it will be edited. I will post here when the chapter is done and edited.

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your grammar could still use a little work in terms of your verb use. like in your third sentence in Ch1, "If I wouldn't have gotten this done by Sunday, I would be losing a big deal here" is not great. "If I didn't get this done by Sunday, I would be losing a big deal of money." is improved as you have less verbs that are more direct, and "here" is replaced with a more direct statement or what your deal is.


also, check your speech sentences for quotes. such as when the secret services stop you, what they spoke isn't in quotes. and it's ballsy, not ballzee. :P


sentences like: "the movie was a bit boring so I changed it to some classic cartoons like thundercats and some other stuff." could be improved by, again, being more direct: "the movie was a bit boring so I switched over to a classic cartoon channel and watched thundercats and other cartoons."


also, your edit in Ch5 is not functioning well. you're claiming to be scared by what is a (presumably empty) garage, and it's later called two rooms (what they were before the edit). i would load it with weapons and armored military vehicles. then you'd have a right to be scared. (or, as per my story, you could have a room filled with artificial AnTHRROS "wombs" that are empty. similar in style and concept to the stasis module in Avatar that developed the Na'vi bodies, but upright.)


however, the improvement is very good. a little work and it would be professional quality ^^

Edited by Cobalt-Lukather

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