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Thomas, Maltuin

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Sensation al

be it warm,

turn s lightly

frigid as


The moon,

in visible

spectrum by



a s un

doing kindled

friend ships

lost to




Fall a sea

Edited by Thomas Maltuin

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I don't completely understand the following segment:

"a sun doing kindled friendships lost to"

The sun isn't lost if it is reflected and the moon is not the sun's close friend if it is separated by a visible light spectrum.

I understand this is about the moon and sun greeting and leaving one another, so here's how I would write it:


The sun

In sensual warmth

gives birth


Aire cools

The protoge' steps into vissible spectrum

reflecting its parents light


Changing times

Kindled friendships lost




Fall season over seas

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Actually, that isn't how Intended the poem. The poem was actually meant to be a bit misleading however. Notice the odd spacing. The line before ends with a floating 'a'. If attached to the smallest below it can be interpreted as, "as undoing kindled friendships


This poem may be broken. It was experimental for sure. I was hoping someone would notice that the first stanza could also be read as "sensation albeit warm"


Your interpretation and parody are nice though

Edited by Thomas Maltuin

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*made an edit to original post which is also reflected on my hello poetry page. Thank you bjbear for the comment. You helped me realize that the a is better on the next line down.


I'd also like to note, since time has passed and no one here has mentioned it, the last line may also be read as "fallacy"

Edited by Thomas Maltuin

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I would have titled the poem "frigid".  One becomes it seems to be about the loss of a relationship, which can leave one feeling very frigid.  Secondly, because the metaphors surrounding it are dealing with temperature, going from warmth to coldness.  The titling it "frigid" would definitely fit both metaphors.

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