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Can I get a helping paw?

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I just started a college class today, Engineering 115: Intro to Computing for Engineers, and it will be covering coding in C#. Is anyone here willing to help me when I run into trouble? I'm not exactly a genius when it comes to computers...

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Oh holey swiss cheese! Buddy! Learning C# without C++ or C is like building a house from the rooftop! Aww, buddy... Well... I have no idea about C#, but you'll need to learn a lot of C and C++ first. I can help with those two, but not with C#. However, if you get stuck on somewhere, tell me so that I can grab a tutorial and help you if I'll can. And no, tutorials won't help you. There's a lot of things going in the background of the PC in C# which you wouldn't understand. So when you get into a problem, copy-paste the code, explain the problem and we'll talk about it. We should have a quick voice chat about that and I should make a presentation about programming for you XD since you're a bare starter.

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Eh, C# is C++ with some advanced tweaks, which is basically C++ vs C. So for an intro course, they're mostly one and the same, save learning the quirks of the latest and greatest in C# right off the bat.

To get more basic, you'd have to do a programming language that handles memory management for you, which is why they taught me Visual Basic back in High School. Java got much more popular later on, which is some of what I learned in college (and promptly never used).

I did have a C# book at some point, but also never got a chance to use it. Javascript is what I've been doing projects with lately, which has a lot of the form of C++ but does so much for you while limiting you in ways too.


So I could probably help you out if I have the time, although that C# book is probably in storage at the moment. <.<

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Anyways, I hate these stupid references and garbage collectors. I like more malloc/new/free/delete kind of programming where I can see the address space in which I'm programming, not some stupid references that prevent my object from being deleted. If these references actually exist, then if I delete an object, all the references should become NULL! Python, VB, etc. don't listen to me. But learning to collect garbage before learning how to malloc is like trying to become an athlete in 24 hours.


I wish there were more languages that do more compile-time stuff than run-time stuff and which don't have a garbage collector, but pointers instead.


I also hate it how my brain has been washed with the statement that a string is always flexible. IT'S NOT! I thought it was and then I came out as a fool when I didn't know that they are actually char arraysThatHaveA[LimitInSize];  whichExpandsWhenWe=malloc(SomeData); /*or*/ #include <string> /*library and*/ makeA=new string(With-Any+Length*Of+Our[Wishes]); which has lots of things going on in the background like iterations and stuff. String is a class that contains text, but a string as a basic char array, which is faster, has its beginning and an end! The end is the null-byte or the null-word in Unicode. If we rely on objects or even programs or operating systems that will act like a stupid little string that were made by DRM-full sue-happy people, we will never learn what's going on in reality with the data that we're processing and chances are that we can be easily spied on in such ridiculous ways just because of using a whole object with its X and Y position in Game Maker / Multimedia Fusion and events and whatever just for a piece of text or a counting integer.


This is why C++ is the best. I'm looking forward to study C++11 which sounds better. With SDL2 and STL, you're as portable, cross-platform, zero-admin, lightweight as possible free from any and all EULAs, contracts and copyrights that can haunt you if someone doesn't like you as a Christian furry who doesn't yiff.


So, I'm saying. We shall learn quick C, then some C++ and after that C#.

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