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Niether a bum nor a fox.

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I figure I'd best do one of these, so y'all will know why I'm so crazy. Or something.


Real name: No, it's fake.


Other names: Just call me Jeff. Or Jeff ZYXX, if you feel game-y.


About your fursona: Currently a Tamaskan dog, though that's subject to change. Honestly, I haven't really made a completely fleshed out fursona yet due to lack of motivation and free time. I'm me, I'm fine with being me.


Age: 17. I'm dreading the mandatory registration for the Selective Services.


Gender: GUY


Location: Texas. Somewhere in there.


Email: You can figure it out if you need it.


IM: MSN, Xfire, Skype, Yahoo and AIM. I'm also frequently on the #cff and #christianfurs IRC channels. Check my profile for specifics.


Web site(s): None of my own, yet. Well, besides a few experiments, anyway. I guess my point is, nothing notable.


Artist/Writer: Mediocre at both, but better at writing.


Style: Yes, I do have it.


Been to any cons: Narp. If I knew some people going and I could afford it, I probably would go.


Fav. music: Most anything. I listen mostly to Classic Rock and the like, but check my last.fm page for more info.


Likes: Computers (subtopics: the internet, chattin', forums, programming, video games, laptops), music, puns, lists of things, sarcasm


Dislikes: Screaming babies, bad drivers (in both the vehicular and computing sense), the reliability of my internet connection


Church Denomination: Raised Baptist, though I don't really know why it matters. I should research different denominations a bit more. All I know is, we like a-dunkin' and we don't dance.


Anything else: I'm known to have random outbursts. I also frequently make references that noone gets.

Doesn't matter, I'll probably get hit by a car anyways.

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