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Everything posted by CrossedSachi

  1. Update guys :3 I added a bunch of sketches.
  2. So I came in and updated my Imgur gallery with a bunch of my sketched from school, but I didn't add this one particular drawing which I'll be showing you guys exclusively :3 I've been working on humanoid-shape body types recently, as those are one of my largest weak points when it comes to drawing, and I came up with this! http://i.imgur.com/EZn14BI.jpg His legs are a little off, but I was experimenting with that particular cross-leg pose, which I've never done before, but I'd have to say I'm largely satisfied with it. I've never drawn an anthro before, atleast, I've never drawn one that I actually liked. Imgur gallery: http://imgur.com/a/bxzjA#0 MLP fan-art only : http://imgur.com/a/alTJf#0 Oh yea, I almost forgot, if you prefer, there is also my DeviantArt account: http://sachikanashimi.deviantart.com/
  3. Hey folks, I know I'm not super active much anymore. A lot is going on and I've been real busy, but I came across this game recently that you can get on XBLA. It looks really cool and apparently it's somewhat of an open world type game, with elements similar to games like castlevania and metroid. On top of that, the art styles are amazing and the combat looks incredibly fluid. Also, FULL VOICE ACTING. This is amazing because it's a very rpg type game as well, and most games like this just use text boxes. Anyways here's a gameplay demo from youtube. Check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6_KZst1tiU&feature=fvst
  4. HAI GAIS! Lol sorry, saw this thread and thought I would jump in seeing as it has been a while since anyone posted anything. Firstly I just was to say I love your work Sakiki, the anatomy is very well done, and XarZyth, that hand was just awesome. Anyways I tend to draw every now and then so I thought I would post some stuff. I actually have all my more recent work, including some old stuff, in an imgur gallery so I'll pot a link to that. First though, here is something more recent. Also here is a link to my imgur gallery: http://imgur.com/a/bxzjA#0 And if you hadn't get, I enjoy rough sketch art, and digitally coloring. Oh, and I like ponies don't worry though, most of my art isn't related to ponies.
  5. Topic edited, new chapter added to my fanfic for those of who were interested. ^^
  6. Hey folks, I've been away for some time due to summer activities. I just recently got back from a 3 day canoe trip with my dad, and a lot of other stuff has been going on. Well it's been a while since I said anything about my fanfic, but as of now I have completed 7 chapters and I now have a story with a length of 24,000 words. I also have a goal now to reach a word count of 40,000 by the time I finish this story. The story has really developed quite a bit and if you haven't already, you really got to check it out if you're interested that is. Also, if you have an account on the website, I would really appreciate comments and ratings. ^^ http://www.fimfiction.net/story/34696/The-Raging-Thunder
  7. Oh then you should totally join my server! If you have Hamachi that is, i started COMPLETELY fresh after the update and after 2 days i already got myself up to full demonite armor and i'm working on mining hellstone. If you're interested then let me know when you'd like to do it
  8. CrossedSachi


    Hey everyone! I started playing Terraria again recently since 1.1 came out and i'm hoping to find someone to play with me. You need to have Hamachi to connect to my IP though because i can't port forward. Reply to this thread or message me if you'd like to play and i'll get you connected to my Hamachi channel.
  9. The Humble Bundle is a website that sells games for ANY price YOU want to pay in order to get people to donate money to charity. Right now they have a cool game in the bundle called "Voxatron" which is an awesome creative 3-dimensional 8-bit shooter type game (Minecraft fans and oldie shooter fans will love this) It would take me forever to describe the whole game, so here is a video that explains it VERY well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Sm--Qodj34 Another video that shows off the Custom Maps that people make: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ex78dNqyoM&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL And if your interested, here is the link for the purchase site: http://www.humblebundle.com If your interested, HURRY! There are only SEVEN days left!!
  10. Okay folks, after nearly a year of no writing at all, I finally sat down and wrote a new chapter to my story! I hope you enjoy it, and please don't expect me to push out chapters this fast all the time. Also remember, ad-lib wherever I might have messed up. The Lives of Happiness Chapter 5 I was cold. I was alone. I stood in the middle of a dark empty room, and could see nothing. Then suddenly, a light appeared in-front of me, right before my eyes. It was warm, and comforting but I didn't know why. I stared at it, and basked in its warmth. Then unexpectedly, a voice came from the light, and this voice itself was very warm, and loving. "Sachi....reach for the light...." At this point in time, four days had passed since my encounter with Mikai, and that she-cat. I sat in bed for a few moments this morning, as I did every morning, contemplating what seemed like messages that went through my dreams. Usually it was the same message in repeat, though this one was new, and I made some sort of an attempt at understanding it but gave up shortly. I then dressed myself and walked out of my room into the kitchen, and surely enough Buraki and Shira were there as usual. Shira was working on making breakfast while Buraki was rushing around trying to finish up some late morning chores of his that I was too tired to ask about. "Oh good morning Sachi, did you have a good night sleep?" Shira asked me, staring at me with that usual warm smile she almost always had on her face. "Uhm, oh, yes, thank you for asking ma'am" I smiled and looked off a bit distantly. "Sachi, is something wrong? You look a bit troubled, child" She placed down the food she was working with and wiped her paws off on to her apron as she walked over to me to give me a closer look I presumed, and suddenly placed her paw on my forehead. "Uhhh, what are you doing?" I asked, looking at her with a sort of dumb expression. "Hmm, you don't feel like you have a temperature. What's wrong?" She pulled her paw back and crossed her arms, looking at me with a half-worried face. "Oh it's really nothing to worry about Shira, I just have a lot on my mind is all, I'm terribly sorry." I slightly bowed my head in apology to her. "It's no problem dear, I understand fully. I tend to get a lot on my mind myself every now and again, and I suppose it makes me a bit distant myself as well, haha, well alrighty then, I've almost gotten breakfast finished so why don't you take a seat?" She motioned at the table and then went back to working with the food she was preparing. I simply nodded at her and sat down at the table, taking a whiff of the food she was preparing and it smelled very nice. Actually everything Shira cooked smelled nice, and it tasted really good as well, even when I didn't know what it was. Though I did learn a few things while I was there, I thought to myself as I picked up a small fruit that was already laying out on the table. It was small and red, and looked a little like a radish. It felt hard to the touch, but it was actually very soft if you bit into it, and it had a very sweet tropical taste to it. I believe they called it a Sproggit. Shortly after my little talk with Shira, she had breakfast laid out and Buraki was there waiting to be served. With a happy, yet somewhat tired expression glued to his face, sort of in the way that you might have predicted the exact expression. "So, I overheard you and Shira talking. Saying you got a lot on your mind, well what might that be exactly?" He asked me, giving me a sort of funny look, as if I might be keeping something interesting from him he would like to know. "Huh?" Was what I replied as I looked up from my food, "Oh, no it's nothing important, I'm just thinking about things in general is all, nothing special" I said, then looked back down at my food and resumed eating. "Hmm, well alright, though having too much on your mind like that can be unhealthy for ya, perhaps it's time we got you that job. It will keep your mind occupied, plus it will bring in some extra money to help us out." He just looked at me with a serious look on his face after saying this, waiting for me to give my reply. "A job huh? Well I suppose that would be good for me in one way or another. What kind of jobs can I get around here?" I asked, and Buraki sat there for a moment thinking before he said anything in return. "Hmm, well I can't say I know for sure what's available at this moment, but how about this. Just take a look around town today and see if you can find anything, if not, then I'll take you out to look for one tomorrow and we'll definitely get you a job." He then finished up his food after saying this and went to got up to place his dishes in the basin. "Okay then, that will be just fine" I said and finished up my own food before getting up to take care of my own dishes. "I'll head out now and see if I can find anything." "Oh but uh, before you go Sachi, I've got some things for you to do around the house when you get back, that pot in the bathroom is starting to build up a real killer of a stench." He chuckled and turned around to head into the living space. While I simply cringed at the thought, nodded and turned around to walk out. "Have a nice walk dear!" Shira shouted at me, as I walked out the door. The sun was shining bright, and it was a beautiful day. It was very warm out, though it was really arid that day, enough so that I had to stop by a nearby stream a few times to get a drink. I walked all over town that day, through the market area and the park, and through all the general housing districts. It wasn't that big of a town so it was easy to cover the entire area. I would note different places and small landmarks as I walked along, and keep track of them to easily remember a specific place. Though one thing special about that day that I did note, was that it seemed like there were a lot more people outside and about than usual, in fact, as far as I could tell, it looked like every person in town was outside, and many of them were also carrying big bags, which actually took me a while to notice. While I was walking through the market area of the town, I stopped and walked up to some random person carrying a big bag. He was a large orange cat, with a sort of plump figure, and he sported a red shirt with the sleeves pulled back and a pare of small round sunglasses. "Uhm, excuse me, sir?" I said to him, simply attempting to get his attention, which worked easily, he turned around and looked at me with a curious look on his face, as to be expected from someone who just had a stranger come up to them. "Could you by any chance tell me why everyone is outside carrying bags around? I'm, uh, new in town and I'm not familiar with this." He sort of looked at me strange and then somewhat slowly opened his mouth to reply. "Why, yesican, the dry season just started today and as such, the folks in town are all staying outside of their houses, along with their most prized possessions, in the fear that their houses may set on fire." After saying that he sported a smug smart look, and began to turn back around to continue on with whatever I had interrupted. "Oh, well thank you!" I shouted after him, and then started walking in a different direction. It was kind of weird the way this world worked, so many things were uneven and imbalanced, and people here always seemed to worry about one thing or another, although at this point I also started to think to myself if I should even be referring to the citizens of this world as 'people'. Regardless, I brushed away all the thoughts I had going on in my mind for that moment, and began to enjoy the scenery of the town again, taking a look at different buildings every so often to keep myself vigilant should I have had come across any chances for a job. A while later, after I had been walking around for a considerable amount of time, I looked up to check the sun to try and get an idea of what time it was. I didn't have a watch, neither had I seen any clocks around town, so I went with what I had, and by the looks of it, I had guessed that it was probably sometime around four or five in the afternoon. I decided that it may be a good idea to head back to the Sakanas home, so I turned my direction to head there. Except, I didn't end up going back there, because as I turned around to walk, I heard a loud scream off in the distance, and turning my head I perked my ear up to listen. ".....Fire!...Help!..." That was what I heard and without thinking I turned myself back around and ran towards the scream for help and what I came across was horrifying. It was a large, three story building, and it was one of the very few brick buildings in the town, and this one just so happened to be the town's only hotel. The entire building was up in a blaze, with large waves of fire bursting through windows and shooting up through the roof of the building, though of course the brick itself was fine, but as the fire grew hotter I could see as some of the bricks in the walls were starting to crack from the heat. I ran up to someone in the large crowd surrounding the building. "Hey! You! Can you tell me what happened here?!" I had to shout at the person as the noise of the fire and the crowd around it was loud. The person turned around and to my surprise, it was Mikai from a few days ago. "What do you think bozo eh!? It's a fire!" Then he actually looked at me and realized who I was, "Oh! It's you from before eh! I didn't recognize you! Sorry but I don't know how the fire started eh! Though I heard someone saying that there is someone still trapped inside there eh!" He turned around and looked back at the fire, and almost immediately after he had said that, the entire world just seemed to slow down, and all of my senses became stronger. Looking around at everything at what felt like my normal speed, everything seemed to move in slow motion. I turned and looked at the fire as I heard a long bellowing shriek of fear come from the building, and without hesitation I ran towards the building and lept into the doorway that had been burned away by the flames. As I entered the building, the smoke had almost immediately become unbearable, so I covered my nose and mouth with the collar of my shirt. The building was crumbling as I ran through it. Bits of support and scaffolding fell to the floor in large embering crashes. I managed to find my way to the stairwell, and was led on by the scream that continued to echo through the building. I was lucky that the stairs had not yet burned away, but some of it was starting to catch fire below me as I ran up them. It was almost as if the fire was chasing me. I ran up to the third floor of the building and followed the scream through the hallways, and it seemed to take ages but after a time of running around fires and blazes, and avoiding falling debris, I finally came to the door the scream was coming from. I opened the door and the first thing I noted was that it was a utility closet. I looked down and there was the girl, or more accurately a woman, but I couldn't make out who or what she was because the room began to flood with a black smoke. "Wh-who are you?" She asked, and then coughed from the smoke. I noted that even though fearful, her voice was smooth and calming. "I'm here to get you out of here!" I said to her, and I reached my paw out to her. She tried to grab it but fainted on the floor, so I had no other choice, I picked her up in my arms and held her in a cradling fashion. Surprisingly it was easier to pick her up than I expected, she felt very light and was easy to hold. I then turned around, trying to keep somewhat low to the floor, but it was hard since I was carrying someone in my arms. I ran through the blazing hall, a few holes were now appearing in the thick wood floor, that I had to be careful to avoid. I made it back to the stairwell, but to my dismay, the fire had now burned the staircase away, leaving me stranded on the third floor. Not only that but more and more of the walls began to crack and break apart, and I could hear as a small portion of the wall in the back of the building was collapsing. I moved frantically looking for another way out but to no avail, when suddenly I looked over my shoulder and there I saw a window, and it had not yet been broken open from the fire. Looking at it for a moment I made up my mind, and backed away form the window, facing it the entire time. Then, in one quick action, I bolted for the window, holding the woman tight in my arms, I bent my head forward and braced myself, jumping into the air, I sent my entire body crashing through the window, and as I flew through the air, a massive ball of fire burst through the opening behind me, scorching my tail in mid air. Time once more slowed down, and I flipped myself around in mid-air, putting myself below the woman. With one loud thud, I crashed into the ground, and fell unconscious.
  11. Alright folks, I just had to post chapter 4 a little early so here it is for you all! Enjoy! And remember, ad-lib a little if something don't make no sense (bad grammar thar intended, hyuck-hyuck) The Lives of Happiness Chapter 4 Darkness...it was all I recall of that night. I floated in an endless sea of nothing, with only my own thoughts to keep me company. What did it mean? Even when there was nothing to my dreams....there was. Always consumed in darkness. What could it mean? It was my third day in this strange world. I woke peacefully this morning, opening my eyes to greet the warm ray of sunlight falling through the window and hitting the fur on my face. Slowly I sat up and stretched my arms, letting out a long yawn. I sat there for another minute or two, my ears twitching around, seeing if they could pick up any sounds with their new-found acuteness. A moment later I rose out of bed, folding my sheets back, and I dressed myself. As yesterday it was somewhat quiet in Buraki and Shira's home. I thought about this and as I did, it then dawned on me that I never asked them for their family name, "I'll have to do that later." I thought to myself. I began walking around the house, and noticed that the two elderly cats weren't around. "Odd, I wonder where those two are." As I walked around the house I took the time to actually note the layout of the house. From the kitchen where the front door was located, there were two small corridors that stemmed off of it. The one on the right led to my room, and the bathroom. While the one on the right led to the living room, the master bedroom, and the back door as well. Walking in to the living room I took a bit of a look around. There was a small two person couch and two chair, one was against the left wall, next to a small bookshelf, while the other was against the right wall, next to a small table stand, and the couch was simply in the center of the room, right in-front of a quaint little fireplace. There was a small oak coffee table in-front of the couch, and below it was a large circular rug. It was a lush rose red, with a blue flowered pattern around the edges. After looking over the living room I decided to make my way to the front door. The bathroom wasn't worth taking a look at, as it was just dull and made of stone, and it would have been rude to rummage through the two cats bedroom. I made my way to the front door and walked out of the small house, shielding my eyes from the bright sun. I began walking down the sidewalk, taking in the fresh air as I looked up at the bright blue sky. It was a beautiful day, and the light from the sun made the town almost glow in its brilliant light. Quite the sight, but I didn't focus on it too long, as I don't normally pay to much attention to anything for long. I just walked around the town, looking around, and hoping that I could find something interesting. Other than all the odd looking inhabitants walking around, there wasn't too much. The rest of the town almost seemed to fade into a regular setting, but i didn't stop, I was sure I'd find something interesting. After a while of walking around I started to get a little tired to I walked a bit further until I came across a small wooden bench. I sat down to rest for only a moment, but suddenly my ears stood on end and my whiskers began twitching around. I had gotten this strange feeling that someone was watching me. I stood up and began walking again, when I suddenly got the feelign again. Careful not to make any sudden moves, I lightly peered over my shoulder and out of my peripheral line of sight, I could see a short character, poking their head out from behind the corner of a building and staring at me. Playing it casual, I continued walking, and the small character came out from behind the wall and began fallowing me slowly, keeping a fair distance away. I waited a moment and slowed my steps, letting them get just a bit closer. Then, turning on my heel, I spun around on the short stalker. They then quickly turned around and began running away, and as I could tell were a bit shocked by my sudden motion. I ran after them, with the hopes of an answer as to why they were following me. The stalker tried to run from me but I was too fast, and after a few moments I caught up to them. Giving one strong leap, I tackled them to the ground. "Oof!...ouch guy. Why'd you have to be so rough eh?" The stalker said, as they rubbed their head from hitting it on the ground. After a quick assessment, It was obvious that this was a boy. He was a bit younger than me from the looks of it. Another cat, but this one had a sort of greyish-white fur, and his hair was a bit on the shorter side, and a dark silver. I grabbed him by the collar of the t-shirt he had on and stood up, holding him in place. "Owowowow, not so rough eh? I'm bruised here." "Yea well that's your own fault. How about you tell me why you were stalking me?" I said, a bit annoyed by this whole interruption to my day, but it did give me something to pass the time. "Stalking? Nono, I wasn't stalking you, I was just..eh...following you secretly. That's all eh. "That would be stalking. And you look a bit young to be walking around out here by yourself." "What now? I'll have you know that I'll be living on my own in less than a year pal. I don't need someone watching me eh." "Oh really? Well you don't-" I stopped mid-sentence here and remembered that I still didn't know much about this world, so it would be a bit hasty to say much of anything further. "Well..whatever, just...come up and say hello or something next time, rather than lurking in the shadows, and will you stop saying 'eh' that's a bit annoying." "Excuse me? I'll let you know that I have a speech impediment eh." After that I wasn't sure how to reply. I felt a little like a jerk now. "Uhm...oh..alright then." "Now can you let go of my shirt eh? I need to be getting home." "Oh! Sorry about that" I let go of his shirt and let him down. He then turned around and began to walk away. "Hey wait! What's your name?" "My name? Oh it's, uh, Mikai. Now I have to go, see you around." He waved me good-bye and walked off. The whole thing just seemed kind of random and strange, but at-least it kept the day from being boring. Perhaps I would talk to him again sometime. So anyways, after I stood there for a moment, trying to fully comprehend what had just happened, I turned around, and began walking back in the direction I had been going. I walked around for a while, thinking about the recent event that had just tooken place. It had possibly been the least thing I had expected to happen that day. As I thought about it, I had suddenly realized that I let Mikai walk off without telling me why he was following me. Well whatever, I didn't worry about it and just carried on my way, taking in the mid-day sights. Now the day was some-what long, and I could go on for several chapters about it, so I think I'll sum a bit of it up for convenience. On my walk through the town, I made several stops, going by a few of the local stores and shops. I had quite a good look at some of the culture here, which was quite interesting. I also took a walk through the local park, where I sat down once again to rest on a bench. It was a lovely spot, surrounded by a few trees and flower bushes. It was a pretty colorful place, everything a lush green, speckled by the bright yellow and pink flowers. I leaned back on the bench and shut my eyes for a moment, taking in the sounds and scents of my surroundings. It was then, in that following moment, that my whiskers began to twitch and I opened my eyes. I could sense someone coming. I looked to my left, and that...that was when I saw her. My eyes widened and my ears dropped as my claws stuck out and dug deep into the bench. My entire being was humbled by her. Her body thin and slender, curved perfectly at every angle. Along with eyes that shined a brilliant deep blue, almost like sapphires, her fur was black, but shined with the brightness of a star-lit night, and her hair was a dark silver that shined like the halo of an angel as the suns light engulfed it. She wore a long glimmering dress, a deep ruby red, and it was decorated with an intricate golden pattern. The dress went just past her knees, and was split down the left and right sides, letting her thin, toned legs show. As this beautiful creature passed by the bench, I could see her head turn to me just the slightest, and our eyes made direct contact. My breath stopped, my heart ceased to beat, and my blood stood still. As she walked away I let out a long breath and slumped back into the bench. She was the most beautiful thing my eyes had ever laid eyes upon, but...What was I thinking? She isn't even a human, how could I be attracted to her? I'm not even one of them, well, at-least, I wasn't on the inside. I wasn't sure what to think of it, but I knew that one day I was going to see to it that I spoke to her. For now though, I decided to head back to the two elderly cats home. She continued to go through my mind over and over as I walked back. I just couldn't seem to stop thinking about her. I had noted every detail about her and I could picture her perfectly in my head, right down the the length of her tail and the angle of her ears. Everything about her was pure perfection, and it was a perfection that I had to know even more of. So as I finally reached the elderly couples home, I struggled to push the thoughts of her out of my head as to allow me some focus. I entered into the kitchen to be greeted by Shira. "Oh, welcome back Sachi. How was your day on the town?" She said with a warm smile. A smile that reminded me of home when I would come back from a day of exploration to be greeted by my mother. So as soon as I had entered I could smell that Shira was just finishing up with dinner, so I took a seat at the table before responding. "It was, eventful, I suppose. This is a very nice town." "Oh yes, it is a nice town. I would know, I've been living here ever since I was just a kitten." She gave out a long sigh, and looked up at the wall as if in deep thought. "I can remember so many of my younger days. I was quite the catch back then, haha, there weren't a lot of men who could walk past me without taking a second look. In fact, I can remember when i first met Buraki. He was just the shiest little thing.....Yea....those were the days. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm doing it again, I tend to lose myself when I start thinking about the past" She looked a bit embarrassed, but i just smiled at her and laughed a bit. "Oh it's alright Shira" I said, laughing a little in my words, "I don't mind listening about others pasts. It keeps me entertained, anyways" "Yes well. Oh, dinner is done. Dear, please come to the kitchen, dinner is ready!" She called out for Buraki who came slowly into the kitchen, rubbing his back and yawning. "Well that's all good, I'm pretty hungry. Disturbed my nap though." He gave out another yawn and sat at the table. Shira then fixed plates and set our meals down on the table. "Oh please, you old pussy cat. Don't tell me about naps, I've been working on dinner for the past hour." She said humorously as she sat down at the table with her own meal. "And that's exactly why I love you. Your just so generous, and I'm very thankful." Buraki said in an equally humorous and almost sarcastic way. I just stared at them, looking a little confused as to if they were joking around. "Uh, so, Buraki, I was wondering, where were you two this morning?" I asked as i began eating. "Oh, me and Shira had to go to the town hall for a council meeting." "You and Shira are on the town council?" I wasn't to familiar with this world or politics, but I was smart enough to recognize what a town council was. "Yes, we serve on it every couple of weeks to take votes on recent issues and proposals." "That's interesting I suppose. I wouldn't have guessed though. Oh, I just remembered, I never got your family name, mind telling me?" "Oh goodness! I can't believe we forgot to tell you that, hahaha, I suppose our minds have both gone bad from old age. It's Sakana, haha, I suppose that will make things a bit easier for you?" "Yes quite, thank you." After that, we all focused on our dinners, and after, Buraki offered to do the dishes for tonight and let me take it easy, as there wasn't really much to be done that day. So I simply retired to my room and layed in bed for a while, thinking about the days events. Mikai the small cat, and a magnificent beauty. For the next few days, those two encounters would be the high points of my time in this new world. Thoughts of that beautiful she-cat began rolling through my mind again as I rested there, and I closed my mind, allowing it to wander freely. After a few moments I drifted off into a deep sleep, with a soft, pleasant smile on my face. Alright guys, now it looks like i have to start writing again. Ohhhh boy, I hope my think-box holds out.
  12. Hey guys, I know a few of you already have met me but i kinda forgot to post an introduction here and wanted to post one. ^^; Check out my profile if you'd like, also I have been trying to populate the Printing Room with a story of mine so please check it out if you'd like, anyone who hasn't. Here's a link to the first chapter if anyone is interested: http://christianfurs.net/thread-2830.html And again, please check out my profile if you want to know more about me, i really love making friends and i want to make as many as I can. Thanks all for this great community ^^
  13. Alright guys I decided now would be a good time to post the 3rd chapter in my story so here goes and I hope you enjoy it. Oh and again, just ad-lib a little if you hit a part that doesn't make sense. The Lives of Happiness Chapter 3 The darkness consumed me, I was amongst nothing, standing amidst a large tunnel. I looked around, everywhere there was nothing. Until finally I noticed a light, a faint light, far at the end. I began to run, and run as fast I could, towards the light. At first it seemed as if I wasn't getting any closer at all. Finally the light began to grow, and I came closer and closer to the light. Right before I got to it, just as I reached out towards the light. I woke up, and sat in bed, confounded. "What does it mean? I'm already in a strange world, am I going insane as well?" I felt as if I didn't know anything anymore. I sat there for a few moments and let out a long yawn. Then relaxed myself as i felt that same warm light rest on my face. Then suddenly there was a knock on the door and a voice came through it. "Hey boy! Are you awake?" It was Buraki. "Uh, yea, I'm up! What is it?" "Hurry up and get dressed, we need to take you to the city hall." "Oh geez, that's right, ok just a second." I jumped from the bed and quickly threw on my clothes from yesterday, which I at that moment realized felt softer, and after a closer look i noticed that the holes that had been ripped into my clothes had been patched up. "Huh, Shira must have fixed them up for me" I thought to myself. I then went through the door and found Buraki waiting for me by the front door. "Ok you ready to go?" Buraki said, sounding as if he was somewhat in a rush. "Uhh, yea, I'm ready." With that, he opened the door and walked on out. I then followed right behind him, and as I did I was momentarily blinded from the bright light hitting my eyes. They soon adjusted and what I saw amazed me. I saw many old style looking buildings, somewhat like large cottages, but something was odd, I also saw power lines strung across the town, and there were no cars, but I did see a long cobble-stone road, which I wasn't sure what its purpose was. This entire world seem to be technologically uneven, they seemed to have advanced in electricity, and remembering the water basin from the kitchen back in Buraki's house, I assumed they didn't have underground waterways. I also assumed, that because of the wood stove and the lack of cars, they may not have advanced in the use of oil. Well anyways, I followed Buraki through the town, examining the scenery as we walked along. After the bit about technological advances, the next thing I noticed were the citizens of this world. They were all animals as well, but not just cats. There were animals of all kinds, from dogs to giraffes. I was astounded and I looked at all the inhabitants as we walked past them. A few of which looked back at me and gave me weird looks. "Haha! I suppose your not used to seeing things like them?" Buraki said, sounding only half serious, as he looked back at me and watched me examine all the other citizens. "Uhm, no, I'm not." "Well I suggest you keep your eyes to yourself, a few folks are bound to get offended if you keep looking at them like that." I just nodded and looked forward as I walked, somewhat embarrassed. After not too long we arrived at the city hall. A large white bricked building, which seemed slightly more structured than the rest of the buildings in the town. Buraki led me into the building and walked me up to a small wooden counter. Behind it was, well, all I saw them as was a deer, or a doe to be more specific. She looked up at us and began to speak. "Hello, may I help you?" Her voice sounded small and soft, it felt pleasant as the sound vibrated through my new overly sensitive ears. "Uh yes ma'am, I have a boy here who needs a citizen application" Buraki said to the doe. "Of course sir." Without much of a response she reached under the counter and pulled out a form along with a pencil. "Here you go, fill it out at your leisure and return it when you are finished." "Uhm, thank you." I said and shyly grabbed the paper from her. I sat down in a small wooden chair and began filling out the paper, The contents of which aren't worth mentioning. It was just an annoying form that I had become very familiar with by that age, that had asked many annoying questions. I finally finished filling it out, I walked back up to the doe behind the counter and handed it to her. "Here, I'm done." "Thank you, I'll just be a moment." She gave a very faint smile and walked away behind a big black door. I sat back down and simply looked around the room I was in as I waited. The room was very dull, white brick walls, a couple of small windows with not too much light shining through, which made the room look somewhat unpleasantly dim. I also noticed there was a big grey rug on the floor in-front of the wooden counter, and a potted plant in the corner. Over all the place seemed just dull, it kind of reminded me of the office from my school. About an hour later the doe came from the door and sat back down at the counter. I walked back up to her and she handed me a sheet of paper. "Here you go sir, this sheet contains all of your personnel information that you will need, welcome to the region." She said with a pleasant smile on her face. "Uhm, thank you, miss." I said. She laughed from the awkward way I said this. "Haha, please, call me Kawai." "Oh, ok, thank you Kawai." "Of course, it was a pleasure to meet you, Sachi." She let out a small giggle as she said this. I then thought and looked somewhat befuddled. "Sachi?" I asked as I looked at her quite confused. "That's your name, Sachi Kanashimi. It's the name our council decided to assign you to fit the information you provided us with. It should be written at the top of the sheet I gave you." After she said this i immediately looked down at the sheet of paper, and right at the very top it was written.....Sachi Kanashimi....So that is what I will be known by. I kind of liked the name, it had a certain ring to it. "Oh, well thank you mi- uh, Kawai" I said, a tad embarrassed from how the whole scenario was playing out. Buraki then walked up to me and placed his paw on my shoulder. "Alright boy, time to get going, you have work to do." He said to me, sounding a little smug, possibly because he was excited by the idea of someone else doing work for him for a change. Well either way I simply nodded my head and began walking with him out the door as I gave a small goodbye wave to Kawai. Buraki and I walked back to his house, and as soon as we arrived Buraki sent me to work. "Ok Sachi I have a few things for you to do today, I need you to go out back and cut wood for our fireplace and wood-stove, as well as wash the dishes, sweep the living room, bedrooms, and the kitchen, and finally we need you to go empty and clean the chamber pots." After hearing this I suddenly fell on my butt in a daze, just exhausted from thinking about all that work. My folks at home would give me chores, but i normally never had to do much. I stood back up and simply nodded, knowing that since this is my only place to go, I had no choice. So I got to work, and the first thing I decided to do was clean the dishes, as this was one of my least favorable tasks, I wanted to get it over with first. It was a bit annoying to do with all the fur on my arms, not to mention i had to pour boiled water into the basin myself, since there was apparently no such thing as running water. After a while I finally finished the dishes and then moved to the other tasks, chopping wood, and sweeping the floors, then finally, I had to clean the chamber pots. I first had to ask Buraki about it as I had no idea where they were or what they were, and I soon realized what they were once he pointed me into their bathroom. I had to clean their leavings! I wasn't happy about it, but I knew i would have to do it if I wanted to stay. So basically I had to dig a hole in the back to empty them, and then wash them out. The stench was horrible and I nearly vomited a couple times. Now that i think back to it, it was really funny, but I certainly didn't think so at the time. Anyways, it had been about six hours by the time I was done doing everything, and I had come back into the kitchen to be welcomed by a meal, prepared by Shira. Of course I had absolutely no idea what i was eating, but I didn't really care too much, I was starving from all the work, and the food tasted pretty good. There were a few vegetables and fruits, of which I had never seen before, and some kind of meat that tasted different from anything I had ever eaten. The food was all a bit indescribable, but either way, it was a good meal, and afterwards I returned to my room. It was late by this time so I decided it'd be best for me to go to sleep, so I would have energy to explore in the morning. I had no idea what things I would see and what I would find, I was just excited to be able to explore a whole new world. I dozed off to sleep as a few precious thoughts of home floated through my mind.
  14. Hello folks, i recently saw that i could really use an avatar for my page and even though i can do some decent drawing, I SUCK at drawing furries I would like to draw my own character myself one day but sadly i cant right now, so i was wondering if anyone else could? Description: Black cat with medium size pointed ears, and long silver hair. One of his eyes is a dark red while the other is grey. He wears a very long white trench-coat that has slits going up a small ways at the bottom of the arms and under it he wears a light grey T-shirt, he also wears black semi-baggy jeans and black boots that the tops are covered up by the jeans. He also wears a bright silver cross necklace on a silver chain. His general figure is tall and slender but somewhat strong looking, and i would imagine him usually found in poses that make him look depressed when he is really in deep thought. There is my challenge and i will bestest friends forever with anyone who can draw that for me :3
  15. My favorite verses of the bible :')
  16. Alright here goes folks. I got a couple of nice replies on my first chapter to I decided to post the second one. If you didn't read the first chapter yet please do as this will make no sense. The last chapter can be found here for conveniences sake: http://christianfurs.net/thread-2830.html Also note I'm not an expert proof-reader so if you come to a spot that doesn't quite make sense, try to ad-lib a little for me. The Lives of Happiness Chapter 2 The Darkness....I was surrounded, all around me there was nothing, I was floating in an endless abyss. I looked up, nothing. I looked to the left, nothing. I looked to the right, nothing. But then I looked down, and what I saw, still haunts my thoughts to this day. Creatures and monsters of indescribable nature, reaching out towards me, trying to grab at me, and I could hear their shrieks of anger, and their desire to take me, and my very soul. I could see, as ones arm, shot up from below, and just as it grabbed me, I awoke, in fear, but I did not scream. "Where...am I?" was my first thought. I looked around, and I was in a small wooden room, in a bed. There was a window with a bright light that was shining down on my face. It was warm, and pleasant. I looked across the room, and there was a door on the other side. Although I wasn't to quick to get up, as I was still exhausted from last night...wait, "What happened?" I thought. All I could really remember was passing out on the forest floor. I tried to remember what happened, but it was no use. Though at the moment, I was more concerned as to where I was, and how I got here. I sat and pondered for a moment, and then a scent hit my nose. A delightful smell, and it somewhat reminded me of my mothers pancakes, oh what I wouldn't have done for one of those at that time. Slowly, I stood up, and I rubbed my eyes...it took a moment...but then...I looked down at my hands...they weren't mine. "My...my hands...are these my hands? They don't...even look like hands...they look like...paws." I looked behind me, and that was when I noticed a mirror next to the bed, so I walked up to it and... "What, the..." It wasn't me. It. Wasn't even human. At-least, I didn't think it was. It looked human, but it looked like an animal, a cat...a black cat. I moved my hands around as I watched the mirror, not believing that, that was me. I looked behind me, and I saw a tail, I grabbed it, and held it up in-front of my face. "Wh-wh-what?....AHH!" I screamed in terror, not knowing what was going on, or what had happened to me. That was when two people...or...creatures I should say, barged in through the door. I quickly turned around and stared in amazement and fear. "What are you?! Get away from me! Don't come closer!" I panicked, climbing onto the bed, and pressing my back to the wall, wishing that this was all just a dream, a mad dream. But it wasn't, it was real, which I learned when I felt a spike of pain from accidentally pulling on my tail in my moment of fear. It wasn't until a moment later that I realized that those two creatures were talking, and realized what they were saying. "Calm down, what are you scared of?" Said the first. "Yes please, stop screaming, it's not like we're going to eat you, you'll wake the neighbors" Said the second. I stopped, and looked down, on closer inspection, I now saw that the first figure was a female, and the second was a male. I slowly slid my back down the wall and huddled up in the corner on the bed. "Wh-where...am I? What...are you? And...what...am I?" I stuttered out. They offered a hand, or, a paw I should say, which I cautiously took. They led me through the door, and into an old fashioned looking kitchen. It was a bit odd though, the things in the kitchen looked, uneven, and by which i mean, technology wise. I noticed a telephone, a modern looking fridge, and lighting on the ceiling and walls. Although there were older things, like a wood stove, and a basin rather than a sink. Regardless, I sat down at the little table they had in the middle of the room. "So tell us" The male said, as he poured some sort of liquid into a wooden cup."Where are you from? And who are you?" He handed me the cup and I took a sip from it. It was quite pleasant actually, it was warm and sweet, and it made me feel much more calm. I took another drink and began to slowly speak. "Well...it's...a long story." "Yes well, we have a lot of time, so feel free to speak all you wish" Said the female, as she tended around the kitchen, pretending not to pay much notice to what we were doing. So I began to speak, and we sat there for quite some time as I began with who I was, and recollected the events that led up to where I am, as best I could, ending with me passing out on the forest floor. "Hmm, I see" Said the male, although I really doubt he believed me, "Well it sounds to me like you fell in here from a different world, as I have never seen or heard of anything quite like what you've described." "A different world?" I said out-loud "Ok, but, how did I get into your house?" I asked them. They took one quick glance at each-other and then the male looked at me and told me. Apparently, they had been taking a very early morning stroll through the forest, when they came across me laying on the ground passed out. They couldn't allow themselves to just leave me there, so they picked me up, carried me to their house, and layed me in the bed, after attending to the cuts and scrapes on my arms and legs. "Oh, well I'm grateful that you would help me." I said to them with a small smile on my face. "Of course" Said the male, "Me and my wife are very generous, and we enjoy helping others, oh, which reminds me. My name is Buraki, and my wife's is Shira. We didn't quite get your name yet, would you mind telling us?" "Oh, um, ok, my name is...uh" I sat there for a moment, shooken up from all that has happened. "What-now?" He pointed his ear towards me, "Come on now, don't be shy." "Dear! don't rush the boy, he just met us after all." Said Shira, looking somewhat annoyed at her husbands behavior. "Sorry, very well, you don't have to tell us now, feel free to when you get more comfortable." Buraki then grabbed my cup and filled it for me. I gladly took it, and drank from it for a second before speaking again, trying to think, using the drink to stall time for a moment. "Um, thank you, yes, maybe later." I said to them, with a somewhat grateful expression on my face, but in all honesty. I couldn't remember my name! Something I had been with for sixteen years, and I, couldn't, remember it. What had happened to me? Well anyways, I was never one to give much thought to things, so I simply remained calm, and carried on, just assuming it would come back to me. "So, I assume, that since you don't come from this world. You don't have a home?" Buraki asked, in a somewhat smart way, sounding more like he was humoring me than really asking, while keeping his eyes off his wife, hoping she wouldn't chew him out again for being rude. So, I simply shook my head in response, gripping my cup a little harder now, as thoughts about what was to come began to rush through my head. "Well that's no good. I suppose we can't just leave you out on the street. Hmm...Shira my love, would it be alright if we let this boy stay here for a while, until he can get out on his own?" Buraki asked his wife, almost with a begging expression. I somewhat chuckled a little inside, watching the reaction on her face when he asked that. "Well dear, how are we supposed to take care of him? It's not like we don't already have enough to do with just ourselves, and we aren't exactly rich you know" Shira replied, and I could see that as much as she wanted to help, she didn't really think it was a good idea. "Haha, don't worry, I'll go find him a job first thing, and we could use the extra help around the house, as you and me aren't exactly young anymore" Buraki argued. After saying that his wife gave out a bit of a sigh, and reluctantly agreed to let me stay. I was a little concerned about this, as I had no idea how this world worked, and on top of that, it was very strange to have someone I didn't know helping me. So after that, they offered to make me some food, but I declined, not being very hungry after all the confusing things that have happened. They told me that they would take me down to the city hall the next morning to have me documented as a citizen, and apparently I would be given a name there too. Neither of these was I too thrilled about, but I came to the conclusion that it would make things a bit easier for me. So, I simply agreed to it, and went to bed, having a lot on my mind to think about. "Well, at-least having a name will be nice, until I remember my real one that is."
  17. I'll have to put up chapter 2 then it looks like I think I'll wait until I get some more feedback first though
  18. Ok, so here I go, just adding yet another piece to the community. This is a story I started working on well over a year ago, and only wrote up to chapter 4. It was soon after that point that I had temporarily left the furry fandom so I had given up on the story. I did save what I had so far though, so I thought I would start by posting the first chapter up. If you all enjoy it, then I will post more. If I get to chapter 4 posted up, then I may think of starting the story back up. Though it's been a long time since I last worked on it, so it would take me some time. So alright then, here you go. (Also note I was never sure of the title of my story) The Lives of Hapiness Chapter. 1 May 7th, 2010.... Heh, it seems like such a long time ago, but it feels like it's been centuries since then. Back then, when I was a completely different person. I was no different than any other back then, and I always thought that nothing special would ever happen in my life. Life, began and ended, but one time, and that was all I knew. It wasn't until a while after, that I learned differently. I am here now, to tell you the story of my life, and to document the events that made it so special. So let's begin shall we? First of all, you should know who I was as a child. I was a bit of an awkward kid, fourteen years old and not a friend to speak of. Though I was to conceited to care, see I was more of a lone wolf and usually thwarted anyone's attempts at trying to get to know me. It's quite funny now that I think about, but you can't really change what's already happened. Well, anyways, so other than that I was just a normal child. I went to school and did various teenage things, I never really thought that I'd amount to anything. My parents weren't really that supportive either, I mean, they were good parents that did their best, and taught me right from wrong, and all the other things parents are supposed to, but they just never really thought that I would have much of a future. My mother was actually the one that wished more for me, while my father didn't really care much for how I lived my life. So I lived it the way I wanted, and eventually, I just ended up cutting myself off from other people. I just thought I was too cool for others, and quite the jerk. If what happened on that day hadn't happened, I don't know where I'd be now. So again, May 7th, 2010, that was the day it happened, a nice and sunny Nebraskan day. I woke up that morning, got dressed, and decided to skip my shower that day, I didn't care to much for personal hygiene. It was a Friday, and I only cared about getting school over with so I could start my weekend, I specifically remember my breakfast that morning. My mother made the best pancakes I'd ever taste, just thinking about them makes my mouth water. They almost made the rest of the day seem unimportant, or just a little bit more bearable. Anyways, after breakfast I ran out the door and headed towards school. Thankfully we only lived a small ways from the school so I usually just walked there.So when I finally arrived, I just did what I normally did, slacked off. Everything else was the same to, I got taunted and teased by the school's jocks and preps, while barely managing to stay awake in any my classes. School wasn't that important though, it was afterwards that was. We had this huge forest near the edge of town and every weekend I would go out there and explore for hours. I loved the feel of adventuring through new places, and seeing new things out in nature,, even though no one else could tell you that I did. I usually didn't find anything to out of the ordinary while I was out there, but this day was special. The first thing I did after school, was run home, inform my parents I was going out, and I grabbed my makeshift survival bag that I put together several weeks ago, in-case I ran into any trouble in the woods. It was about five when I finally reached the forest, and thanks to the long row of guidelines I had set up to help me explore the forest more quickly, I was able to travel much further than I usually did. Nearly half an hour into the forest, I had traveled probably three times further in than I had before. I wasn't done yet, anxious to see where the forest ended, I kept trudging on through the forest, letting the time fly past me as I took in the sounds and smells of the area. Quite calming and serene, very different from other things I had experienced. Finally I began to notice it was getting darker out, and I looked down at my watch. It was nine-o-clock! I couldn't believe time had gone by so fast, and at first I thought I should head home and return tomorrow. Though, I was getting this strange feeling inside me, like something was telling me to continue on. After a few moments of thought, I figured that I might as well keep going since I had already gone so far. So I did, I turned back to the direction I had been going and continued. After awhile it had gotten quite dark, but luckily I had made plans for traveling in the dark a while back, and I had made sure to put myself together some things for a torch. Out of my bag, I pulled some thick fabric that I had, "found", in the art room at school, and some lighter fluid, along with a lighter my dad let me borrow. I picked up the nearest, strong looking branch I could find, wrapped the fabric around it, poured some lighter fluid on it, and lit it up. Now the space around me was quite sufficiently illuminated, and this made it a lot easier for me to see. I continued on for quite a while, but as far as I went, the forest never seemed to end. It went on and on, and a couple times I thought I was going in circles. I wouldn't give up though, I had gone to far for that. A large portion of time had passed, and I was starting to get tired. I let a large yawn roll pass my lips, and I could feel my eyes water as I squinted them. I then decided that I'd rest for just a moment, so I sat down, propped my torch up, and closed my eyes. Though it wasn't long before I heard a strange sound coming from the forest. I quickly opened my eyes, stood up, and began to scan around the surrounding area, and just as my gaze went past a tree a few yards away, I saw a shadow quickly disappear behind it, followed by the sound of something running through the leaves. I thought that it might have been a person at first, because the shadow was quite tall. Then I saw it again, it bolted between two trees. "No" it couldn't be a person, the way it moved was more hunched and a bit awkward, and why would someone other than me be out here anyways. Either way, I wasn't sure what this thing was, and I really didn't want to know. I picked up my torch and again I saw it bolt past me, but this time, it was a bit closer, and I was able to see that it's head was somewhat animal shaped. Now I was certain that whatever this was, it wasn't human. I turned and began to run, as fast as I possibly could. Not one time did I look back over my shoulder, in fear that, whatever that thing was, was chasing me. I pushed myself to run faster and faster, I ran until by legs felt like they were on fire, and all the while, branches and brush from the forest, scraping against my body, leaving a couple small cuts on my arms and legs. After I had ran so far, I finally gave out and dropped. It had felt like I was running for hours, but I suppose that's what adrenaline can do to you. I turned around and saw that there wasn't anything there, whatever was back there, was gone now. Slowly, I got up, and started to wobble along, barely managing to stand. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a cave, so I walked over to it. "Strange" I thought to myself, I never thought that there would be any caves out here, especially as big as this. The entrance was at-least nine feet high, and it was pitch black. I very eagerly wanted to explore it, but I had dropped my torch while I was running. I wouldn't let that stop me though, I pulled out my lighter, and decided to use that to guide my way. Not as illuminating as a torch, but it worked. I slowly guided my way through with my hand on one wall of the cave, careful not to trip on anything. I had been walking through the cave for some time, and still it seemed to have no end, it was just amazing how big the cave was. I was starting to feel an ache in my feet, so I sat down on a strangely flat rock on the ground. I rested there for a few moments, when I suddenly could feel the ground giving way. I stood up and held my lighter out, to see the rock I was sitting on going into the ground, and I was just about to move when the ground opened up beneath my feat and I plummeted probably fifteen feet to hard ground below. I can still remember the pain now, as I screamed in agony, I thought I was going to pass out. After a few moments though, I gathered myself round, and amazingly was able to get back to my feet. I looked up and found that there was no way I could get back up so I would have to go down this new tunnel before me. Unfortunately I couldn't find my lighter so I was forced to continue on into the darkness. Further and further I crawled down the tunnel, so i couldn't fall, keeping a hand against the wall, and there seemed to be no signs of an end, although the tunnel was at-least easier to move down. It now seemed flatter than before, almost in a perfect square, it must've been man made, as no caves in nature are like this. I seemed to crawl for hours when finally, I saw a light, but it was by no means and end to the tunnel. I came to what seemed to be a small shrine, and left of it was a path that went further, but for the moment I was more interested in what I had found. Why were these lanterns lit? They seemed old, and dusty, like they must have been down here for quite a long time. Was there someone here not long ago? I didn't know what to think as I examined this small place, and suddenly I noticed a small statue on the shrine, only about a foot in height. It was made of pure gold, and was in the image of a fierce looking feline. I wasn't sure what species it was though, I had never seen a cat like it before. The most notable detail though, was it's eyes, they were deep red rubies, and it was almost hypnotizing to stare at them as they shined in the light. I thought I should just go, but, it felt as if the statue was....calling out to me, I'm not sure how to explain it. Some, unknown entity, seemed to force my hand to slowly reach out, and touch it. When I did, the eyes of the statue lit up with blinding ferocity, everything around me being enveloped in a brilliant red. Soon though, I had opened my eyes to find the color had become a beautiful shade of sapphire, unlike anything I had seen before. Then, out of the light, came a figure, and I stood up at the sight of it, as if without free will. The figure walked to me, and as it got closer, I realized that the figure, was me. Only something was different about it, but because of the blinding light, I couldn't quite tell what it was. That was when the figure, stretched out it's arms, and reached into my chest. A spike of pain went through my body, unlike anything I had ever felt before, as it slowly pulled itself into my body. Once it had disappeared, the light faded, and I collapsed on the ground. The pain was excruciating, but I couldn't stay where I was, so with willpower alone, I forced myself to my knees, and began to crawl down the path near the shrine. It was then after a long time of crawling, I finally saw the light of the moon at the end of the tunnel. I made my way only but a foot outside the mouth of the cave, when my head began to pound, and it felt as if my skull was going to break open. My body could no longer take the strain, and I collapsed on the ground for the final time that night. The light of the moon faded, and the world became black as I fell into a state of unconsciousness.
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