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Galantine Knight Misticore

I apologize for being dormant

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I apologize for being dormant and I figured that maybe I could catch your guys attention again, this is my latest chapter in American Furry, hope you guys come back to reading it :) I promise to try and write more now that I am back in college and I can keep myself busy with the story.


P.S. dont worry about thinking you will spoil something, this one chapter can stand alone as a prologue.


Chapter 8 Stray



My life is at its edge, Abia and I went our separate ways after a few weeks. We ran out of food I wasn’t sure what happened, she left me while I was asleep and after searching for 3 days with no luck I retreated back into Mayak and searched the streets for food. I cried, I knew it was because I was giving her the hungry eyes. Yet every time I savored my lips I couldn’t help but desire eating her. When I came back from a hunt in the wild outskirts I found her gone. The city was so deserted; threats of nuclear contamination were still in certain areas. Yet I began to prowl the safer areas in hopes of finding food.



Yet this city lacked much and only returned a lonely feeling. I was hunting what game I could find and soon lost the desire to eat a cooked meal. It happened after on one of my hunts I found myself sleeping next to a half-eaten animal carcass that I lost my taste for food and just accepted it. My life as a human being was lost and it was hard for me to get it back. Everything that I desired was beginning to fade with each sunset. The idea that I would starve didn’t strike me as a problem, however hunger always clouded my thoughts. I began taking to many risks stealing from passing military patrols. Yet the wolf in my mind kept me cool wagging its stupid tail at every exciting thought. The wolf was happy to be out here and saw the snowy field was plentiful with food. I smelled the forest and found so many recognizable scents. And killing was easy…..



The idea of using a gun to hunt would draw unwanted attention but using my Jaws and speed served me better. I was stalking my prey and feeling my paws softly push against the snow as my claws dug gently into the earth beneath the snow.



It took me a while to learn how to hunt, the first few weeks of starvation made me learn to analyze and attack appropriately. Funny how much you can think about how to catch a rabbit or a bear… Yes I did hunt bear because they were easy to fool and lacked real thought process. They had more strength then me but an easy prey for straight line attacking. I would use nets or make use of pits to collapse and break a bear before I would kill it quickly and begin to eat. I was beginning to see the reason why the wolf in my head loved it out here and I allowed it the right to roam freely because it kept me fed.



It wasn’t long before I left Mayak due to lack of comfort in the open spaces of buildings and rooms. I felt more at ease sleeping under a tree after a wild hunt or finding a nice tree in a hill and dig out a warm nest to lie in. Sure I was being an animal, but it felt better then sleeping in Mayak and worrying about its radioactive mess. However I still had my nightmares. The dream of seeing myself simply as I am, a monster, always hurt my wellbeing. I would wake up with a scream after seeing a decapitated bear and me eating its insides. I would remember the first man I killed, except I was him holding the gun with my throat cut. Every night was starting to get uneasy. I couldn’t hunt with pride and rejoice after a kill. And I allowed the wolf in my mind to take over. Days went by with absentmindedness and even weeks. I had forgotten civilization as each day blended into the next one. The hunt was all in one sequential nightmare and my mind felt like it was being enclosed in a box as that stupid wolf wagged its tail with glee.



I was losing…. Losing to this wolf… The split personality that would take over my actions had more strength and endurance to the world then I did. I felt weak and useless as the wolf took us deeper into the wilds away from civilization. It was then that we came across a sound. There was a howling in the full moon as we were taking a drink from the dark waters of the forest. I saw the wolf in my mind it was quiet and very nervous. For across the waters we saw a white wolf. I wasn’t fully awake at first in comprehending what I was seeing but it got me to come out of my shell and watch.



The wolf was licking the water in front of us seeing the moon bounce in the rippled waters as it looked at us with curiosity. It turned its head as I felt my head turn as well. Then the wolf in my mind got excited and I heard my heartbeat race. Without thinking we stumbled over to the wolf in a playful curiosity as my tail wagged and nose sniffed the air around it. The white wolf was nervous with fright as it tried to keep its distance from us. This made sense to me considering that we are not a wolf but some kind of hybrid with humanoid features. The wolf then flared its teeth at us as we jolted back with our head low wondering what was wrong as my tail wagged lightly. I realized that the wolf in my head was trying to gain acceptance as it winced and yawned eager to play with the white wolf. Yet the white wolf climbed to higher ground with its tail between its legs.



Then I heard paw-steps as my ears twitched back to see a pack had already surrounded us. They approached us with curiosity as I tried to keep myself calm. So many flesh tearing teeth rubbed close to my skin as they wanted to understand what they were seeing. The wolf in my mind continued to wag its tail. However I did not want to wag my tail. I wasn’t going to accept this as my life anymore and I wept. I felt control of my body once more as my tail stopped wagging. Yet I was surrounded by the pack as they sniffed the palm of my claws. I wasn’t sure what to do as they circled me smelling my jeans with many holes and the hoody that was torn and covered in dirt. They began to lick my fur to taste the sweat and that’s when it happened.



I saw the Alpha wolf dart back away with a fearsome growl. It saw us as a threat as the other wolves acted the same way. The wolf in my mind ran away into the black areas that I could not see. I was now alone with these wolves uncertain of how they would deal with me. I was surrounded by growling teeth and realized I could die from anyone of their metal cutting bites. It was then that the wolf in my mind rushed back and opened my jaws. I growled… Growled! Like I couldn’t imagine. My throat was cringing as my nostrils flared. My eyes squinted as my teeth flared and the force of my lungs kicked the back of my throat. I sounded so fearful that it scared me when I heard the effect.



The alpha leader and the other wolves took a step back as they realized I was a threat. I continued to snarl and growl nipping my teeth at any wolf that dared to engage me. Eventually the pack fell into pairs and ran away from us leaving the alpha wolf and me in a deadlock glare. It was clear to me what I was now as I saw the ferocity in my wolf’s eyes. We were the stray, the stray of this world.

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