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Luke Wolf

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Everything posted by Luke Wolf

  1. That system seems very unbalanced to me as a systembuilder.. I probably would have cut down on the amount of RAM but spent that money getting a board capable of DDR3 RAM at least 1600 Mhz level maybe 1866, and probably put a 5670 in there depending on if it was going to be used for rendering/gaming/etc. Do you know how much they paid for the system?
  2. System Information for Windows is probably what you're looking for James http://www.gtopala.com/ I've got 2 systems, a hacked together desktop, and a laptop Desktop ECS 945GCT Motherboard I think it was Intel Core 2 duo E4500 120 GB + 80 GB PATA HDDs Corsair 430CX PSU 1 GB of some Generic DDR2 RAM Nvidia Geforce 210 Sony Optiarc Realtek based Wlan Soundblaster 24-Bit LIVE! I think it was Beige Case POS be FLAT LCD monitor IBM Model M Keyboard (Yes the Clicky-Keyboard from the 80's still works perfectly, and they are the nicest keyboards I've ever used) Logitech MarbleMouse OS: Fedora 14/Win7 Laptop Dell Vostro 3700 Intel Core i7 Q720 @ 1.6 Ghz Geforce 330M 4GB RAM 500 GB HDD Broadcom WLan OS: openSUSE 11.3/Win7 (I wouldn't have chosen this laptop personally, but I'm not complaining considering VocRehab issued it to me)
  3. *Goes back through this thread finding the misconception that mac and Linux security are equivalent* ... no, no, no. that's not right at all.. Yes because they're both *nix, they're supposed to both have proper UAC (I doubt Apple implemented it properly though but I haven't touched and refuse to touch a mac, because they are proprietary pieces of ...) , yes because they *nix they're obscure... but wait is linux? In the Desktop arena sure, but in the business and server arena, not at all. Linux pretty much runs the internet through LAMP servers, NASA with the Beowulf cluster and all the Beowulf clusters that followed, Then There are Asterisk Servers which I'm uncertain about the market penetration of but they give a free voip server setup (obviously you have to pay for the hardware). 90% of the Worlds Super Computers run on Linux, etc ad nauseum. Linux is not the small obscure target it's made out to be, Rather it's like ARM which is used in everything else but PCs. Now just why is Linux secure, then if it's not because of obscurity? It's called, It's open source. an easily pointed to example of why being opensource helps is the "Ping Of Death" Bug from the 90s. This is something that effected all OSs, now Proprietary solutions took days, weeks, and even months to fix it. Guess how long it took Linux ... 2 hours, and that is with a much smaller userbase than they have now in 2010, with all the refinements to the GUI, compositing, driver support and otherwise that allow users other than techs to use it, with the top three (Ubuntu, Fedora, and openSUSE (I'm not counting all the derivatives of ubuntu other than just to place them under Ubuntu)) you don't even have to touch the command line unless you're doing things outside of the realm of a typical PC user. Also you're typically going to be running either SELinux or AppArmor, developed by the NSA/Redhat and Novell Respectively. These are security layers that try to prevent the execution of dangerous code. SELinux is more evident, while AppArmor usually you don't know is running unless you check in on such things. SELinux is also known for being paranoid which is why the second version of Fedora Core had it disabled by default, and it took 6 months to build up a whitelist, and various policies that SELinux was to take. Add to this that a majority of software installation comes from repos (yes one can download source and do the "./configure, make, make install" dance but the typical PC user isn't going to do that or know to do that). But what if someone hacks the repos? Well then the signature on the package changes from that of the repo, and the package manager won't install it (sure you could force it.. however that requires someone with more skill than the typical user to do, and they should know better). Also you have people like myself who go out of their way to report such things. Even if it turns out to just be a package that hasn't been recompiled since they changed the signature. It is this that makes Linux secure, it is this that separates it from OSX, It is why Linux is truly secure, and the most secure. To create a proper analogy: Apple is like riding a bike along a road, sure you're safe, unless you get hit by a car. Windows is like a heavy tank in a battlefield, It's in a hotzone however it is relatively well protected, Linux is like a paranoid man in a bunker, surrounded by a minefield, with computer controlled AAA, and Antitank missles, and he's sitting on a nuclear missle. tl;dr version: Linux is far from being as obscure as many think, it just doesn't have as large a PC market share. Open Source == Secure. DEP security of SELinux or AppArmor == More Secure. Packagemanger == ++ security, Linux inf()> OSX as far as security goes. Also I've ditched Ubuntu for Fedora and openSUSE and couldn't be happier about doing so.
  4. [justify] Unless the consolers were willing to use a point and click interface and it didn't get corrupted to using another interface, just no.. Playing to consolers is what killed the Adventure game industry the first time, because of the simple fact that #1 the interface was horrible and #2 I don't think of consolers as the types to sit down and play adventure games.. I'm sorry if that may sound harsh or otherwise, but I don't want history to repeat itself...[/justify]
  5. Okay, Approved.. Make sure to join us for the weekly chat.
  6. Right now we are working on creating the game universe (i.e. the pre-development stuff where we're figuring out what is going on, what's the history, what's going to be our story line, the areas, etc...)
  7. We'd like it if everyone interested would show up in #anthro_dev on irc.red-king.org at 6PM MST on Saturday, Oct 24 to kind of get a clue as to who all is going to be helping us, and we may start making it a regular thing to meet and discuss ideas.
  8. Well If you want to see the info that we want our people to be aware of, yes. If not then no. Basically if we do work like say creating character bios they go on the website, or Details of the world, pre-public releases, all these will go in the members only section of the journal So strictly speaking, yes this is necessary As far as .jpegs, I see your point, though I haven't seen this effect in scanned in images, definitely if we edit them though it would be a good idea to switch them over to .png
  9. Just request to join the community, and we'll get you in and approved
  10. Woot Ubuntu 9.04 FTW and only 9 days till 9.10 As far as tips, make sure that Pulse audio is working, if it isn't then download padevchooser using synaptic, because if it's not configured right then it can be quite annoying. Oh, and don't be afraid to go to #linuxfurs or #techfurs on Furnet One other thing, Wine will only work with *some* (read a good number but probably not all) of your windows software, so you can either run a virtual machine (virtual box is good) or set it up to dual boot for that stuff.
  11. We are now on livejournal, This will help keep everyone informed and to know who all we have working on this project http://community.livejournal.com/anthro_dev/
  12. I said the interface was like, not that it was visual basic, It uses it's own language for interface. Though I can't tell you one way or another about virtualmachine emulation, or not because I haven't done enough with the engine to know that, though I suspect not. Just out of curiosity what's wrong with Jpegs? I personally was thinking they'd be good because they're the images you get generally when you scan something in, and it's not like we'd be going for 3d because to put this very bluntly every 3D Adventure game (That is to say every game that's used the Lua engine) I've seen has failed, while those based out of the SCUMM engine have been quite good And in the bigger picture I'm not doing this just to create games, but also to stimulate the fandom as a whole into creating stuff by furries for furries beyond what we currently have, which isn't really that much in the grand scheme of things. Games, Movies, animated (or live action if their fursuits are good enough) series, etc. That is the final product I wish to see.
  13. Well, It looks like I'm getting a good response, Now the trick is getting lines of communication and such opened up, and I think its time to move onto phase II & III of the development cycle ,since I think we've got enough people to start, being : Setting up Communication and Ideas. My current line of thought is that we use http://luke-wolf.livejournal.com/3925.html as the background or base of the story, though how we proceed from there I'm kind of unsure.
  14. Well, after months of searching for furry games for the PC I've decided to become a producer rather than a consumer. I mean the selection is rather pitiful its Inherit the Earth and well... Inherit the Earth.. What I would like to do is to create a few adventure games, perhaps an RPG or 3. So I'm asking around for Artists, Musicians, Voice Actors, Programmers, Writers and anyone else who wants to be involved in such an endeavor. I'm planning on using the Adventure Game Studio http://www.adventuregamestudio.co.uk/ for now since its a very decent interface (Just like the Visual Basic Editor/Compiler from Microsoft) and allows you to import Jpegs rather than being stuck with Bitmaps. Oh and it doesn't require ScummVM to run the games rather it creates an .exe
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