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Everything posted by PlatypusGirl102

  1. A guy on YT has been trying to make a Sonic-related fan film, but he needs donations...and none of the viewers helped him out. -_- (I would if I could...) To clarify, the donations were needed for a new camera...

  2. (Yep, still here!) I am now digitally coloring some of my scans, and I think they look great! The conversion to jpg for this post kind of messed up the background a bit...it looks okay though. This next one was on another post of mine...now it's colored! Again, the conversion messed up the colors :/ (It wouldn't let me upload the originals)
  3. Sorry I haven't been on much lately :P

  4. That's right, I've got a new fursona--and I'm changing species. xD I am no longer a wolf. I am... ...a cat. Whacha think?
  5. Hey, I've got a couple more that I was finally able to scan! I guess this is a...mini version of him? xD Now she's a sly one...
  6. I'm kind of depressed...I don't seem to have my old Care Bears movies anymore...and those were my childhood. The first movie is on Netflix, but the second one (with Dark Heart :D) isn't, so I can't watch it...*sad sigh*

  7. So, I'm working on an anime-type series (I'm still coming up with ideas, so there isn't even a script yet xD), and I wanted to show off some of my character designs. Here is the old design for the main character (with the coloring): [in case you can't tell, he has purple eyes ] And here is the new design for the character--I forgot his whiskers though : [i think I prefer this one...] Here's a few other characters: I think I'm gonna do a different look for this next one...it looks all wrong I have a couple of others, but I haven't been able to scan them yet... Anyway, I hope you like these pics!
  8. Mmmm...chocolate donut...^_^

  9. Sorry I haven't been that active; I haven't had anything to post about :(

  10. I like being a wolf, but I'd also like to be a cat [maybe even a fox]. I also tend to be more like a dog at times, but I still call myself a wolf...I'm so confused :P LOL

  11. I'm not entirely sure what species I am anymore LOL

  12. I drew my first pic of my fursona! It's not very good, and I didn't include very many details, but here it is! (This is the original design: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-B4h0nUw5YV0/UTkn6K7ZqPI/AAAAAAAAA7g/Do-cdy7F6Yg/s630/blayze_2.png)
  13. Yay, the problem's been fixed for me! Thanks Alsek
  14. Where is the IRC chat? I can't find it...if someone could link to it, I'd really appreciate that.
  15. So, um...I can't pay for a commission...but would anyone be willing to do a request for me? Would anyone be willing to draw a pic of my fursona, Blayze? I'll probably draw a myself when I have time, so this isn't needed...but it would be fun to see someone else's take on it! Here is a pic of Blayze made on a wolf creator game (sorry I forgot to crop it; I can fix that later): https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-bZCcGuIbarE/UTkn6KUk8hI/AAAAAAAAA7o/wT1bii7RUig/s1062/blayze_1.png Here is a similar pic with a couple of items added: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-B4h0nUw5YV0/UTkn6K7ZqPI/AAAAAAAAA7g/Do-cdy7F6Yg/s630/blayze_2.png [she's supposed to have 5 tails, but it's kinda hard to see ] I know she ain't anthro, but she doesn't have to be, right?
  16. I love these books! I'm currently on the third series. All I have to say is that Bryan Davis is my favorite author
  17. Real name: [Private] Other names: Too many to mention About your fursona: Her name is Blayze, and she is a blue wolf with green eyes, dragon-ish wings, and 5 tails. (I picture her as walking on all-fours instead of anthro...I think that counts...) Age: 15 Gender: Female Location: A place where animals are Artist/Writer: Both! Been to any cons: No...I haven't really told anyone... Fav. music: Christian Rock, Christian Hip-Hop, and Dubstep! Likes: Animals, cartoons/anime, music, writing, drawing, stuffed animals, hanging with friends, watching/making YouTube videos, playing video games (I'm very aggressive at them!), etc. Dislikes: People being mean towards others Church Denomination: North American Baptist [it's different from other Baptist denominations] Anything else: Um, well...I'm very shy and sensitive...and very socially awkward...and I just hope that you guys will like having me around... Oh, and I'm a major tomboy!
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