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Tyger the Tigerwolf

A village in fear

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many 100s years ago existed a village in the woods. not many people laughed, nor smiled. No happiness was found. Every single person lived in fear of the moonless night. He only came out on the moonless nights.


This event happened for over many years. No one knew how to stop him from coming but he came every night without light. And this night was without any light at all. You could not see the stars. Only torches burned with little success. The darkness was no one friend.


No one made any sounds. Only a few people dared move in their homes. Husbands cradled wives and children. Single people could only hide in corners. Old people wished for death. Even the animals made no noise. They were all equal pray.


2 men hurried up to get inside. They had to fix the animals so they could not run away from he who was coming. They rushed with out talking back to the house. Then one of the men took a look back and saw him. The beast was at the edge of the woods. his body could not be seen. only 2 glowing green eyes watched him. The man froze in fear. the other looked back and saw his moveless friend. He rushed to get him by the arm and then saw the green eyes looking at his very soul. The friend could only yell, "OH GOD!! HE'S HERE!!" Before he got them both inside.


That yell of horror rang though the village. Grown men started to weep tears. Women lost hope of bring children into the world. And the old just stopped caring for anything. For the beast had come to find prey. No matter how tight and secure they made the homes. The beast would always find at least one house to get into. And he always brought the worst to those he found.


He walked on fours part of the time, and others he walked on his hind legs. both ways were easy for the huge wolf. The villagers heard him start his search for someone to find. Every house he came to was shut up tight. And he made no effort to break into anyone's house. he never busted down a door. never shattered a window. He never had to.


Everyone felt some tiny bit of relief after he left from each house they were in. But still, they knew what they would have to hear if he found his way in to one house. And tonight he did. The very last house. The family hide under a table in the kitchen. But the son had not shut the bed room window completely. And the wolf found his way in. The whole village heard it. The jumping onto the roof and the opening of the window. Suddenly a feeling of great sorrow and sadness came over the village. They knew what will be heard, the echos of the past visits still rang in their ears. And once more, they will hear a family suffer greatly. All but the family listened. all they could do is hear from under the table as the huge wolf walked slowly down the stairs. And without even moving a head, they saw a shadow of a head with huge ears creep onto them.


The 3 of them could not move. There was nothing to do. For if you ran, he would give chase and things would be even worse. that only made him try harder at his love in life. then they saw the wolf. He was talking on all fours. His finger claws dug into the wood floor. As did his toe claws. The family was transfixed on the burning glow of the green eyes. The wolf creeped up the table and stood up. he then lifted the table onto the side to make his love easier to do. He knelt down and picked who he was going to work on first. He choose the boy.


The family took little notice of the designs on his arms, legs and back. the strips of grey that he carried. All they saw was green eyes. The wolf bent down and brought his face in closer to the child. The small boy could only look into the green eyes. he never blinked. he barely took in breath. The wolf looked eye to eye with the child. THe mother who held her only child could not think. Her maternal instincts failed her. Something from deep inside her screamed with tears saying "protect you son" But she could not. The father was a little more able to try something, but he could think of nothing to do. He was going to watch his family suffer for his inability to move.


The beast then moved his mouth. Huge fangs reflected little light but enough for the pure sharpness and size to be seen. And then he spoke, "Tell me boy..." The little boy did not move. only a single tear came out from his right eye. The mother also wept for the boy. And the father, knew that what was going to happen would scar him for life. This night, their little boy would not be the same. The wolf continued.


"Tell me this little man..... What do you call a divine bovine?" The child made no movement. The words rang though the village. This wolf was no ordinary wolf, he was a tigerwolf. And they only came to tell bad jokes. the worst anyone could survive. and he loved telling them. no matter how many times he repeated them. the tigerwolf's eyes turned into delight from the joke he asked. The boy was motionless with his mouth open in fear. the tigerwolf asked, "Well?"


The father finally got up the courage to speak, "He dose not know. He is only 3."


the tigerwolf could only say a disappointed, "Oh.. Oh well, You call them a HOLY COW!!" The Tigerwolf fell on his back laughing. The family could only watch him. The whole village heard his joke and laughter. And each time he came and told those bad jokes, they all died a little each time.




No one spoke.




The family lost all hope of living beyond this moment of dread. The tigerwolf could only laugh more and more. the villagers could not understand what would cause him to tell such awful jokes over and over again. if only he would just kill them some thought. But he would not kill. only speak jokes that are horrible.


Suddenly, the tigerwolf reached into his fluffy tail and pulled out a black stick. he took the top off and said, "I got this from a wizard and he got it from the FUTURE!! HE called it a magic marker. I'm going to make you all Kitty cats. Meow Meow Meow!!" After a minute of the tigerwolf giggling and snorting in laughter, he made all 3 look like kittens. The poor boy died in his soul that night, never to speak again. The mother's hair had turned grey and the father's head lost all of its hair. The village also died a little more that night.


the tigerwolf then placed the marker back in his tail. and turned to leave. He then looked back and spoke in a gentle tone, "Thanks guys for being with me tonight. moonless night scare me." he then ran back up stairs and jumped out of the window. He disappeared into the woods. The the final horror was heard from out of the woods, his call. "NYOOF!!"


Morning came. Everyone finally came to see what became of the family. They had survived something only sinners think about going to hell. They would rebuild, things would return to normal as much as they could. But no one would ever try to smile again. they knew the Tigerwolf would be back. and he always came back, and each time, he always had a new bad joke.

lol, but i have to laugh at myself. i am like this in real like also. give me a baby and a non toxic marker and you will have some sort of animal baby. jk. But i love a great bad joke.


*goes back into hiding nyoof*

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Thank you. I have been working it in my mind. Kind of came out of a bad mood I was in. SO i asked God to change it around and i got this story. It is now of a rough draft. After reading it over again i see more details i can add. Like a fire place lite that would cast the shadow. I have been working on a Story called "A man and a Bat" for a while now. just playing the story over and over in my head. I put up 2 chapters on the FFC but i have done the rest. I have the last of the book in my head. BUT... i am not sure how to finish it. i know what happenes but i do not know how much i want to write. And it leads to a story to another story. YOu know what, i will just write a story about it. Then you can know it all. I seem to be good at telling every little detail of things. *whistles in air as if nothing has ever happened*


i am glad you liked it. That had made my day. That and the fact i fixed a lose pipe. Waiting for the glue to dry so i can take a bath. *smells under arms* Oh yes... I AM MIGHTY!!! SMELL MY MUSK!!! Nothing smells like a sweaty feline/lupine with an mixture of dirt and water.


*sniffs arm pits again*

dizzy nyoof

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