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Christian Furs - Christian Furry Community


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  1. Can you please erase my old gallery? I feel like I'm walking around with my pants around my ankles and nobody is letting me pull my pants back up.
  2. I don't know if I am or not. All I know is that I want to delete all my files from http://christianfurs.net/gal/index.php?cat=10007 and it keeps giving me this error message: Directory 'albums/userpics/10007/' is not writable, files can't be deleted
  3. I tried it again. Here is the result: 0 uploads were successful. CONTINUE Error Report The following uploads encountered errors: File Uploads: File Name/URL Error Message 1. Track05.mp3 Impossible to move. The file is 997 KB, so it should have worked. If there's no way for me to upload the rest of my audiobook, I'll just delete the whole thing. I tried reducing the file size to 976 and it still doesn't work. I cut the file in half, so that it's 577 KB. Same message. I made the file 501 KB. It still did not work. I tried uploading a 183 KB sound effect file as a test. No luck with that, either. Apparently it either hates mp3 files or I've exceeded my upload quota. As an experiment, I decided to upload some furry art instead. If anything, I thought, that should work, since it's not a sound file, and it's what your website is designed for. No. It didn't work. It gave me the same message "impossible to move". So again, I must either have exceeded my quota, or your website is seriously defective.
  4. Okay, I tried it again. "Error Message 1. Track05.mp3 Impossible to move." 997KB
  5. I haven't uploaded anything for a long time, but when I wanted to today, it said it couldn't move a 997KB mp3 or 984kb mp3. It's not quite 1 MB, and I've been able to upload worse, I think. It tells me it "cannot be moved"???
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