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Posts posted by Ember

  1. It... I can actually feel down over the strangest of things, It's okay though...

    Ember places her hand on his foot, "I'm sorry, i don't mean to be rude or offensive... i don't like upsetting people." She sat there on the ground and stared up at him.

  2. Kairah's ear twitched and she looked up at Ember sharply for her friend's muttering. The line of her jaw tightened ever so slightly while her gaze shifted back to Fang, "Wait, 'pirated'? That mean stolen and sold off like it does around here?" A touch of heat enters her tone that she hadn't quite meant, but still, it felt right.


    The faint sniffle of Ember's tears turned Kairah's gaze up again, and the dragoness wondered what was up with her today. Haltingly, a hand reached out to the tigress to offer support, but not quick enough to touch before Ember's down in the dirt beside Fang, almost ball-like. Well, if that was where she felt comfort would be found... Kairah let her hand drop back to her side with a silent, inward sigh.

    ember looked up at her friend, "sorry Kairah..."she reached out and grabbed her friends hand to reassure her friend that she appreciated her concern. she then pulled her friend down beside her, laughing a little as she did so. "...I'm glad your here."

  3. Fang is a bit taken aback by her words, then sighs, "you know, I never traveled much until I met my friends... From time to time I get to help in more important matters than just staying in one secluded store, making food and renting out pirated books and games... I only had to make the food a few times until I could come up with a new recipe. Then someone else made it the way I wrote it down... maybe I am lazy..."

    looks startled by his response, "i-im sorry." Ember was now very visibly embarrassed,"I didn't mean to say you were lazy. it is just.... around here... we all work the fields and break our back to survive..."realizing she is not helping her case she began to cry. "th..things..." she turns her head from him in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry.... i didn't mean it like that..." she sits down beside him and stared at the rocky earth beneath her feet.

  4. Fang smiles, "Thank you Ember" and then he nibbles a bit, "There's so much planted here, and all grown with few handpaws"

    Ember smiles, "your welcome Fang." she watches him eat as she holds the conversation with him, "Yes, we live off of the land. Hardly anyone here can make a living without hard work, except the traveling merchant..." Then quietly mutters, "those lazy, cheep, ...." Ember continued to stand directly in front of Fang as she talked.

  5. "oh, thank you much, and if it was any trouble..." Fang said, and not being used to dragon facial expressions he struggles to understand why she looked at him.  "thank you... by the way I haven't gotten your name?"

    smiling Ember, still somewhat shy, answered his question. "I'm sorry, my name is Ember. and this is my friend Kairah." she motioned her hand to point out her friend who stood somewhat behind her. "I'm really sorry for not introducing myself earlier..." she rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment. she then looked at the ground as she twisted her foot under some soil and thought to herself, 'you've really made a good first impression, you sure have Ember...'

  6. Kairah raised a hand to greet Ember's return, only to see her friend dash off instead. "Excuse me a moment," the dragoness said to Fang and dashed off herself.  She paused beside the meat shed and took a deliberate, steadying breath. Then another, and spent a thought on how delightful a scent the place held. A great exhale and she stepped inside.


    "Ember!" Kairah exclaimed in a hushed tone at her friend's state. She shifted into a crouch and lightly placed a hand on Ember's shoulder, "What's wrong?"

    Ember looked up with tears in her eyes, "I-I.... I was just embarrassed... thats all..." She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. "I'll be ok." She stands up, picking up the basket regains her composure and leaves the shed. Walking over to Fang she hands him the basket. "here,"she paused, "her is your food that you asked for Fang."

  7. "I embarrassed her?" Fang blushed and looked surprised, "I dunno, but she was looking slightly away from my face when before she went away. I hope I didn't startle her.  Is it because I'm not wearing a shirt?"

    Ember, shortly after figuring out that the anther-dog was a neighbouring villager, returned to Fang and Kairah to see them talking about her. Ember blushed, and being embarrassed she turned again and ran off to the meat shed. Curling up in the corner she, setting the basket of food beside her, hid her face in her knees.

  8. Fang looked dumbfounded... "just some food oil or water to grind with the peanuts until I have enough peanut butter... then some small slices of meat."


    Aden looked at the dog, "a skateboard? or I guess they're called wheelboards in this time and area"

    Ember, shook her head and looked up at Fangs face, "sorry. i spaced out.... I'll get what you asked for." Turning she ran off to get the ingredients. As she was gathering the food she heard the shouting from afar. Looking in the general direction of the sound and squinting she saw the anthro-dog on the plank. "Hmmm" she thought to herself, "I think I've seen him before... is he one of my long lost.... late friends?"Ember stood there and continued to figure out if she knew him as she held Fangs ingredients in her basket.

  9. "Doesn't sound like you're from any place I've ever heard of, that's for sure." Kairah agreed, so very far indeed.  Her gaze shifts to Ember as the tigress leaves the shed, and without word or even much thought, the young dragoness hurries to rejoin her friend, and just as silently, begins picking peanuts from the earth with her. A small pile quickly forms in the pocket she creates by folding up a bit of the side of her skirt.

    The girls finished picking the peanuts that they needed. "Thank you for your help Kairah." Ember smiled brightly. She then turn to Fang, "Here are your peanuts that you asked for..." Ember was still blushing over the previous event, "...what else did you need?" She lowered her eyes and stared blankly in the direction of his chest as she waited for an answer.

  10. Fang smiles without knowing he is doing so, and agrees to pick peanuts, "mhmm" Fang awaits for her to remind him the direction of the peanut field.

    still blushing Ember gently touches Fangs paw, "follow me." taking the lead because she desperately wanted to hide her face she led Fang out to the peanut field. "here we are." handing Fang the basket she lowered herself to the ground and began picking peanuts and placing them in her apron.

  11. Fang cries a bit, sniffles and begins a hug that is stopped halfway through the hug, "thank you"

    A few seconds pass and not many words are said, "I think I'd like to make a peanut butter and pastrami sandwich, with some eggplant or tomato, luckily all I need is some clean water or oil and some peanuts to make it"

    Ember reaches out and dries the tears off his face. "If you ever need someone to talk to or just a hug, I am here." Realizing that she was acting cute and affectionate she, blushing a little, turned and picking up a small basket turned back to Fang, "Do..uh.. Do you want to... um..." She stutters and is obviously shy and blushing, " ...do you want to go and pick some peanuts? ....with me?" She shyly looks at her feet as she twists her body and her foot nervously.

  12. Fang began feeling a little better, but memories kept rushing every few minutes, "I sometimes look back and hurt, and don't know why it had happened, it's because of that that I don't look back"  Fang paused, "I rely more on others than i did when she was there, I help them alot too, and I don't think that it's all bad."

    Ember gently placed her hand on Fang's shoulder and proceeded to comfort further, "Sometimes the bad things that happen to us are there to strengthen us... I know that loosing someone very close to you it hard... I lost my Mother, my only sister and one of my brothers just a couple years back in a fire..." a tear ran down her cheek as she began to remember of the screams of their dying breaths as they were trapped in their house and were consumed by the fire. "But... when you continue on in life you and you think back, think of what they would want you to do... would they want you to be mad and upset because of their death or would they want you to press on and continue doing what you need to do? ...That is what helps me to keep going and to enjoy the life that I have now." She smiled sweetly at Fang but still had a tinge of hurt within her eyes, a hurt for but her past and a hurt for his.

  13. Ember watched with tears in her eyes as Fang walked off. Knowing the pain of a very close loved one dying she gingerly followed him, and as she did she began uttering to him "sweet nothings" of comfort. As she tried to comfort him, and with a saddened comfort in her eyes, she offered him a seat on a wooden bench just out of sight of the other two.

  14. Ember smiles at her new found friends. "if you want some meats there is a storehouse for cured meats if you want to grab a few slivers of meat. And by the looks of it he planted peanuts this year to give rest to the land..." Ember brightened up then started sounding like a nerd,"Did you know that planting peanuts actually puts nutrition into the soil instead of taking the nutrition out of it? Our scientists of today just discovered that! So now, farmers everywhere, on the seventh year of their fields give rest to the fields by planting peanuts! ...Other than protein I really don't know what nutritional value those root-nuts actually have... and by the way, peanuts are actually a root, not a nut.... i don't eat root-nuts.... My body doesn't like them..." Ember stares blankly at the field of peanuts.

  15. "My name's Aden Traker," the human said, "and you?" Aden blushes, clearly visible on his peach fuzz of a face in embarrassment due to realizing she just said her name.  He is just stunned since he's never seen a tiger like this before.  The dark furred wolf answers to keep his friend from being more awkward "My name's Fang Wolfgang, I'm a local busnesswolf where I'm from, and haven't really brought anything of value, just some food supplies you're probably not used to seeing".  Aden decides to ask, "is anyone else with you? We could use a group to help find the nearest food source."

    Fang interrupts: "I think we have some rare foods some of the locals might be willing to trade for a more sizable meal." Aden pauses "you mean our candies and snacks?" Fang gloats "of course, and I brought some old school recipes of similar taste to trade after we give them a taste."

    Ember laughs at Aden's question about her name before responding. "My friend is somewhere around here..." looks around before focusing back at the two. "She likes to hide in the fields and pops out once in a while... usually scaring you half to death." Ember shifts her posture from standing position to an attacking position but staring past their gazes. Ember then started a quietly humming growl before pouncing at their feet. A sharp squeal was heard before Ember stood up with a, now dead, mouse in her mouth. Dropping it into her hand she apologized, "Sorry... I have a nasty habit to instinctively hunt, my father hated it when the crops got ruined by these little locust. So he taught me to hunt early in age and now I feel I have to...." Ember was blushing although not noticeable because of her fur. "If you want some food I can bring you to my friends Papa's place, there we are stocking up on supplies to go on an adventure. And you can take a few cobs from the field if you are hungry, but be careful that you don't anger my father.... he's no fun to have angry at you."

  16. Greetings! I am Ember the Tiger. I am an artist and i have my own post here on CF for my personal art. and i do free art for people as well. and i am currently working on my first fursuit. I also will take prayer requests and me and my hubby Moose will keep it in prayer. (Moose is not a furry but it is his nickname and he lets me depict him as one in my art.)

  17. Ember smiles sweetly and tilted her head a little. She then, stepping a little closer, introduced herself. "My name is Ember, and as you can see I am a tiger. What are your names?" Reaching into her basket she offered them some meat, "Are you hungry?"

  18. Hearing the commotion Ember held up her hand to Kairah to motion her to be silent then she quietly came up behind the unsuspecting Fang and Aden"Hello? Who are you?" came her voice from behind them.

  19. Thanks again, I've gotten alright at drawing ducks lol, just not a whole lot else - I've drawn Bugs a couple of times and Porky... A whole lot more practice still needed to be a good artist!


    And Darkwing, I've actually only heard of him once before... first time I saw him was in a Danger Duck vs Darkwing Duck poster lol, don't know him that well...

    i used to play the video game of darkling duck.

  20. "Sounds great!" Kairah replied with a bit of an impish grin. She added her hands to those repacking the basket and tucked in the extra little apple amongst the rest. "Although if we take a small detour to my papa's shop, we can grab some packs and things to help carry the food in and all that treasure out," the little dragoness suggested as she scooted off the blanket and began rolling it up for Ember.


    Once finished, Kairah hopped up and brushed her skirt off, then with a cocked glance to Ember, asked, "Adventure, ho?"

    "Sure!" Ember exclaimed, "We can totally go to your papa's place, that would be great!" She jumped to her feet and shook, causing some dust to go into the air. "Oh, and thank you for helping pack up." Ember then picked up the basket and placed it onto her arm. "which way does he live?"


    To enter the story or leave the story all you have to do is really walk onto or off of the scene. and where as we are at the beginning you can just run up and join as one of our friends. (is your character male or female?) and you can portal if you'd like but id prefer not to use the T.A.R.D.I.S. (because of past issues that i developed about Dr. Who, its a personal thing...) But you are more then welcome to join however else you wish.

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