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Galantine Knight Misticore

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Everything posted by Galantine Knight Misticore

  1. oh you mean the 1.2.5.... yeah i miss the crafting bench III... Sorry i thought you were saying you didn't like the tekkit at all... Well we started a new map so you wont be hard pressed about trying to catch up its completely fresh so if you really want to join pooty then just post your minecraft username and ill add you... sorry about the nagging ive been overcritical lately got a lot on my mind starting college and working as a pizza delivery guy, hope you forgive me...
  2. Well yeah, but I like the old way better. And my want to play minecraft is really small, now that there is so much stuff, and the land generator sucks... In my opinion, they ruined it =/ Allow your Tekkit launcher to use more than just 1 GM of ram then..... Also the mod is continuelly updated for better gameplay.. look it sounds like you allready hate tekkit so go make your own thread about it cause im trying to get people to play on my server not hear your.... :dodgy: nagging...
  3. well riddle kat was able to connect and it is still open for anyone else who wants to join
  4. Yeah what I did by accident was put my internal IP which I was connecting to rather then my external IP which is what was causing your connection issues Riddle KAT It should be working now and I am on steam if you have a problem
  5. were you able to see the server? I accepted your friends request on steam oh dang give me a second i put wrong ip address hang on OK it should be working now with that IP cause I accidentally did the wrong settings in the server properties. So Try it now... is the correct IP
  6. I had to update the server because the launcher updated so its back on... seams like they lowered the uranium EU count so instead of giving you 6 diamonds it only gives you half a diamond. Feel free to post any problems with connecting here I will check on them consistently
  7. Server IP is Send me a message and Ill get you whitelisted along with your minecraft account name... You will need this launcher... http://www.technicpack.net/ (just open it and run it by entering in your minecraft information and then select tekkit 3 to launch) Also there is a cool texture pack you can find in here. If you need help just ask... http://bdcraft.net/ Rules are that of any other server just don't be a problem to others and you will be fine. I also pretty much figured out most of the Tekkit pack, but still have a lot to learn. Ill be on to assist if you have trouble and all I expect from you guys is just to have fun and Tekkit things in survival mode, if you want creative mode you can do that on your own through the Tekkit single player in case your trying to figure something out.
  8. If anyone is into tekkit I have a server running for that. Just ask and Ill get you white listed with the server address sent to you.
  9. (been so busy and had writers block sorry guys) "Its just that Christy is going to College and I'm not sure about..." Mom cut me off, "Look I know how much Christy means to you but distance is hard to deal with." She was looking at me with a soft smile under her specks. She continued, "You could try to write her, people in love always stayed in touch that way. I remember writing to a boyfriend I had three states away, and even though he dated someone else after his move, he still wrote back. when I went to college he dated me right away. I don't know if Christy will still want to be with you, but she seems to have just college on her mind and I bet she will wait a while before being involved again. Maybe writing letters is the best thing for her right now." I felt better however worried, "Thanks mom I'll try that." I walked back upstairs and found a notebook with a few pages left. I thought of something to write to her, perhaps a poem would do. However i ended up doodling a dragon riding a roller coaster and eating people in the front row. The next few minutes revolved me falling asleep. I fell asleep easily and thought of a poem as it rolled off my tongue. Then it occurred that I should be writing down what was coming out of my lips!! I panicked and began writing on a fresh page... "Dear Christy what sweet love I have My heart burns with fire and runs deep down my eyes.... Wait that doesn't sound good let me try this again... "Dear Christy Your love is a sailing ship Yet I hold onto the shore of my emotion I see you sailing past the horizon Gone from my... Hmmm what to write next... Gone from my existence? ....Existence, Yet I cling to your reflection It smiles at me in the waters blowing a kiss that burns deep within my heart. Christy don't leave me alone in... crying... wailing... misery yes that is the word! ...my misery for I shall wait until your ships sails back again to change my heart back to.... I cant think of a way to finish the poem... my mind cleared...Oh boy this is going to be hard. To change my heart from.. ice to water... yes, yes!! to change my heart from ice to water for it will make me melt in your arms! Awesome I got a nice one... but what if she doesn't like it?
  10. Well chaps I finally got a minecraft server to handle the SDK Gun Mod and the THX helicopter mod on that Survival Games 2 Map, I am trying to run some tests and also bring in others who are not Furry, so if you wish to jump on with me I'd be happy to white list you... Now before you can be white listed you must have the mods on your client in order for it to work... First you need the gun mods for the SDK 1.2.5 and the mod loader with the mod loader MP After you have that installed to the minecraft jar file you also need to install just the helicopter THX mod into the jar and then punch in my IP address that i will message you, to save me from trolls But anyway here is how I would run the server... Every time at the start of a new week I will reload the map bran spanken new!!! This will keep people from hoarding weapons and trying to limit the fun of others and will also make a fresh new map to blow up to your hearts content... also the spawn area will be neutral and helicopters provided by using wood to craft them and you can also make weapons from creative mode which I can individually swap or just provide a big chest of them that you can take. Then you fly out of the spawn area with your weapons and just fight for food land and base control. During this whole week of fighting people will enjoy free fighting and just having fun... Also if I'm not around and you die, well sorry but your just going to have to make your own weapons and I'm sure there is a way to do this on the SDK (not sure I have to check) but at least for an attack helicopter you only need 6 pieces of wood. Again I am only trying to test the performance of this new server and try different settings, please remember that this is not a commitment on my part unless it is fun for me so don't disappoint me by spamming or using inappropriate languages, cause that will easily give you a boot and it will certainly cause me to not host a server for a longer time.... As far as griefing goes, you can try to impress me by setting booby traps killing people without hax and having a good time... Griefing is in fact encouraged cause this is a survival war based server and not a pansy wagon caring a baby.. You will get sniped, dragged, beaten, and killed... and if you complain I will boot you as well unless it is a legitimate unfairness and I see multiple unfair deaths telling me someone is spawn killing and then I will boot the appropriate abuser from the white list. Also please stay inside the glass dome, I don't have time to fly outside and see whats going on, so if your killed outside the dome trying to build a base, sorry your loss not my fault and if you hoard weapons and they get stolen, then its your fault for leaving them lying around. Also I am still busy with my own life so if I don't get back to you in a timely manner go find something else to do cause that means I'm busy... Alright I think that pretty much settles it and if you kill me when you know I'm trying to do server stuff such as provide weapons and answer questions.... don't test me cause ill just boot you for annoyance. GLHF!! Also this is a nonprofit server its my own creative have fun so just join and all credits of enjoyment gained I give credit to SDK and THX as well as the creater of Survival Games 2 world
  11. The walk home was short and I soon found myself on my doorstep. A swift knock and a dangle of the door knob allowed me in to a dark house. My mom was away, probably with her sowing team of girlfriends all wearing salon styles and decorative nails. The pinch of heat coming from a nearby furnace tells me that she had left in a hurry, leaving two of her mutts to drag along the floor their mop like bodies. They were chipsu the lion dog, yah as if they could chew up a soap bar. The little critters barked for attention and I stumbled past them avoiding the glass dishes left out by my two older sisters. My room was dank with the smell of dirty laundry piling up on the floor. I jumped onto the messy bed feeling the sheets being sunbaked but now cooling off to the cold breeze coming from the open window. I turned my head to my Xbox and thought of a game that would interest me. Halo would bring me juicy kills, a strategy game to make me think, or a dumb role-play of slaughtering helpless villagers… The time ticked by, but I was already yelling into my headset at some doofas for team killing. Nothing seemed fair… It wasn’t long before I heard the back door slam shut and my sisters with her boyfriend’s start heading to their rooms. Each of them called to each other across the hall about some movies they had just seen… However I knew that soon they would be busy in their own worlds not remembering a boy they once knew hiding upstairs bored to death. And it made me think of a girl I once had… That made the Xbox go off! With me crying on the bed thinking about Christy. Her face was harder to picture now more than ever and I didn’t want to forget. I curled myself up into a ball just thinking about her words that she said to me and repeated them depressingly over and over again. Thoughts of suicide began to build up but I quickly blocked them out! I wasn’t going to do that again, after my parents divorced, besides it wouldn’t get Christy to me any faster and she still might take me back when I go to college. The world however only seemed more unfair when I heard my Mom calling me out of my room as her mutts barked and danced around her, “Curtis did you do any of your chores!” I yelled back, “For the love of… I just got done with school for the summer can u possibly wait till tomorrow jeesh!” “Don’t you have that tone with me young man!” After her brief silence I heard her going off on my sisters who no doubtedly got caught on the sofas with locked lips. All my mother did after work was yell, but soon she would be sitting in the sofa enjoying a nice book or watching TV. I always liked my mother at this point; she was easier to talk to as well. So I walk downstairs and try to give her a hint with my depressed look. Of course her mind was elsewhere and I cleared my throat to bring up one of her eyes. “What is it?” She asked as she put her eye back into her book.
  12. http://christianfurs.net/thread-4526.html Here is the second book, I know its not much to let you know what happened to John but this is how the second one starts... Rest assured though its not called American Furry for nothing
  13. My journey home was depressing. The next minute seemed to slow the world, yet I felt a pat on my back. It woke me up to realize Joseph and Ben had caught up with me, my fellow peers with their silly smiles. We decided to head for the park first and figure out how we should enjoy our summer. That was when Allison crossed our paths. She was a geek from our chess club. She seemed happy from afar but then we realized she was kind of upset, the idea of having to go back and live with her dad was sinking in. It was some weird custody issue that her divorced family had. However Ben tried to brighten her mood, “How’s your dad Allison?” She turned an eye to him under her black rectangle specks to reply, “Oh it’s just you know, not fun.” Allison loved being with her mom, so it was easy to see that being with her father only on summers dragged her down. So we walked along as Ben and Allison tried to talk about it, that’s when Joseph started to spout out different ideas he had, “We could do that one experiment you know! The electrolysis experiment where we make burning gas from water!” Joseph goes on and on about chemistry. He was always that kid that makes you want to jump out of the room while he held some sodium over water. But aside from his manic behavior he was always fun to do new ideas with. One time we had a blast making a rocket powered sled from fireworks in the winter. It worked for about 10 seconds until it exploded at the bottom of the hill. This brought a smile to my face and I remember running from authorities to get home before we were caught. I replied to Joseph, “Yes let’s make something explode! I sure could use it…” My thoughts were still on Christy, my heart was the sled, and it had exploded down the cold damp hill smoldering in ashes and snow. Was I really just in for a short ride with her? Just to get by the years dating? We often talked about future plans… Now it all seems so fruitless and just wishful thinking. Ben noticed my sadness and tried to complement me. It was in his nature to try and keep us all in a positive attitude. “Oh you know Curtis that she still loves you! You can’t help that she graduates this year, maybe when you’re out of school you can go to college with her!” I laughed at the thought, Ben always made me smile. He lived with his family as an only child. Always loved and cared for with his father being a famous writer. They had no troubles in the world, just continuing down life’s happy road. We reached the park and decided to ride in the swings talk about upcoming video games and see if my mom would allow us all to stay the night. It was when Allison heard her father’s Harley that she got up and waved us a silent goodbye. She walked to her father who handed her a helmet as they rode off down main street. It was usually the sign of our parting, and besides we were all hungry and had no money except for Ben who offered, “Hey lets go to Frosty’s and get some shakes what you guys say?” I could see his eagerness… That’s the downside of being an only child. His father was always in his study listening to moving music as he writes while his mother watches reality TV. However I knew that my favorite anime had just come out, and my mother wanted me home to help cook. I replied, “Nah I got to head back but Joseph is free." Joseph looked back and replied, “Nah I’m sorry but my sister’s birthday is tomorrow and I promised to be home early and it’s already late.” Ben replied somewhat down, “OK but make sure you guys are over on Monday OK? We still having that sleep over, and Allison is coming.” I was surprised by that… the idea of a girl sleeping over with three other boys, then again Ben’s parents were really nice and have a spare bedroom. Not to mention I’m sure Allison would do anything for her dad to escape for a night. I got up and waved my goodbye as I stroll back home just a few blocks down.
  14. Chapter One Ceremonial Parting It was early afternoon time for school to end as I watch the clock slowly tick away above Miss Burma’s head. She just finished talking about summer school opportunities… Of course the rest of the class wasn’t interested… Except in that last tick of the clock and closely anticipating the next one to follow. My name is Curtis, I’m starting to regret these last few minutes. Knowing that she would no longer attend my school… Christy my senior girlfriend, it was all I can think about as those last seconds ticked down till the bell rang in our ears! Suddenly my heart jumped in my chest! We all scrambled for the door as I tried to make it to Christy’s locker which was at one of the furthest lockers in the school. It was sheer mayhem! Everyone was in a hurry to leave with pounding feet and shouts is heard down the halls. I tried to run in between speeding human stampedes and hugged the sides of the halls to try and get past everyone. I caught a glance of her shutting the locker with her smooth fingers and reached down to pick up her backpack. She turned with her hair shining to great my eyes with her beautiful smooth perfect lips. I had to count the seconds but could only count the passing bodies as she called my name and held out her hand graciously to me. Each step was like the gentle folding of butterfly wings. I tried to steady myself when her hand touched the side of my neck. The warmth of my skin enveloped itself within her cool touch and I smiled wide and closed my eyes. When I reopened them she said it so innocently, “Goodbye Curtis, I’ll see you at college.” She didn’t want to kiss me or tell me how much she wanted me to drop my last two years and go with her… She only did what seemed to make sense… She started college in August and she was going to be too busy working to save money for the trip. I cried at that moment and gave her a hug, the last hug that I would give her, she then spoke in my ear, “Hey… Its ok you can come to my graduation at my grandma’s house. Everyone knows your welcome there.” That’s exactly what I want to do… Go to the ceremony of our blessed parting! However I try to grimace a smile, and say weakly, “I’ll be there.” She then turned and left. I placed my hand on her locker for support… Knowing that my seconds with her have escaped me just like the clicking of the clock, it was a so short and yet felt like eternity.
  15. Yes I love the way you did the ears the amount of balance the character has and proportion is just stunning thank you so much!
  16. Oh WOW! It looks awesome I love it!!! Thank you so much and it didn't take long at all!
  17. When I saw that my Story had 4,200 views I was shocked! I....I just could not emphasize how much that all means to me! Thank you... thank you all who have read... Ive been busy with getting married and loosing my job and switching jobs that... I'm sorry that you are all hanging on a limb so to be fair I am going to make this point here as the end of the first book and I will start with the second book in the next few days and have a lot for you all to read. Thank you for all the support and the views thank you all very much!
  18. I'd be interested but I warn you I am heavily a first person writer because I try to write as if I am the character itself... Not saying I use my own personality to write the character, instead I sort of try to act out a character... This gets rid of ridiculous puns and cliches that effect the reader, and allow a more in depth approach to helping the reader develop a more serious attachment to the character. Ive actually been considering writing with someone for a long time now! I have two separate novels totaling 600 pages size twelve font no double space. Along with too many shorts to count, I'd average about 100 shorts. I've taken creative writing classes in college and have fulfilled all the English electives for a bachelors. Not to mention I'm very outspoken never too afraid to surprise a reader. So to sum it all up for you, I want to try writing with someone else cause I read books of collaborative writing and the character mix up is astounding compared to the character mix up of solo writing. There is more air to breath, less controversy, plus moral support to avoid writing blocks. I've also been in many role plays and shared my work in American Furry, a story that I suffer a writers block in for the time being do to other ideas that pop in my already overly obsessive thinking. I know that right now some readers may be surprised to know I'm interested in something like this. So if you want feedback from the writing as well I might be of help with that should anyone consider writing with me. Sorry for the wall of text but this is just to show you that the size of a word document doesn't scare me its the lack of dedication that does. Also I'm currently unemployed at the moment so my time is fully available! I bet I could have most of my portion done within 2 weeks or at least have enough to share... Also I have some ideas in my head but who knows it may work in your favor and it may not. If your looking for a specialty in a writer I would say that I am great at being shocking and horrific. I love writing stuff like acting out the evil doctor or the crazy mad scientist... Its the best way to clean the air of the protagonist writing and try some in depth villain writing for the hero's arch nemesis. Also Ira and Alric if you already feel like you've got enough inspiration and team work I wish the best for you both! VC I know we write a lot together so if Alric doesn't want to work with you then I will! We could start our own private role play and develop it into a novel what you say?
  19. Ohhhh.... thats to bad..... X-Box RULES! LOL
  20. Gamertag Avolanty, going to be playing new Armored Core 5 when it comes out Also a Halo Wars and all other Halo games and BF3
  21. Well I just feel that a game should do something other then test you patience it should be fun!
  22. Welcome to the forums Hope u enjoy your time here
  23. I don't like games where you have to do ridiculous tactics just to win, it should be like Halo 3 where u have to drive on an exploding superstructure and dodge debris in only a few minutes where the warthog can mess u up easily, it should be frustrating but not too ridiculous where your chances are better if you waste 3 hours of your life just to get an easy 100 or more one ups... Sorry but I hate Sonic even, it went on this idea that the only way to win was to have reflexes of a mutant cat on a sugar high that would melt your brain! Its too ridiculously fast! Now Zelda that was a decent game, simple puzzle solving with some melee combat and bow work, old school and interesting.
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